Please allow us to complete all 5 quest in raids so there is a point to gather together for the Horde players. Being farmed by 20 people when you can gather only 5 at max really annoying(especially killing npc in alliance base for “Wet Work: Arom’s Stand”(god i hate it) ).
A Russian complaining about being farmed by a premade HAHAhahaha
That irony aside; just turn off WM. Problem solved.
People really REALLY should stop whining about things that are entirely within their power to avoid. You have options to make life easier - just use them. =/
unfortunitly wouldnt that just mean more alliance would form a raid group themselves and gank you? Since they too would be able to complete the quests in raids.
As an alliance player I can say asking for backup ends with swearing, laughing and insults. Apparently once the initial group helps, getting a second is hopeless ^^ alliance is useless in that sense, I tend to warmode off when I’m farming on my dk.
Apparently going wm off is the way to go this expansion . Assaults have added an additional dimension to way too much ganking
I not complaining, just really want to enjoy supposed pvp content. If peoples can do all 5 quests in raid they actually can have open world pvp without need to switch servers when odds too overwhelming. I was ganked in this content without actual world pvp experience a lot(10-20 times more than all previous contents all together), it isnt what annoying. I only saw real world pvp near raid quests on invasions. so why not allow people actually feel like invasion. Right now we must choose quests or fight. Why not a both?
The Horde at the Drustvar invasion in my shard yesterday didn’t seem to have difficulty grouping up. After a couple of hours being ganked they grouped up just fine, could have done that earlier. What is the difficulty? This is WPvP at it’s best… get ganked, retaliate, gank the gankers. That’s WM. Quests… puh.
If there is more Alliance than Horde in your shard - allowing raids won’t solve anything, and probably would make situation even worse, because those 5 man groups and nearby soloers could also group up and be more coordinated.
Assault WQs themselves are not a PvP content - they are points of potential PvP content, and ganking by groups no matter how big is a part of WPvP content.
There is one thing players are doing right now that could solve your problem - 2-3 players from the same server/guild/shard not in group, each creates a LFG, get to 10-15 players, and because these 2-3 original players know each other - they coordinate these groups as an improvised raid. It’s not complicated at all - just a bit of time to wait for LFG joins.
If you found yourself in “total gank” situation - you can jump shard, or you can wait a bit for others like you, make LFG while you’re waiting, ask others near you to do the same, then res together and retaliate. It is WPvP, all of it, just use tools that are already there.
Many alliance players on my server abuse phasing system to create overwhelming advantage in local quest zones(and am pretty sure horde players on too). Allowing players to do those quest in raid let sides that has low population(on their servers) to actually fight back. Suggestion about jumping really useless. Usually you have nowhere to jump or you dont have a time to wait. Current game made to rush things and many players dont have time or will to stop. And when last time you asked for help? >_< My server have very toxic population.
Population on your own server is not relevant to wm, you are on a cross realm war mode shard. Shards are faction balaced, except when lfg temp unbalances them. Realm type matters, normal or rp, both types use same lfg though.
I get the rush rush issue. Local defense usually not interested, and seems like most lfgers don’t even read lfg title. I have a small wpvp community, that helps to get a couple group members, then pad out with lfg. Worth considering starting or joining a community for wm quest grouping or just wpvp. I’d love to use my wpvp community as a replacement for lfg, but it’s not easy to find enough dedicated wpvpers that also like grouping for the fun of it, and are on at same time. Tryin! Maybe you can do better.
I suspect assault quests in raid are just too op though.
It will never happen.
Imagine - “Right guys now we’re raided up… (40 people start doing the objective) let’s go… oh, we’re finished already?”
Yeah, players on both sides are doing it. Sometimes local is very silent and that’s the only way to get a group.
If there are already not enough friendly players around you - allowing raids won’t solve anything. You will still need to add numbers with LFG. And since you already can - raid is not a problem, just make a couple or more LFGs and you’ll have your raid, without an actual raid.
The “rush-rush-rush” game-play is probably the thing I don’t like the most in current WoW design. Nevertheless, you still can use LFG to your advantage - open it and set up search before you go near your target WQ, in filters select all languages to expand on possible groups, use latin characters for search, search for something obvious like “Assault” or “Call to Arms” if it is in the same zone.
I get it, it’s kinda meh thing to do when you just want to play. But when your local is unfriendly - there is nothing else unfortunately, and allowing raids won’t solve how unfriendly your current local is - it’ll still be the same players until you go for LFG anyway.
If I don’t want to go from RP to Normal shard, and I need a group - I always ask in local first, then start LFG group if not enough joined or too long. Or someone invites me to join them.
