Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Technically nothing, but let’s be real 95% of activity on these forums consists of trolling, personal disputes, gender studies, wisdom wars, aka not game related things.


Haven’t you got another game to make up that you played?

Community Council “We asked for X”
Blizzard “We heard you and thought Y was better”
Community Council “We asked for this”
Blizzard “We thought that was better”
Community Council “We didn’t think it would be good for the game”
Blizzard “We thought it would be good for the game”
Community Council "But…but…
Blizzard “We know best”

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Honestly, a person that’s genuinely salty about the state of WoW and about how past feedback has been either ignored or actively shunned is, at least in my eyes, a person that’s desperately needed in an active conversation between players and devs.

As for the topic, I feel like it’s the “don’t do that, don’t give me hope” meme all over again.

Every time I fall for stuff such as this. “We’ll listen to feedback, we promise!” and nothing comes out of it.

Every time I dare have some hope in the future of WoW development since WoD, I get burnt.

The idea of having an active channel between players and developers, is a dream come true.

That being said, if said channel is nothing but another source of developers actively ignoring feedback, it’s just a waste of time and effort. And most importantly, it’s yet another breach of trust from Blizzards side.


I think that was them in the past, I don’t think they can afford for it to be them in the future. If the brand was still as strong as it was in the past, I would agree, but we all know it isn’t, we also all know that the game isn’t what it should be and it shows in the amount of subs they lost. I say again, they NEED this as much as the playberbase does :wink:

Each representative will go in with their own agenda, the PVP player wants what is best for PVP and may make suggestions, the Raider representative may disagree with some of the suggestions and bring forward what they want, NOBODY ever gets things 100% how they personally want it, a mixture or a compromise in some areas has to be acceptable.

You can’t please everybody all the time, but if you please the majority most of the time, I say that’s a win :slight_smile:

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I think it’s a great initiative. I hope they get a broad range of players so they get feedback for various types of gameplay.


I believe they must include all kinds of players in such a forum. Raiders, Mythic + people, PvP’ers, roleplayers and super casual players.

This will be rather exiting in truth.

if they didn’t fire all those CMs, all the feedback needed was already on the forums to read, digest, and present it to the devs.

Singed up, if they want me I’ll be happy to offer my thoughts. If not I look forward to reading the content posted by others. I hope this is a productive endeavour


My feelings on this, just like with participation for other Blizzard events is that it probably requires no account action(since they have forum stuff listed in there, I’d imagine no forum action either) within a year+, and they would probably investigate quite heavily on how said people give feedback.

My bet is no people that give feedback but may come off as ‘rude’, as I recall a blue post talking about constructive feedback and when they see rude parts or things that come off quite abrasive they tend to skip it.

Which really means it won’t be nearly as effective as they’re hoping honestly, because they’ve already limited themselves so heavily just like they tend to with MVP programs.

Dear Pickpawkit. I do see what you are saying there, and I understand. But I do believe it is possible to be constructive and never have to be rude.

That is my belief at least.


The problem is ‘rude’ is a very broad term, what one person finds rude another does not. There can be snide remarks in a post, a bit of mocking and all, especially from the tone of current devs and employees who do so very frequently but they really don’t like receiving it back.

Far as I recall there was a private forum for people to give feedback on for a long time but eventually it ended up not doing so great. This feels like a revamp of that.

Nothing ‘rude’ needs to be said, if they don’t like the ‘tone’ of the message or they consider it to be condescending.

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Yes. But not everyone is going to post/say something in a polite fashion every time. Especially if someone is really annoyed about something. The point was that ignoring feedback just because the tone isnt top notch and all shiny is just flat out stupid.


it will be whoever has most viewers on twitch / youtube and is left doing content .

you must be living in delusion if you think otherwise

I just don’t have a cool dad working at Blizzard feeding me those kinds of facts. :pensive:

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I’m looking forward to see what will come out of this. It would be nice to know who the representatives are so we can give them feedback they can pass on from the community.

We already have a roleplay initiative here:

It would be great if the roleplay representative could pass this for us.


So, rather to listen to all players of WoW, Blizzard prefers to gather feedback from 100 players selected by itself ?

What a strange conception of community we have there…

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and how do you expect them to listen to the whole community? Most of the community don’t participate in forums for starters, even if they did the noise would be so muddled and unfocused they’d get nothing from it.

There has to be a filtering mechanism, companies often use focus groups to provide that, this is a focus group in all but name.

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I would expect 100 players to be a slightly more accurate representation of the playerbase than 1 Ion is
So it’s a good first step :slight_smile:

I applied, though to be completely honest, I wouldn’t know a single reason for them to pick me :smiley:

community managers, oh wait they fired most of them.