Introducing the Trading Post!

Seems like a really awesome addition to the game. As a collector, I’m really looking forward to this. I hope the activities you have to do are fun and mix new and old content. Makes grinding that much fun.

I wonder though, will people who bought items in the shop get a refund when they buy them in the Traders Post? Seems fair to me when you sell stuff that is claimed to be exclusive to the shop and then becomes not.

I was wondering about this. I think they’ll avoid items still in the shop, but I’d be a bit miffed if the now-retired mounts I bought in the recent sale suddenly popped up for free in 10.0.5.

In the article they mention that the trader’s post can contain items from the shop and even past promotions. So it seems people can get them for free and even those that are retired.

Hmmm that sounds like it could be a job for the small claims court. If Blizz advertise a mount in the store on the basis of it possibly never being available again, and then it pops up for free a few weeks later in-game, I think that counts as false advertising no matter how many * they put and how much small print there was at the time.

When will the Trading Post appear in game?

The Trading Post has a few references to february, so likely the end of january or the first wednesday of february.

Edit: 25’th of January or the 1’st of February.


i hope trade post is p2w becurse there will be players what want to collect everything in trade post and if they can’t they will be super toxic about it

that’s the worst idea i’ve ever heard ngl.

works in ESO and new world and GW2 it will work in wow
u buy resorce for irl money what is some kind of coin or tokens and that u use to buy trasmogs and mounts …

i already pay a monthly sub, and i have to pay more to get something in game? no, that’s not good at all.

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blizzard dont need sub on wow peoples buys store mounts and wow tokens to get boosts …
every like 6th month blizzard add new store mount players are like eww i hate store mounts what happends ? they buy it. So did other 1 mill players gg blizzard made 25 mill on first day …

so remove the sub it is not needed

if they remove the sub then your idea could be fine, but we all know blizz won’t remove it.

the greed of money of blizzard is messed up :smiley:

So on the screenshot I see items in price range of 900, 2x750, 600…

and we can earn 500+500 MONTHLY

Well now, thats not enough is it? Why do we need to be timegated on every little thing in this game all the time?

i saw also items that cost only 100. i think the mindset is that some items will cost more since they are “Cooler” or something, and others will cost less.

Personally, i’m only intrested in Ragnaros Flare and The hammer from those rewards (wich i hope are the first month 1s)

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robo, where did you see the trading post rewards?

the mount is 900 coins but if u get 1000 coins whats max u besicly get 2 mounts …
then monthly reword mount + 900 coin mount :stuck_out_tongue:

self iam only intrested in the 650 coins trasmog :stuck_out_tongue:

1st of feb.

That’s the idea… Since it’ll be rotating stock, you’ll need to make a choice, but the items will come around again at some point. You can also ‘freeze’ one item on the list and take it into the next month. So there’s that.

There’s also the lingering issue of: Are we getting the 500 coins as a bonus mentioned in this post (so we’d have 1500 coins in the first month) or is that basically just the original ‘free’ 500 coins every month disguised as ‘a special extra’.

Yeah, it’s all subjective I suppose. I think the ‘big ticket items’ I’ve seen so far are actually less interesting than the cheaper ones. So I guess I’m going to buy several smaller things instead of a mount I don’t want.

on PTR the trading post is (or was) avaiable to test and it showed some rewards ^^ i saw it from a video.

Do we at least retain our point that we do not use the previous month?