Sry I seem to be asking you a lot of Aug questions XD. But doesn’t pretty much every CD line up with EM, it’s on a 30s CD and most classes have 30/60/90/120s CDs. I think DHs Eyebeam+Essence break combo is 40s and Ele shaman has Storm elemental on 2.5 min CD but should be enough to to ctach the uptime on EM if the Aug is extending the buff properly (mine is low on haste and I get maybe 3-4s of downtime on EM before the next cast).
Dont worry. Just ask. And if you think I am wrong please correct me. You never know.
Not every class can perfectly stack PI + Ascendence (which is a BIG CD) + EB + other buffs at the same time. It is what makes Enh so powerfull. Every 2 minutes you pull half the dungeon, bust all CDs on the Enh and with his crazy burst he will do 30M DPS alone and melt the pack.
Other classes have 1.5 min CDs or 2.5 or 3 min BIG CDs as you mention. But they don’t line up perfectly with PI.
Other classes have 30s CDs but are much weaker. So they could line them up with PI + EB but the “bang for buck” is much smaller because the CD itself is weaker.
All this is because WoW works with multiplicative buffs. The only ones that are not multiplicative is pure Haste. So BL + PI is additive for example. But BL + EB (primary stat) is multiplicative.
I need to check but I think most have 2mins or less and pretty much across the board (with some exceptions) were rounded up tp 30/60/90/120s so it’s easier to line up.
But yeah I knew about the Enh burst, it was just a bit weird that no one can line up CDs with one buff thats on 30s CD.
I always have to wonder how miserable people who respond like this are irl, and what causes such a need to misrepresent another opinion and strawman it to the point of ridicule.
It is, of course, a matter of degrees, and no one who isn’t being disingenuous (like you) has ever been asking for the game to be giving out mythic rewards for world quests. Let’s take a step back to how this plays out every single time:
Blizzard makes M+ noticeably harder > people complain it’s too hard > jokesters come in and ask if they want myth gear for beating target dummies, willingly ignoring the extremes of the argument and the fact that they JUST made it harder than it was > Blizzard makes it somewhat easier over time and it becomes the most fun at the end of the expansion > Blizzard makes M+ noticeably harder etc. However, the jump in difficulty and the requirements for the highest ilvl gear still eclipse the nerfs that come with patches, so the difficulty curve keeps going up.
We don’t want gear for breathing, we want for them to stop making it more insufferable and difficult every time. You liking the difficulty curve doesn’t make others who don’t like it entitled, it’s just basically artificial inflation but for enjoyment of a video game rather than prices.
For example, many people who were buying high end GPUs excluding titan cards 6 or 10 years ago, have been completely priced out of the high end at this point because salaries have increased by maybe 20% over time, but the prices have increased by 100%. The exact same thing has happened to WoW but it’s skill and difficulty rather than money.
Then you have obviously not have seen my spats with Liliith.
If Blizz kept m+ as a free gear vendor till +10 (even If the difficulty spike goes beyond the ceiling starting from +11. Then our dear Lillith would have been dancing around like Ion’s fanboy.
You are 100% right. There are other specs. Its just that Enh is the one that aligns the best CDs with the best damage profile. Thats about it.
My point was that the whole concept of Aug+Priest is stacking PI+EB on someone. That someone is Enh this season. And in DF it was Fire Mage with Combustion. And next season it will be some other class that stacks CDs well.
The point is that Blizzard went from: Bring the player not the class. To Bring the Class not the buff. And now its simply: Bring the buff (Priest and Aug) and fill the rest with FOTM.
Which is lame IMO. They need to take a step back on this “buffing other players” thing. Its simply so powerful that you either homogenize PI (give it to many specs, like BL, CR and stuff like that) or simply remove it from Priest. Aug is a different story. You cant give EB to other specs. So its better to delete it IMO.
Who creates the issue with tank and heal roles, which make people have enough of them and re-roll to DPS, and instances lack tanks and healers as a result?
Yeah, you are right. My father does that while sitting on his lazy boy and watching TV, not Blizzard.
Oh. How I wished this would come true. The lenghts some people go for their parses…well if I would describe them with proper words then I will probably earn a forum vacation.
Remove that PI or make it a priest’s personal CD or whatever…
I agree on the buffing is out of hand part, but I would like to see more support specs added to the game and just have them get added as a separate role in the group finder. For example 1/1/1/3 or 1/1/1/2.
Oh for sure. If they do add a 1/1/1/3 party I would also like to see more support specs. But I know they wont. Maybe in patch 17 in 2043 or something like that.
What Blizzard might do is add even more specs, but not changing the party comp. Leaving it 1/1/3. For a couple of years before changing it. THAT would be a catastrophic IMO. And leaving things as they are is just not an option anymore either.
Agree. Absolutely PI should remain a priest personal CD. Heck, they can even give them 2 charges even. But not on someone else.
Which other scaling applies when you are talking about taking eons to reach max level?
General scaling. Open world, low level dungeons.
Forgot to answer you yesterday. Here is my response to your comments:
What data? This data?
And that is the most recent data, which means that most people are already sort of geared up. Some more than others. Last time I checked that same graph 2 months ago with the season in full force the median for NW, SV, CoT, GB, and Siege were sitting at 0%. So <= to 50% success rate. While the top 3 (AK, MotS, DB) have remained at a 80% or more success rate since week 1 of TWW (the IQR always remained above 0).
But I cannot help but notice that massive jump between 3 dungeons and “the rest”. Is THAT what you are refering to “well balanced” ?
But you are right. They did tune SV. But when exactly did they do it? 2 or 3 months into the season. As for CoT it remains the exception to this day. When will they decide to tune it? 1 week before S2 or what?