Unfortunately, yeah, because of current WoW design - “rush-rush-rush” to get reward as fast a possible to go for the next reward - is the only important thing for way to many players. But you can solve it to, or abuse it like everyone else, depends on your point of view.
Don’t ask for help - provide something for others to join you. Majority wants to do assault faster, it’s faster in group - so create a group for them (LFG), use english in the name to target more players, and go. If you don’t want to stay in your shard/server - when enough players joined, just promote to leader player from another server - you’ll go there (switch shards) when you cross a sharding trigger (usually WQ border).
Well, since changing this many people could be a hopeless endeavor - use LFG more or buy that server transfer. Good luck with whatever you choose!
That’s why I keep my wm off .
Oh god, right now i just nearly died from laughing. Because they arent. I told you, people abusing system and we often see overwhelming numbers from one side.
Still this just ghostly hope. Fluid joining and leaving raid for invasion really would simplify many things(for example zone wide raid when invasion active). How strong i miss OQ-wave addon -_- I can shut down wm for most annoying quest(looking at wet-work quests).
WoW history shows if people whine about something long and loud things can change(not always for good but can). So yeah
They are not abusing it, they are using it as intended. Join lfg group for quick completion. That’s the whole point of lfg.
The shards are faction balanced, it’s lfg that temp unbalances them, and player distribution can also make them appear unbalanced.
If several Horde on other shards for example create lfg groups, and Horde from your shard join those groups, they temp phase out of your shard. They still belong to your shard, but your shard will temp appear to have less Horde, and the shards with the lfg groups will appear to have more Horde. Alliance doing the same thing with groups has same effect for Alliance.
If your shard loses Horde due to lfg, and gains Alliance due to lfg, that’s just a worst case scenario for how lfg works, not a shard problem. Other shards could have the opposite, or even numbers, or slight imbalances. And lfg groups on both factions can be constantly forming, disbanding, gaining or losing members, players phasing all over the place.
So ye, you can end up being outnumbered. It’s not specific to Horde. This is just part of wm. Being outnumbered is an opportunity to retaliate.
The shards themselves are faction balanced. It’s just the temp lfg effect that can make them seem imbalanced.
One solution is to use lfg yourself, both sides can use it, therefore no fairness issue. Horde have a larger number with wm on however, so they technically have an lfg advantage.
Forming an lfg group on your shard gives your faction a boost, on that shard, potentially at the expense of your faction on another shard. But, this is the game design, it works well considering all the complexity behind it.
See this point being made a lot. People don’t want to turn WM off because they enjoy world PvP. The guy isn’t crying about being ganked, he just asked if he can complete invasion quests in a raid group which is perfectly logical.
What is logical about allowing a raid group the ability to complete a group of quests mostly designed for solo players? Seriously, play that scenario out in your head for a moment…
And you see the point being made because it’s a perfectly valid point - no one is forcing him to get ganked. He also isn’t in a situation where he can’t complete assaults. If you’re not prepared to hang about and wait till it’s quiet then go to the nearest village and turn off WM. It’s simple.
This game is an unbalanced mess and to try to make everyone happy Blizz release great options like WM On/Off without having to move servers… but nooooooooo, it’s not good enough. I’ll ignore that fix, please make another one for me ktx.
And God forbid, they did allow raids to complete these quests… how many “Russians raids farming us can’t complete quests QQAMGBLIZZ!!!” threads you think we’re going to see then?
No, sorry, nothing logical or necessary about this request at all.
The very nature of invasion quests makes them a hub for world PvP, so naturally being in a raid group makes sense.
Raid groups to gank people already exist, making invasion quests doable in raid wouldn’t increase the amount of gank raids, it would just mean people could group up and fight back while also not stalling their progress on the quests. We’re not saying raids should be able to complete normal quests or WQ’s, just invasions.
What kind of logic is that?! Invasions are literally 2 factions fighting, why would I want to do them with WM off. Fighting the other faction is the whole point. I go to take part in the invasion and fight other players, I’m not there for some boring PvE grind.
aye by this point I think on both sides people who have warmode on are the people that generaly want to keep it on. Just means that more horde like warmode than alliance.
You make these quests doable as a raid and you have literally just trivialised the whole thing as 20 out of 40 people gank people not in a raid while the other 20 complete the invasion in 2 minutes. If anything the Op’s situation becomes even worse lol.
Sorry. It’s a ludicrous suggestion. The invasion is “literally” a bunch of PVE quests. You choose how you want to participate.