Ion Hazzikostas on Mythic+'s Problems in The War Within - PC Gamer Interview


Ion Hazzikostas via PC Gamer said:

But perception matters more than reality here, and that data doesn’t offer much comfort to someone who is declined because they’re the ‘wrong’ spec.

E.g. the game is quite balanced, its just key holders perception being wrong hmpf!


It doesn’t seem to actually address anything directly, reminds me of a generic politics interview where it’s just word salad.


Was this sarcastic towards Ion or hmpf against the players?
xD Yes I sometimes lack the capability of being able to understand how people meant something, sowwy xD

Basically he sounds kinda proud of where the system is right now. “You think you know but you don’t” all over again. smh


I believe Saneko was impersonating Ion, he is saying hmpf to the players.

Kay, that makes sence, yes.

“While many changes are being made for Season 2, the most recent updates announced to the dungeons in the new pool reflect a disturbing trend. Many tweaks will increase, not reduce, the difficulty level of already-tough dungeons in the pool, particularly for players not using the most-popular meta specs.”

What could go wrong with that…
Guess I’ll join the Delve gang.

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We don’t have the desired 100 dps to 1 tank in queue ratio, gotta nerf more.


It usually is or announcement related nerfs say something like “we dont wish to have drain tanks or have this type of gameplay in general” when they nerfed lock soul link and self heals for turret class and then you look the game for past decade after it and see the words mean nothing only the numbers for the nerfs or buffs, Im just happy to have some choises at this point. Class balance is so off like it always have been though :dracthyr_a1:

Tbf, recognising yourself in the mirror is a sign of intelligence but i guess he’d have no reflection being a fun sucking vampire.


The keyholder is picky because he is the only one being punished when things go wrong.


Pvp could use more say for the devs in general.

We’ll see how S2 pans out. Already seeing people dooming S2 when it’s not even out yet so i’m confident they can’t make something “enjoyable” for the community unless its a steamroll until +15/+25 keys.

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there is no m+ problem

there is just Ion and his idiotic obssesion with overtuning everything which is humanly possible in the game he is directing.

untill Ion is fired and someoen who has vision accessible for wide audience gets promoted literaly nothing will change.

every single expansion we have the same problems - overtuned m+ and overtuned raids.

nerf m+ across the board for 30-40 % and participation will skyrocket imediately .

they coudl even do it literaly with flip of swich by allowing nerub finery to work in m+ - instant solve. who do i send invoice for consulting ?


I never understood why some people accused blizzard for queue issue.

where is blizzard fault if majority of player prefer play dps instead of healer/tank

offer/demand etc…

there is no solution devs can fix for that kind of issue.


Would he though, Blizzard has demonstrated:

  • Increasing apathy for their customers
  • Slowly reducing quality of customer service
  • More and more “lazy” content releases
  • Cash grabs as distractions from massive issues (see the guild bank issue)

I think they want this game to be over sometimes.


same feeling here.


For pvp they created mode which vacuumed all arena players into this new soloq mode called shuffle which by design dont benefit healers as much as it does dps, and in general is designed to be very annoying for healers compared to playing 2v2 or 3v3 in arenas like we used to do but which we now cant do cause lack of participation after players got shifted into new soloq modes.

So if we keep in mind that this mode would be bad for healers there will be less healers in general and dps have longer ques. Some healers roll dps, some quit, some dps also quit cause they got tired waiting ques. This is entirely blizzards created issue which have been same for 3 years now and until they rework rated system or start rewarding healers equally to dps in these shuffles the ques wont change. Nobody wishes to heal it and being rewarded less for your effort and attempt to try carry people who no matter what keep dying behind pillars with every cd unused and so on.

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I was more taking about m+ but for having tested pvp shuffle as healer.

Yes its bad, toxic and annoying

I just stopped this feature.