Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

I mean i did apply. I will be declined for more than obvious reasons tho but meh. So ye if you want just do it.

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People dismissing it before it even starts , as much as i dislike how things are done in game blizzard can not win to many negative people not willing to give it a chance.


If that’s how you feel then that is how you feel, I am not trying to change people’s views, that would be impossible. I am just giving my own :wink:

To be honest I would not apply either, I really cannot stress enough how much I HATE Shadowlands. I am only back to play TBC for a nostalgia hit and also just for something to play until other games I am interested in come out. But, I have always loved WoW, despite having breaks, if this community ends up bringing us a future great expansion, then I would come back and be grateful to those that helped.

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I really hope so, would be nice to play with my friends again.

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I don’t think it comes down to ‘‘dismissing before it starts’’ but ‘‘We’ve heard this all before’’ this is basically player feedback with extra steps and people have been scorn to many times in the past.

Especially if we consider that there was a forum that served a similar purpose and someone from within there leaked that the players that were chosen to post in it were basically ignored and treated with disrespect. Given that the benefit of the doubt privilege is currently void.

I understand that after nearly 17years but some of the comments are really not needed . People complain and rightly so not enough input or debate with Blizzard and now we are giving a chance people who do not even play it or basically negative about it 24/7 are making comments being dismissive already.

They are many problems in many area’s of the game thats why they need a wide choice of players . For example i would pick

Brig for RP reasons
Kretías for Raid reasons
Ishayo for Immersion reasons
Puny for being level headed and calm and she plays a wide region of the game from raids to mogs and everything in between.
Grianne as well for leveling and scaleing idea’s and thoughts .

They are people who i would not want to see there as there narrative is narrowminded and foolish.

Edited for name and spelling*


They didn’t put any restrictions on the process Odrihm, if they had said prior ‘bad acts’ would count against people I would understand your reluctance, but nothing has been said of this, like I said I hope it’s a clean slate to start. You are a reasonable poster, if it interests you, give it a try :slight_smile:

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Whos this Krit and whats his progress?

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Miss spelling sorry so tired :frowning:

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Well…I submitted an application didn’t I so. I don’t expect anything to come of it, who who knows… “Link your Armoury” “Are you for real, I’ve got 12 characters on Argent Dawn alone! Here, have Brigante’s, and that’s my RP Gear!”

Like the saying goes, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”.


Wish you luck i would put in for it but but seems i am in the top 3 most hated and most stabbed in the back poster on the forums i would be on to a loser .

Ye i just linked my main since they mainly asked for that anyhow. I also stated they specifically wont like my post history on the forums in regards of Blizzard. And im not going to sugarcoat anything i would say.


It wouldn’t be you if you did :slightly_smiling_face:


Pointless PR fluff. You were given all sorts of feedback.

The issue is not feedback. The issue is developer arrogance. You’ve hired second rate developers because your salaries and treatment of employees have been awful. These developers seem to think because they’ve been handed the keys to the house they’re rockstars who can do no wrong.

The kinds of people who in response to complaints about censorship post stupid remarks like “WE wanted it”.

Until you resolve the arrogant developers issue, and the lack of talent issue, what’s the point?

There were secret theorycrafting forums until developers got too arrogant to listen to that after GC left.

Hire talented people. Fire your creeps. Fire your overly sensitive arrogant talentless developers. How can you keep people like Danuser who does an awful job - narrative is literally one of the worst things about the game right now. Move Ion back to lead raid designer, you’ve promoted him to Game Director and as per Peter principle it’s not worked.


Finally I can get in direct touch with Ion instead of having my ideas forwarded through a blue, cut out the middleman.

The main problem has been that thus far, they have not listened, even when it wasn’t just pure spite thrown their way - which is partly why it ended up the way it did. I’d love to believe this’ll be different, but…

… this isn’t the first time this move has been made, and last time, it allegedly didn’t work out. I wasn’t part of it nor did I pay a whole lot of attention to it because of that, however from what I heard it wasn’t exactly a successful endeavor because the community still felt ignored.

Here’s to hoping it’s different this time, but I don’t quite believe in it.


But on a serious note (and if you appreciate the irony of saying ‘serious note’) I would like to apply if they had a section for “adding silly stuff” and “what is that all about!?!” moments, like players suddenly coming across a gathering of draenei all standing around a telescope or goblins running a charity shop, night elves trying to start a fire fighting service and looking for volunteers who practice on burning trees and houses. Murlocs holding battle training demos for other murlocs using swordfish as weapons.

You get the drift. Moments when youre walking by, or flying by, catches your eye and you say… “hmm… Whats going on here”

That kinda thing. I miss all the little jokes that devs used to put in, game has lost that imo…


This is true it did not work and they did not listen also another problem is the players they used only came from top end raiding and PVP not a wide demographic of the whole player base . So even though they were not listened to they only focused on those aspect’s .
If this system is to work they needs to be players from a wide demographe raiding high and low same with pvp also players from open world play and other aspect’s .

Which is why I feel very underqualified to even begin to think of applying. Ive played wow a long time but my main area of expertise (such as it is) is LFR and old stuff.

Not exactly a primary concern.