Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

I would hope that the roleplayers voice was heard as well. But I how they make choices that reflect all levels of play, even from within the roleplaying community.

I want a diverse panel to emerge, where people have sound debates that might be taken into account by the developers.


And there are no other solo players who copy paste builds or solo pug?

I am not trying to change your mind here Odrihm, but I do think that a ‘rounded view’ for them would need people who play solo and lead the ‘pug life’ too. How else would they know how the game works for such people and what parts they think would change?

For me if you are passionate about an area within the game and think you can bring something to the table so to speak, then I would say apply if you wish.

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I hadn’t thought of that to be honest Airadax, I hope it’s a good mix they choose.

I’m sorry but I have to burst your pessimistic bubble. The “content” they are asking for can be as simple as a post in the forums.

Look, I understand the mistrust in Blizzard. We’ve all seen what’s been happening the last several years both in their games and behind closed doors. But this could change things for the better. And the only way it has a chance is if we at least try to be optimistic about it.


My mind instantly went to this.

But times change I suppose, given the turbulent current situation maybe worth another try?

This is why a good mix, hopefully the Community Council will all be listened to. And if people do start to harass members who have a different view, then do they really belong on the Council? I would say not.

If you mean the remaining playerbase would do this, then yeah I can see your point, but that is on the mods to stamp down on. A reasonable critique is fine, people can and always will have different views and disagree with each other, but they can do this in a civil manner :slight_smile:

This is great until you get to question 13. Then you may as well of just flicked through twitch and YouTube yourselves and picked X Y Z people you like the look off.

Looking forward to the mutual destruction this is going to cause and can safely say further bigger rip to the under represented races and classes which already get minimal to no love, this is your grave or that’s my 5 cents but Iook forward to seeing where it goes, reminds me of the league partnership program to a lesser degree

I’m certain the Mods would crack down heavily on bickering council members.

Yes, I meant those on the outside looking in. Be they immature trolls or fanatics who dislike differing opinions, there will likely be people who will harass the council members. And I don’t mean just on the forums but in-game as well.

Sigh… I’m fed up with Blizzard thinking youtubers/streamers are the only ones with voices.


whats wrong with normal forum?
u dont like what u read here?

Blizzard are asking for any content. Something as simple as a forum post.


To be fair Liliith I doubt they could find that many people now that are 100% shilling for the game. They have lost a lot of good faith with the playerbase and they need to earn it back, I think they now realise that the name of Blizzard or World of Warcraft are no longer enough as it was in the past. They need this Council to work just as much as the playerbase does, it isn’t a one-sided thing anymore.


Not just content, but “contributions to the community”. Feedback and forum posts are also outlined as valid entries.


lol must be nice tobe so delusional

all they want is to build small army of 100 shilling small youtubers/ streamers now that all big streamers are gone . and to promote them so they promote their game

they dont care about playerbase at all. they lost ton of exposure and want to rebuild it.


A vote for Twiluna is a vote for a better forum experience!


I’ll be interested to see how this works out. Whether it genuinely is what it says on the tin, or whether this will be a case of “well the Community Council said as much on the matter, so really, any dissatisfaction is on the players themselves.”

I’m a hopeful cynic at this point, regardless of how much of an oxymoron that might be.


For all the pro players here, yes I think this is a good idea, I am skeptical tho will they listen? Biggest question. Who will they pick? Are there casuals, hardcore players? High m+ players or raider, or people that just play the world content? But now for the so called I know it better player tell me which expansion was rlly good at the launch? NONE

Hopefully it’ll be a mixed bag of players. Hardcore, casual, lore nerds, and class theorycrafters - the lot. Assuming this is genuinely a platform where Devs connect with the playerbase, we’ll want just about every segment of our community represented.


I also hope they will pick a really mixed bag of players. I also hope that the people who are picked will contribute with interesting discussions for us to read.