In addition, I played those dungeons. I know how it feels to play them. As a healer I cannot stop and notice that in SV for example, every single pull (with few exceptions) does an AoE barrage. Or has nasty overlaps between ST unavoidable damage and other mechanics.
In CoT there are some really nasty mechanics. The most agrevious of them in my opinion is to put 2 liutenants that require you to pop CDs right before the last boss that also requires you to pop CDs. And that is why its a bit of a nightmare as a healer. Not to mention that 3 out of 4 bosses have some super heavy hitting unavoidable AoE every 30 to 40s…
In MotS on the other hand, its healer paradise because other than some medium healer checks at certain mechanics there is little to heal. And you see this by noticing that the highest parses of healer DPS across all specs is in MotS.
There is a stark contrast in difficulty. And it is noticeble. So no. Balance is not decent. Far from it.
I think this is true for healer mains which should be the most important group of healers they design healing around let me say that first and foremost
But a lot of lower brackets used to see healers that were alts and as someone who used to heal in lower brackets alts, the expectancy to do damage and be engaged was a reason for me to no longer heal as an alt in lower brackets and I do think that a drop off of people who alted healer as a low stake playstyle for low difficulty content happened as a result of priority on damage.
Again, obviously healer mains liking healing should be the absolute priority, but it likely did scare off the healers who were more about casual play or were just straight up alts but I wonder if DPS checks at lower difficulties became more lenient to the point where casual and healer alts could pick up the burdain of healing those brackets.
Edit: I also think that this happened to tanks, where as more became expected of the tank, people who used to fill the lower brackets with alt characters likely checked out entirely as well, leaving mostly only tank mains to tank everything.
Does anyone have balls to ask him about current situation with pvp and the plague called premades?
So…that data lacks some critical info; runs performed. Now, even that is indicative…but it can cause the result to be somewhat biased.
And you also see that 5 dungeons are on a similar level, and the other 3 too. Sure, not all are on the same level, but they’re not all over the place either.
Yep, well balanced. I doubt you see better results when looking at Raid-encounters.
Meh, Dawnbreaker has quite some funkiness too. And that’s an easy one. Ara Kara has one of the most pug-killing bosses out there, some tricky packs, missed interrupt = dead in the entire beginning, … even Mists has some role-specific challenges here and there, where PuGs tend to fail on.
You can’t expect perfect balance. Otherwise you get 8 dungeons which are exactly the same same beep, different looks.
So what you are telling me is that there are more runs of the top 3 than the bottom 5? And that constitutes bias?
Isent that a datapoint on its own? It means that people get keys at random, so if everyone ran all the keys they should all be ran ~ the same # of times. But they arent.
(A) I could not care a flying cow about raids.
(B) Im sure that if dungeon balance wasent an issue Ian would not have specifically stated it.
(C) It more about the lack to tuning. They need tuning, even if its just a bit of imbalance.
(D) I disagree with your statement. By simply having run the dungeons.
It is the easiest because it has the most lenient timer. In addition, it dosent have nasty overlaps with damage. Its either AoE OR ST damage. With the exception of 1 luitenant.
Sure. 1st pull of SV or GB is not “pug killing” enough for you?
You said it. “here and there”. Not in every pack, often overlaping with eachother.
I dont expect perfect balance. Think of it like a curve.
It begins whacky, and then you tune every week and iterate untill it converges somewhere, which is not neceserelly perfect balance. But as close to it as possible. That would be my ideal.
I refuse to accept 2 dungeon tuning patches in a whole season. That is lazy by defenition.
We even had to beg, cry, and revolt for them to nerf NW Stitchflesh. Which should have been nerfed in week 1, not 4 weeks after. The changes to SV should have been done in week 1. Not 7 weeks into the season. And CoT and GB still havent been touched.
Also. My poison totem should not have been nerfed. The Arakara boss poison should have been changed to venom or something you cant dispel. Same for MD of priest. The affix should have been made undispellable.
The situation with RShaman was opressive. And we got touched. The situation with DPriest continues to be opressive after 6 weeks and here we are. Zero changes.
The situation with PPala is still opressive. And here we are. Zero changes.
The situation with Aug is still opressive after 4 seasons. And here we are. Zero changes.
Enh got reworked, but not balanced. Continues to be opressive. And here we are. Zero changes.
DK tankyness is still a thing since week 1. And here we are. Zero changes.
You see what I mean ?
Meanwhile Ian talks about dungeon balance and the “meta” in keys. While they classically dont do squat about it.
I know for a fact that S2 will not be perfect. But if Blizzard intends to wait 1 or 2 months before doing anything, we will all be back here in the forums complainng about other issues that S2 will have.
Basically, the TLDR of this discourse is to say: The fact that things will never be perfect dosent mean Blizzard cant try. The fact that they dont try makes things worse than if they did.
On a side note but isnt that what people do on the forums since time immemorial anyway? Blizz can give a free gold bar and some will complain that its too heavy.
True true…
While I partially agree, it’s also important that a typical normal run where people are being average gives me time to press some dps buttons.
Because if a typical normal run where people are being average doesn’t have any time for the healer to press some damage buttons, then what you have is a healer working flat out to cover the standard situation. And a healer who’s already going flat out doesn’t have anything in the tank for a mistake, or a worse group in general. Which feels awful and is one reason pugs are falling apart so fast this season.
How much actual contribution a healer with time to press dps buttons makes… I don’t care too much. I would like to see disc priest, MW, and holy paladin as the top 3 damaging healers simply by virtue of how they work, but whether they are 50% of a dps or 10% isn’t that important to me. I’m kind of leaning towards the low end because that means we don’t get a meta for the most damaging healer.