Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

But in the past they had no need to listen, that is the point I have been trying to make all along, they were doing well and were happy to continue as they saw fit. Now some will argue they have a right to develop the game as they wish, this is also true, but when your numbers drop and profit is not so high, that is the turning point. This is what makes them think oh maybe we were wrong/arrogant/ignorant/negligent (pick which one you like, I have seen them all expressed by people).

The fact is that NOW is the best time that this could happen, it is that time when they must listen to feedback or lose even more of the playerbase :wink:

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What are the criteria for selecting someone?
Will they be forced to post on their main char, so that we can check their progress, rather than just some random alt they can hide behind?
Why is there a private discussion?
How many of them will there be?
Arent the forums precisely this … without the cloak and dagger?

my government did this too, hand picked 100 people from “around the country, broad vista of opinions aand backgrounds etc” but they were all handpicked pro-current-government and all advocated to keep on this track. These 100 handpicked people were given advisers to the government status. Even now, they form opinions and blindly agree with everything the government say and are completely and utterly worthless. It turned out, after an independent newspaper investigation trying to identifying them, that 14 of them were top-end government officials neighbours with 6 of them from the same street.

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are you saying that this is what is about to happen here? the Blizzard shadow government only picking their neighbors is a troubling thought indeed. probably no one will suspect it so they can keep doing as they please while claiming they are listening to the community feedback. very sneaky


kind of the same for me honestly, i don’t think i have the commitment required to stick to that kind of role if they do go forward with this. (with other reasons which i already stated mainly it going against my morals to apply for something which is silencing a lot of people.)

i’m just not that into wow as i used to be.

And that’s fine, I understand that people are not so in love with WoW as they maybe once were. I am in that camp myself lol

It doesn’t stop me though from seeing the positives in it and hoping (yeah I am an optimist) that it brings positive changes and gives us in future an awesome game that we can all come back and love :slight_smile:


that is why i’m still around after all these years as well.

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I’m afraid so.

I mean, we aren’t terrible or anything, but the people they most need to listen to are never even going to hear of this “Council”.

“The Council will decide your fate” :smiley:

I think you would be great for it myself .

Thing that annoy’s me the most is the people who are most vocal about it will not take part in it .
Would be great if they actually stood by there views and signed up for it and made there voices heard instead of making post after post discussing the idea and yet not wanting to take part .

There is a couple posters i dislike greatly but i still think there views would be good for the council and they are very vocal in this thread ,maybe stand up and be counted and do some work instead of venting about it and doing nothing about it when you have the chance to join .

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I have applied. I shall be WoW’s saviour. So worry not mortals!


You have my vote, oh great one.

Really lets you know how well Blizzard handles anything these days when apparently the NA maintenance(For which Classic doesn’t really have a patch but is also down for) has been extended twice, from 2 hours to 6 hours now.

Another point on this is how ineffectually rules for the game and forums are even applied and how few tickets actually get solved on first response along with having such a long wait time. Blues already had to admit that low amounts of reports don’t really get investigated very often(IE only in cases it gets a high vote count/visibility somewhere else to push their attention to it).

So far I have seen zero improvement in any of the areas that I was disappointed with which just makes it all feel so much worse. Quarterly earning’s call here but they didn’t meet a bunch of the demands that were listed for the company itself either.

Seems like no one left at the company really knows how to work in their own positions very well, and we continue to see stuff like this while they promote all kinds of changes that the ‘devs want’ while trying their hardest not to give players stuff they asked for or reverting promised changes.

Not to mention, the community itself doesn’t really get any choice or debate for who gets nominated for the Community Council. Seeing someone on it that I would highly disagree with on viewpoints for aspects of the game would actually serve to have the effect of not making me feel like my feedback is at any point heard or actually listened to.

Also, creating more little ‘circles’ for people to group themselves into along with having special access to devs and the like only makes the matter worse of favoritism which I already highly disagreed with in regards to ‘influencers’.


It’s been like that since forever; the US version is the beta for the EU version.

Who do you mean Grainne? I am not asking to name specific people, but is it some type of demographic for example? I am curious :slight_smile:

Or maintenance is working correctly and turns up issues with and then being tended to. The point of maintenance is to perform checks on physical and logical systems and swap out, repair, revert or restore as required.

Some times things are discovered (as per the maintenance schedule) and actions are taken.
It being extended during a scheduled period is showing that it is working.

Not particularly, especially when there was zero patch for said game… Further, two hours is already an hour ahead of their usual estimation. Usual maintenance is 15-30 minutes. Classic has no patch, so there’s really no reason for the increased downtime.

Furthermore, you going to point out all the issues they supposedly ‘found’ that it’s good they’re being ‘found and fixed’.

Further, the fact they’ve had to extend their ‘estimations’ twice is indeed a bad thing because it shows they were wrong, twice.

IE, whoever’s job it was to keep it at 2 hours at most failed.

Another thing I hate which I suspect Community Council will do a lot of, is defending the indefensible like you’re doing here.


How the hell do you know? you are talking nonsense now.

im saying theyll pick all their supporters, give them new accounts to post under so we wont be able to find out who they are and will use this forum to pander and ignore everyone and do whatever theyre planning to do anyway. Its a common political trick to persuade the prolls they matter.

Sorry, you’re the one doing that not me. Failure to meet a time line for a ‘routine maintenance’ with no patch should not turn into a 6 hour+ maintenance usually reserved for .5 or 1.0 patches.

They give no reasoning outside of ‘scheduled maintenance’ except - they’ve passed their ‘scheduled maintenance’ window without ever giving any reasoning there either. Failure of communication and failure to meet their time limit. That’s really multiple positions that failed their jobs.

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Supplying different points of view is not ‘defending the indefensible’. Because that ‘indefensible’ thing in your eyes, might be completely acceptable to someone else.
Sure there are some things that are generally frowned upon across most of ‘western civilization’, but even there you have other views from other thinking civilizations.

Besides; the things that would truly be deemed ‘indefensible’ on a nearly ‘universal level’, probably have nothing to do with the game World of Warcraft.