We’ve seen the new scoring systems that Blizzard is coming up with for M+. To me what is needed is some way to keep players accountable.
There is NO ramifications at the moment for screwing over other people whether it is in Rated BGs or M+.
People who excuse the behaviour of leaving the moment anything becomes frustrating or inconvenient for them in a M+ for example, have no reason to behave otherwise because there is no social ramification for doing so.
The kind of players I want are not just the good players, it’s the ones that stay. In fact, i’d take the people who play to the end and recognise that they are playing with OTHER people on whom there are consequences, over people who have done a dungeon 1 higher level.
It doesn’t need to be too elaborate, but a very simple rating or reporting mechanism to encourage good behaviour would do a lot to take the worst aspects of the internet out of wow, and re-introduce the best aspects of society/community into it.
The people who complain the most about it will always always be those that excuse selfish behaviour that is at the expense of others