Ion Hazzikostas on Mythic+'s Problems in The War Within - PC Gamer Interview

Agree, its terrible by design. Healing reduction starts higher than in arenas and after while some specs are unable to heal no more if they lack cds to give they just feel helpless. And cause its 6 rounds and dps rotates while healers remain same heal vs heal for all rounds its very annoying by design and most lobby end for 3-3 draw for healers while majority of dps gained rating. But yea that is one reason why ques are long, 3 years later and they havent changed it so that heals would atleast start gain rating equally to dps. They neglect healers in pvp the same like they do for tanks/heals in pve.

Same guy that says low RNG is fun!

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To be fair he was always going to defend his decisions to the press. No-one ever does anything different.

Pff. Make anything as hard as a “healer’s target dummy” with shinny rewards and watch how it suddenly becomes “very popular”.


The thing is, it would work with m+ because it’s infinite. If they nerfed by 100% you could still find challenge, only it’d be at a +28 key rather than a +14 key.

When the portals opened at +20, there was pointless keys yes, but also more people played the format.


Are you for real? People want to play dps because dps is more fun. Why is dps more fun? Because Blizzard made dps more fun while making tanks and healers less fun. It’s called balancing, and Blizz is terrible at it. It’s not the players fault that tanking and healing is feeling worse and worse every expansion, it’s the result of the design direction of Blizzard.

Playing a tank that’s hard to kill and does nearly as much damage as a dps? Fun.
Playing a tank that’s struggling to stay alive against a single trash pack while also doing crap dps? Not fun.

All those dps players are not sitting in queues because of some empirical law, they are sitting in queue because Blizz is making them.


Sure then balance the rewards around it so m+ is not a simple “well…we cant really send you free gear in the mail so go and hit some target dummies in a dungeon”.

Most people running +14 keys aren’t interested in rewards because there aren’t any.

If only gear mattered, there would be no participation above +10.

The reward in mythic plus’ upper tiers is self generated, the success of beating the odds and timing the key.


I do wonder where this concept of “reward” became so ingrained, I remember playing arcade games and their home console / pc ports in the 1990s, and the only reward was seeing your initials in a top 10 for about a day before someone else beat them, or the machine was unplugged and the scores were forgotten.

It didn’t stop people coming back and playing the games.

So you want to do what? Make m+ the free shinny gear vendor and raids/pvp a side activity when you are done gearing up? Lilith’s main gripe with m+ and how “big bad Ion is killing WoW” is that he cant get his myth quality shinnies for… breathing.

No, I just think that given the people who chase challenge aren’t interested in rewards (well even if they are, they aren’t getting any), people who are not so keen on challenge might find a wider spread of difficulty more enjoyable, and increase m+ participation.

Hence we got lower level key levels just for what? If +5 or +7 is your level, then by all means, nobody is stopping you from playing those levels. So why does this “casual +5 John” think he is entitled for +10 rewards?


If you are an average dude with only a few hours a day to play you could easily get portals last season 2 times faster, not because dungeons were easier on DPS players (they weren’t), but because we had more tanks and healers willing to do them.

The difficulty increase on the tanks and healers makes dps players spend 40 mins in queue instead of the usual 20 that already sucked, and that’s the real issue.

If someone is only good to do a +5 by all means let him stay at +5, but he should at least be able to get into one, and Blizz is actively working on making it harder and harder to do so.


Blizzard essentially is designing m+ for premade teams, like the mythic raid, it’s more catering only to those interested in MDI / Esport


Wow’s formula has always been gearing up to increase player power. People still play games without gear, I doubt they can convert this one though

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Yeah, Ion literally said something like “It’s not the player count that matters to us but the experience”. Guess what, they are related, lol.


It was, however m+ changed this by having levels beyond those that offer gear. Given people have accepted this argument since rating / pushing is reward enough, does it actually matter what level the max reward comes from?

No, I doubt that it does. I’m not sure why Blizzard increases the difficulty threshold for the max rewards, it does seem arbitrary

Ion deserves some credit for raid design. Not everything he did was crap.

I wouldn’t say he hates M+ players either. I generally refrain from throwing such bold statements about someone I know little about.

However, I dislike his arrogance and tonedeaf attitude. If you lost half the mythic playerbase then you should humble yourself a little. You’re obviously doing something wrong.


Acknowledgment is the first step I guess. Now it’s time to actually do sometging about it. PTR so far is promosing but still need some “legwork”.