Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council


i would pick Puny for the council on count of the many helpful replies towards my questions
curious is puny a guy or a girl? serious question just curious
and oh yes that this person clearly has hc raiding experience+helpful replies to give credit
very interested to see how this will go anyways


Why not just hire some Community managers to do this? Oh wait… then they would actually have to pay people to do it instead of having people do it for free


While her tweets are absolutely vile and reek of racism i have to point out that she isnt part of Blizzard company wise. However her NPC still needs to get either erased or you be able to kill said NPC. PR wise the former is probably a lot smarter. That assumes that said NPC wasnt part of her contract tho since then they couldnt do anything erase wise.


i mean…maybe read your forums that were created for feedback???HELLO?
There’s plenty of feedback YOU STILL IGNORE IT…lol.


It’s very easy to test. If they invite good people and they suggest good things then it’s either get ignored, probably till 10.3 or it will get some traction to be implemented even in 10.0 :wink: Or they will invite very narrow group of people that will praise everything…


Sometimes its worth taking a step back and see the opportunity, instead of always being skeptical, negative, bringing up the past etc. Do not look at Blizzard as the enemy all the time. Trust me I have had my frustration and tolerance hit many times, but try to accept the past or at least save some of that energy for something better.

I think this is another good step in the right direction. Having a channel with great dialog between players and developers that is open for everyone to read is good overall. I hope that it opens for more rapid topics and chats about different topics. How it will be used to improve the game is the next step, but as a player we should not do not shut the idea down instantly just because our frustration about this “they don’t listen to feedback”.

If you read, any forum posts today, people are a bit too emotionally invested. I think this could filter out many of the posts that is not valid when it comes to feedback and ideas.

Examples of what I mean:

A developer or player wants to talk about Legacy Raids and how X could benefit the player base. They create this thread because they have an idea they believe is an all-around quality of life, which they hope others would like. They ask the community, “What do you people think”?

A great discussion would be why X is great for the players, but also discuss the side effect. Perhaps it is too effective and make Legacy raids obsolete too quickly. However – just because an idea has a few negative sides you can try to take a step back look at the positives and negative sides and try to make the idea work in another way. Most ideas is not perfect on the first try especially in a big game like WoW where you have to consider many things.

What I usually see on the forums is a few good posts, and a lot of attacks and derailing from the topic.

  • “Did you hear what a employ from Blizzard said on twitter!?”

  • “Why bother, they won’t listen”

  • “The developers are idiots and lazy”

It bring nothing to the table and it is annoying and demotivating, even as a player I’m feed up about this random comments everywhere – and it’s not that they are wrong, it’s not because I don’t agree with some of them – it’s that it ruins the good and healthy conversation.

Anyway – I am all for this idea and I hope to see good topics and more blue posts in the future. What I think it benefits the most from is more rapid and personal blue posts that feels like we are discussing with real people and not a corporation. I hope players and developers can create good ideas together and not be an (players) attacking vs (Blizzard) defending but a solid conversation where both parties are open for why something is good or bad for the game.


I will be a benevolent and kind, yet sarcastic Overlord…

empty virtue signaling, nothing will be done with the feedback you provide.


If they can get this part right, I think it can only benefit the game/playerbase.

We all talk about not being heard/listened to, they are giving us what we ask for :slight_smile:


They supposedly want feedback, not phonebooks…


This is great, I am fairly sure you will get some great players to give insightful comments.

Having read the last interview of Ion, I hope sincerely that cross faction guilds and cross faction pve content is coming soon.


She is a woman :slight_smile:


ah nice thank you for the quick response
would be great if she could represent us on the council maybe the casuals and the forum posters?
because she has the raiding experience and is very helpful if you want to ask a question
thats wishful thinkng and all but i am really curious who will be chosen from the players?

good luck everyone

They probably won’t tell everyone who is on the council? I can imagine the people getting attacked if they say something other people disagree with.

Joking on the side, this indeed looks interesting.I wish prosperous co-operation for participants.


Curious to see how this will develop :thinking:


Assuming they actually go through with it and actually listen (I’m pushing X to doubt), it would be a good thing. No matter who gets in even, it can’t be worse than the current selfish devs that changes things merely on their own whims.


Blizzard will now have 2 forums to completely ignore feedback on! Great idea. This will either be actually helpful to improve wow, or will end in dumpster fire.


Sounds great! I hope we can get some representation for the Roleplay community on the council as well. It often feels overlooked.

It gives off the right tone so far for me. I hope we can get a good representative council. It’s not an easy position to be in, being a Dev. Reading general community feedback involves sifting through a lot of hatred and irrelevant stuff, and what you find may not be representative. So right now streamers and Youtubers have the biggest voice instead. Which isn’t always quite representative either.

So yeah, I hope this program is very successful.