Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

this will be fun to watch lets see how it goes


If my game was in the dumpster I would be listening to feedback as well. Regardless of what information you may be provided, you won’t know what to do with it, because it has become obvious that most of the developers don’t even play their own game, otherwise we wouldn’t be dealing with numerous frustrating and time wasting situations in the first place.

There is enough material for you to start digging through, just pay attention to your own forums and one of dozens community hubs for five minutes a day and you will notice your biggest failures.

You’re only inviting pre-approved community figures who will offer most exposure to your product, right? If so, the wow forums could be closed down right now as these people will be hounded day and night by crazy twitter folk, I assume with no financial compensation at all. Such a great deal, lets see how long they last.

She’s not even a developer (just a writer who I don’t even think is actually a part of the story team and only wrote some of the WoW books) and I don’t think her tweets were aimed at the WoW playerbase in particular. It’s fair enough if you dislike her or disapprove of what she said, but it was not a case of a WoW developer insulting their playerbase.

“Yo Ion. Brigante has started typing”

“Ion: Ok. Lemme grab some coffee, prepare the dinner and do my taxes”

“You think we get a response that fast?”


I am hoping for the best cause at least on paper this sounds like a really good step forward.
Hopefully the people that end up being selected will be diverse and are able to be a voice for as many players and parts of the community as possible, regardless if it concerns raiding and m+, casual questing or roleplay.

A healthy discussion should make for better understanding of what can and can’t be done, and how to improve as many aspects as possible in a way that one feature doesn’t butcher all other ideas along the way if it ends up being to time consuming.


This is genuinely a good idea and is a concrete step towards regaining what has been squandered, player trust.

This does not mean player trust will be reclaimed simply by having these discussions, the infamous Preach interivew prior to Shadowlands launch where Preach comprehensively dismantled Ion’s argument and the devs still pressed ahead with their design vision still casts a shadow. This needs to be a genuine engagement with the player base rather than an opportunity to restate why we are approaching the game incorrectly.

Still, if this is applied in the spirit we hope it is intended it may lead to some positive outcomes.


I want there to be face to face discussions for current content with devs and player as much as the next guy, but something I’d really like is if some(one) got selected and could speak for the more nicher areas like old world content (ex. Old world gathering/professions). Something to make it relevant to max level players, more than just farming dungeons and raids for transmog. I want it to be the WORLD of warcraft.


Those niches can be selected in the application.

They will select people from all areas of the game, of that im not afraid. Im however highly curious who they pick. Are they going to pick yay sayers or are they also willing to pick people like Deja and others that state what they think without sugarcoating it in regards of what is going wrong with the game in their opinion.

IF they only pick yay sayers (emphasis on if) then i will pay this council no mind as its worthless from the get go.


Oh I absolutely agree, if anything the other mmos have all had their own solutions on how to keep older content relevant with varying degrees of success. But it is something to take notes from.
WoW should be more than the latest zone, cause so much that now gets overlooked took a lot of time to work on and i am sure the developers and artists and everyone who worked hard on designing and creating what we got would enjoy their work being showcased rather than put on a shelf to gather dust.

Maybe polish it up a little here and there and make everything feel more coherent and large/connected again.
WoW is colorful and vibrant and has so many neat little spots you probably didn’t even notice were there before… that’s what makes it fun even after nearly 17 years.

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How convenient - this happens just as I gave up.

Does anybody want me to give it a shot? I could do it but… darn.

This has been done before as I recall, but the forum goers were ignored and flamed and grew to despise the developers.

You pinky swear not to do that again Blizz?

I’m going to need some moral support if I am to head into this one. And that’s of course assuming I get selected even if I do.


110% on this, what’s the point of having a council if that was the case.

Yeah, there’s 15 years of content there just sitting around rolling thumbs. Just some wild suggestions for changes could be; 1 - 60 leveling, maybe extending the M+ system to expansions previous than legion, old raid scaling with new cosmetic rewards (like how the are re-introducing the mage tower with new appearances). Maybe an item that lets you scale profession gear to current level? (I know that they tried this with the relic of the past gems but it goes up to a whopping 54 ilvl (level 47) >_>)

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puhleese, they will accept only do-gooders who like complimenting(also another verb that uses tongue) blizzard’s boots instead of being critical and actually doing any good

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It’s pretty easy to be negative about past events, but the reality of the MMO market and other areas are shifting.

I’ve been posting less because I felt the constant focusing on WoW as it is now was making me feel down, that being combined with friends having left for other games. I’m sticking with the game though and doing things different. Re-figuring out what I enjoy and looking forward to things getting better.

I couldn’t see myself jumping into another MMO after all of my time with WoW and ever increasing age :sweat_smile:

Glass half full kind of person these days says you’ve got a chance, now make the most of it and don’t blow it, even for those who’ve left, there is still a toe in door just in case things turn around. Don’t blow the opportunity Blizzard, invite people from all walks of the game, open dialogue, people will wait on a product if feedback is being seen to be heard.

And that is why I said they must get the selection process right, if what you say is the case, then the process itself is seen as flawed and they lose more goodwill with the playerbase.

They shouldn’t pick on the popularity of any poster, they need to look at the applicant’s history and pick those people that are passionate about their areas of expertise and who can be critical about the current designs.

To me though they also need to temper this with reason, we all have parts of the game we love or hate, but anybody they choose can’t just shout out ‘bias’ or ‘hate’, they need people to be reasonable and open to discussion, or it will just end up like the forums themselves, people flaming each other :wink:


I don’t think there’s any danger of that. Unreasonable people like that are few and far between. You barely ever see them.


I will give Retributor his due though, he is passionate about the Alliance and wanting to improve the faction divide, and I do think they would need representatives on these issues too :slight_smile:

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There was a time that I would have jumped at this chance. That time has passed; I have absolutely no faith in the idea that any of the relevant feedback given will cause change for the better. Not that I’d get invited now anyway, even if I wanted to, considering I’ve had very little positive to say lately.

So here’s to those still naive enough to think this’ll work and sign up for it: for what it’s worth, I hope you get to prove me and the other jaded, cynical bastards wrong.



Were keen on the raiding side. The devs have put nearly all their stock into M+ now. Raiders have been among those most expressing alienation, and leaving, this expansion.

Yeah. I reckon about half of the active playerbase doesn’t engage with the intended endgame at all, at any level. What we see on the forums, and MMO-C, and among the talking heads in the moving pictures are representative of maybe 20% of the players.

Well, it will certainly be interesting to see how this turns out. I was inicially extremely excited upon hearing this, but reading the replies, I’m not extremely sure.