Introducing the Trading Post!

Just scrap BMAH and put all things from there into trading post
you can thank me later blizzard

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Good idea, BMAH has millions of bots patrolling it so you don’t have a fair chance at all.

or atleast put the mystery boxes as a option to buy with tender.

As i’ve seen some people here argue wether some old skill based rewards should be included the solution to that problem could be to set a a requirement on those items on top of just the token price. So for something like a glad mount you need to actually have achieved glad rank to buy it.

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I think that’s fair tbh.

But what about things like Plagued protodrake and the black protodrake? iirc the achivements are still there.

I do not think we will see gla mounts. Not when the founder of Elitist J himself is the lead designer
But letting later glads get old glad mounts is not a bad idea

They can do that now for example with m+
we have right now 1 dungeon from MoP and one from WoD so they can reintroduce those 2 challange modes rewards and do a big achievments over course of seasons
like complete all these dungeons during season and when you complete all MoP you will get Tmog set from challange modes and when you do WOD achiev you will get weapon skins
I would like that at least we can work towards cool rewards from the past
I would even bring back mage tower weapon skins and let people do it
More content = more fun in game

Bring it back and let people work towards those rewards in current season
There is no harm
and if someone is going to Scream that OMG but it’s MY special MOUNT
chill it’s a game more content for people to do more money for blizzard

I’d prefer a way to transmog a big selection of the original mounts onto them.
Just use the ones first that are easier to ‘convert’, meaning; mounts with wings and such.

Ooh this pretty please. I have a lot of drakes and this would be a good use for them. I’m already imagening my onyxian drake like that.

I’d prefer if not all flying or ground mounts had the same abilities. As for your first comment I think every mount should look like the current dragonriding mounts, one single customisable mount (with the old mounts being able to be picked as a full transformation).

Pleasehelp, I can not get accesa

Thank god that you cant. Thank god those kind of rewards won’t be seen on trading post.

then you spend 50 years farming the currency to buy a single toy :smiley:

Tell me when this is on live… It isnt even on ptr yet ?XD

They need BMAH as a gold sink so no they will not thank you at all.

let me guess u can buy the coins/tokens for IRL cash new system to milk the whales for their money :rofl:

I wouldn’t mind that as long as there is a way to grind the coins ingame.

they sayd it’s in winter, so it’s gonna be soon y’all!


Given 500 if you have a subscription (which you have to pick up ingame).
And another 500 you earn ingame through a large variety of activities.

The popular speculation is end of januari/early february.

Speculation, yes. ik.
it’s reasonable to drop it at those dates, or mby they drop it early. Who knows :man_shrugging: