Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Hi, can you make a livestream with thousands of players instead and let them write questions and vote via pigeonhole for the most important ones? Gathering 100 players from the community will distort the community opinion and is kinda non-egalitarianistic.

Best regards.

sincerely all these things are too dispersive and unfocused.
A sort of council isnt a bad idea.

Its the same difference between a direct democracy with all the ppl involved and a parliament like England after glorious revolution

That is why I also said in an earlier post a Q+A type thing, where people could post also with their opinions/fears on a subject.

If people in the Council are blamed/hunted, then we need to see moderator action that is swift in stopping it.

Better option is to send to every playing player a questionnaire because they never get single one(You only get them if you stop paying sub).

Simple option make a poll where can onle respond customers who have played game with minimum two months subscribtion. For answearing you will be rewarding with pet or mount so more players willl do it even if they are lazy.

Doing council where is 100 people from over 2 milinos players is not a briliant idea.

This is the only reason I have a slight amount of optimism.

They simply cannot afford to keep going the way they are, they’ve lost half their player base this expansion, they’ve lost many of their big streamers to other games and they’re no longer the MMO king and that’s with shadowlands being a second bad expansion in a row.

Another WoD/BFA/Shadowlands will be the death of them, they can no longer afford to keep that " we know better than you all " attitude that they currently have.

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Why 2 months? Why not only those that have a 6 month sub? In fact let’s go all out and only let those players who started to play in Vanilla give a view?

I’m sorry, why are we being so restrictive on players, a new player who has only played a short time on a monthly sub could not possibly have any new/fresh ideas?

Having players from all demographics (regardless of their sub time) is a fair approach I think.

My point exactly, in the past it may not have worked, today I think it has a good chance of working, circumstances change :slight_smile:

Because month is too short time to learn every aspect of game. So in my opinion one month is minimum game time that you need to taste everything in game.
For example what kind of suggestion can give you trial player compare to some one who is player with subscription for a month and have max level?

Oh wait, so now you want to “talk” to the community?

I forget, wasn’t it recently you asked for feedback on Shadowlands while in it’s Alpha and Beta and you basically disregarded all of the feed back and concern about Conduits, Covenants and other systems and assured us it’s going to great and work out well.

But then upon launch everything that you were warned about happened and now you’re stuck playing catch up on another expansion. You refused to accept what people were saying through what I can only imagine was arrogance towards your own creations and Ideas, now look where we are, again. You did the exact same thing with BFA too when warned about the Azerite armour of various community members and it doesn’t look like you learnt a damn thing from that situation. Yet another expansion where the players pay for the Dev’s to fix problems they created themselves and were even warned about.

The game doesn’t need a council, it needs Dev’s that will listen to the feedback off the community without bias or arrogance towards their own designs. Where ever that kind of behaviour comes from is where the change is needed, no where else.

But you have many players on a monthly sub who have played the game for years!!!

Edit: I think I am maybe misunderstanding you. Are you saying 2 months recurrent sub, so played for at least 2 months since they first bought the game?

Or somebody who has played the game in the last two months? I am not sure I quite understand.

Emje you probably don’t understand me. I mean every player who was playing a game with two or more month of subscription in game lifetime!
For example if you was playing for month in 2005 and in 2016 you still can give suggestions. If you have played 2 months in 2021 you stil lcan give suggestions. If you jsut started playing then you cannot give suggestion. You see my point of view?

Yes, I apologise, I did edit my response as I thought that I maybe misunderstood you :slight_smile:

Oh hey appreciate linking my thread, cheers ^^
And aye, hope some of this can get forwarded cause it would really do a whole lotta good for the health or roleplay overall.

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They could do that as well, but a questionnaire doesn’t encourage discussion or debate like this council will, at least not a visible one outside of dev meetings that we have no insight to and therefore have absolutely no clue if they have even seen those questionnaires or not.

I know you say 100 out of 2m is not enough but every 12 months another 100 get their chance to be the council and each council still engages with the rest of the playerbase whether that is here on the forum, on social media or in game via their guilds and communities, and can use that to make 100 into 10000+ voices.

They wouldn’t be speaking for only themselves but for the entire community where you can see them and discuss it on the general forums too.


I have check that council requirments. To join you must be content creator, and most of them lick Blizzard balls.

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Where does it say that?

From OP

  • Submissions are open to any player interested in taking part in the program.

No you don’t, you just need to be part of the community including posting on the forums giving feedback here or being helpful.

Why spread the lie that you need to be a content creator when loads of people who aren’t content creators have already applied :joy:

Literally just being a decent forum poster like Emje is qualification to apply! (sorry Emje you are one of the nicest forum posters we have so I’m using you as an example)


if the community council members are supposed to report about the opinions of the players, those opinions are already on the forum, fully accessible to blizz, with hundreds of players debating each position.
what they needed was a team of CMs to check the forums (both US and EU) daily, and report popular opinions/trends to the devs and keep a pulse of the community opinions overall.
but CMs require a salary, community council members do not.
I doubt it will be anything more than an echochamber with most community representatives bringing their own bias/activism to the table.
If blizz had any real intention to listen to feedback they would have listened to feedback already, and the expansion would not have been released in alpha state reaching an acceptable level of polish in 9.1.5

Lovely thing to say and I thank you :kissing_heart: but I definitely will not be applying. They need people who are willing to stick at this and work at a result, I am not sure I will be playing for that length of time to be fair.

I think you miss the overall point a little,

Yeah, but this enables the council members to interact in smaller discussions (less noisy) about things and directly with the devs. There is far less chance of derailment and rows and discussions going so far south they end up partying in the maw.

They have that, it’s part of the CMs job. However the community has also asked for the Devs to talk to them directly, to post on the forums and give confirmation that they are actually listening to their feedback, this would be the safest way of doing that without a lot of the more colourful members of our forum attacking them.

Why? Do you know everyone who has applied and know their motivations and personalities? That seems like a rather judgemental attack on people tbh.

You are welcome :smiley:

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