Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

One of the first thoughts I had was, that those 100 players are basically going to replace those former community managers but on a free basis. Guess it depends on how it plays out

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Changes nothing and doesn’t answer my question. You have to filter anyone involved in customer feedback knows this. A representative panel of 100 is a very good start (remember they ‘serve’ a one year term) and then a new group is invited.

Blizzard my decide 100 is too few (or too many) but it is a start and I am not going to dismiss it even before it gets off the ground (it would be foolish to)

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The trouble is that sometimes in the past people have been annoyed/disillusioned by some/all of the Community Managers too. The reason I personally think this is better than a CM (as in paid by Blizzard) is that nobody on the Council will feel that need to acquiesce to the Blizzard Representatives. It really should bring out the best in all communication in that sense as the players do not feel obligated to always agree with ‘the Blizzard way’.

Also this:

Always good to find ‘new blood’ and new fresh ideas. Hmm that sounded vampire like…

There was a similar system in DAoC which was the TL system, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t, but it at least made the player feel like they actually had a steak in the game.


Because it’s a lot easier to filter between 100 select people than it is through entire forum full of sh*tposts and trolling.

Also, if this goes well, the slots will be given to community members like guide-writers, theorycrafters, people who actually play and test the game.

For example, the mage community guide writers talk to people on mage discord (even “mortals”) and consolidate the feedback into one well thought out post on forums. So even if you are not the guy that talks to devs directly, you can still contribute to a discussion via someone that can do that.

I can’t help but feel like this will be nothing more than some theater where a few carefully selected yes-men / yes-women will be included who would never challenge Blizzard’s more questionable decisions, and even if they did, they’d lose access.

It SOUNDS like a step in the right direction, but at this point, I have lost all my trust in Blizzard.

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I applied but got no email about my submission. How can I know if it got received etc?
Also how/when will we know if it got declined or accepted?

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If you got the thank you screen then it’s recorded. It’s the google forms thingies they use. They likely start reviewing it after a while and it will be thousands if not more submissions :smiley: So we can expect similar results to alpha/beta - very few are let in.

i can see this ending badly…

most people with the ideas which mattered are already long gone…

you will end up with a special forum for the type of regulars you got here…

only insight you will get from them is what colour the next ponytail should be on high elves…

if you want to listen to community feedback you should not make it a closed and hand picked environment

when will you learn blizzard…

EDIT: closing off the council to people who dont apply will not get you more in touch with your community… it will just create and one sided and biased game where people lockedout do not get a say.

typical of modern blizzard though… so im not surprised they call out being more inclusive when there is very little inclusive about it.

i will not apply and you will not get my feedback for it …

good luck.

mmm you can be right but some ppl here are really interested and informed about the game so we (the forum dwellers) are still able to give certain good opinion about the game.
i never applied cause im not actively playin anymore but ppl like puny or brigante or shumensko (anf many others) could be the added value.

it will be the regulars here most likely… they are the ones which will be all over this type of thing …

it will be very bad for the game making it closed like that.

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i agree however… if you and others push for something… but a viewer who cannot speak doesnt like it and wants a say …

what happens?

the motion passes… but the silenced party leaves.

Depends how it works. I made it very clear when I applied that I knew -nothing- about Raiding or PvP, so would be of zero use on those fronts, but lore and RP I was all over it. If they get a good balance, it could work.

As with anything new attempted, we will have to wait and see.

Cant wait for the super obvious lineup of different PC streamers and forced diversity that only serves as virtue signaling.

My prediction is that the Council will just make more Quality of Life changes. Very few people actually see the negative macro impacts caused by the QoL changes that the majority of sheeples are asking for.

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that’s true. its a bit late. Ppl like moothilda and radium (i dont know if they are still here) are unable to partecipate. and this is a pity.
But its a start. in my dialect we say “piutost che gnet l’è megl piutost” - better somethin than nothin -
Im so upset about the state of this game that i can accept everything to save it.


it just cannot work well if they do not have it open to all… (they may as well just use this forum) its what it is here for after all.

that is my view too … it will create a elite culture within the community… which is something i thought they would want to stay away from given current circumstances.

Some of you are so negative, dismissing something before it has even started. No wonder Blizzard don’t want to talk to us. I wouldn’t if all I was met with is a sea of negativity.

How about reserve judgement to when the council has actually formed and met?


its like “You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of warcraft master”

congratulations of being worthy of us to listen to …

they are so entitled …