Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

How do you know you would not be invited? You are defeated before you have tried?

If any of the passion for the game remains, then I say go for it :slight_smile:

I think calling some of the current developers (not necessarily those in the video of course) “SJW trash plucked from Twitter with no development skills” isn’t earning me any brownie points.


Hah, no double posting this time? Ah, posted by an actual community manager rather than a spambot.

If you look at what they are trying to do though, it is like a clean slate, they are saying they are willing to listen. If people go into that selection process with the intent of flaming the Devs, throwing out insults or threats, then why the hell would they listen?

And that is why I said people must go into it with open minds too, the players need to be reasonable and put forward their requests without flaming the devs or each other, it’s not that hard to be civil, most of us do it in real life, it’s just a skill that some lose when they enter the forums :wink:


I am actually genuinely tempted to put in for this, from an RP’er perspective.

Unfortunately some of them were most directly and specifically attacking white chaps who play WoW, I believe the phrase was “Did I hurt your feelsies? Go away and play another game”

Bit juvenile, but she’s not that smart.

She is however a contracted writer, and not a Blizzard Developer.


When I start typing I imagine people hearing the N’zoth Warbringer’s Drum music on loop…

I might actually. I am seriously thinking about it, but RP is my niche, not Raiding or PvP, so it probably would need others.

Be assured, I would tell them exactly what was wrong, and there is a lot.

(So I’d probably lose the job in a week :stuck_out_tongue: )


I hear there’s a thriving RPer community in Goldshire, could be interesting to hear their perspectives too maybe?

It does seem like they’re asking for a very broad player representation, not just endgame players.

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There is no RP in Goldshire, all you hear is ‘Ziiiiip’

I actually might. If it can make just one aspect of the game better…then…sure, why not?


oh my poor inoccent child, you don’t know the pettiness levels in this sort of environment /circles lol

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Brigante has started typing…commencing theme music


Oh I do Retributor, I have been in similar situations (related to work not gaming). I am not an innocent, I am far from a child lol, but yeah I think if we start off believing it can’t work, then I promise you it won’t work.

If players are willing to give up their time and put in the effort, what have they lost? If the Blizzard members of this Community Council don’t listen and it’s a PR exercise, they lose even more of the players’ goodwill and let’s be honest, they really can’t afford to lose any more at this stage.

But what if they did listen? What if people could get past the pettiness levels and it helped create an awesome future expansion? I guess I am an optimist at heart, for me I hope it works :wink:


I don’t know how you do it. WTB optimism.


is it just me or does this sound like it will most likely end up just being a personal echo chamber.


Bah humbug :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, don’t you want it to work? I think deep down most people who have always loved WoW would want it to work. I know a lot are jaded, I am myself, but that doesn’t stop me hoping that it could :wink:

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Oh I definitely hope they’re serious about it, that it’s a real thing. But given their track record, well…


I think if they get the right people in it won’t. What they are looking for is diverse enough that for me it could never be an echo chamber.

You know one of the first people I thought of as well was Tah, I mean the passion they have for open world content, it doesn’t matter to me that we may not agree on all points, it matters to me that they will bring that aspect into the discussion.


Oh i am so tempted to put my name down… Think of the fun I could have moulding WoW into my ima… err…

The community needs my help…


For example. Pet battling to replace raiding as principal form of gearing up. No more raid drama, go battle those critters!

That is -EXACTLY- the music I meant, that I am spookily listening to at the minute whilst writing some plot for spooky tribal wild elves who drum to freak out their enemies for a LARP plot!

On point Sir/Madame, on Point!

Whaddya reckon, should I go at it from an RP player perspective?

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I want it to be a success more than anything, i love wow and almost everything about it, played for many years and i really want it to succeed…but as of late i honestly feel defeated and mostly ignored and i think I’m safe in saying I’m not alone in this. this is a nice gesture but i can’t help but shake the feeling that this will just ring hollow like everything else and i hate it.

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yes and I will go on the ingame food and drink and other consumables perspective

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I’m not even gonna try to be on the council, considering I got suspended for “toxicity” in Overwatch multiple times I doubt I’ll have ever have a fair chance.