Even if this game was 100% balanced, you just need the popular players and streamers doing well on a few specs for things to heavily skew in the direction of another meta. You can’t win when the player base insists on placing non-negotiable expectations on each other.
Yep. If some dungeons are being played only half as much as other dungeons, there is a chance that the kind of players doing certain dungeons is not as variable as for the other dungeons → skewing the timer-data quite a bit.
Lord knows. People just tend to follow other players. I doubt many have good arguments other than “I don’t like [insert dungeon]”. For GB I can close to confidently say that the spawn points affect a lot.
Yeah, so, stop right here. He’s the face of Blizzard, basically. He quite literally just says what they think we want to hear. That’s just marketing man.
Yes, and no. It’s not just about tuning. Dungeon popularity involves quite some factors, not always objective ones.
Your experience, my experience, the other 500k players’ experience. Who is right? … meaningless comment, again.
So it’s not really about difficulty then, just about how much time you have to mess up?
Not in any shape or form, no.
As long as the group interrupts and controls the packs properly, what you say rarely happens anyways? There aren’t so many unavoidable/unmitigatable overlapping deadly mechanics in packs. Unless you pull two packs which don’t work well together?
Not quite. As those specs are only really oppressive in the highest content, the content at most 0.1% of the characters participate in. Disc is in almost every pick up group a worse choice than a Resto Shaman, MW Monk, Evoker, or even Resto Druid. And for tanks, it really doesn’t matter for content up till like 12…
It’s just that the average player is too numb to understand that. And that you will not ever change…
or what you consider “balanced” is just not what Blizzard sees as such.
I honestly don’t think that many players like to see tuning changes every week. That leads to some annoying gameplay as well, as now every week the difficulty is literally different. That’s not a great experience, and you know it.
I think that tuning changes that make the content more reasonable would be welcome as often as possible.
The problem is if Blizzard and the players agree on what is reasonable
I’m fairly certain that even players among each other won’t agree on what’s reasonable:).
Also, what’s “reasonable” kind of shifts throughout a season. We may just have to accept at times that we simply lack gear for a certain level, not that the content was too hard.
But yeah, I’m fairly convinced that even with close to perfect tuning and balancing players will still complain…
The problem with every week tuning means this week you can do a +12 and next week you are back to +11’s. Somewhere blizz should just stop tuning. Address underperformers and just let it be.
Causal John is majority in this game. Casual John wants to play game to have some fun and maybe get nice piece of gear here and there while Uncasual John have gear and status. Casual John Have job or two where he pushes his body and mind to have real life rewards and he does not want to have third job that he has to pay for.
When pugs are horrible i for sure wouldnt take a disc priest who has trouble whack a mole single target heals. And an Aug is more than terrible for uncoordinated groups.
People have no idea why the meta comp is the meta comp.
Just play your prefered spec and you are 10 times better of then rerolling FOTM.
When you for example look at tanks. A horrible player like you describe is better off playing a forgiving tank like brewmaster over a prot paladin because stagger is way more forgiving.
Ok. Then lets throw character progression out of the window and give everyone bis gear the moment they log in? Every casual John a walking God = every casual John happy?
And just for your own record. I got both a family and I work in a medical field(meaning there are multiple nights where I am not even home = 24h shifts) yet I am not demanding bis gear to be handed out because I play under a casual shedule? Ok…fine, go kill 10 boars so that you get the illusion that you “earned it”.
I always find it curious that some people believe that if you do hard content or want to progress further into more difficult game modes then you are 100% without a doubt - a no lifer who lives in his mom’s basement and WoW is all what your life is about…
Nope. Easiest/best choice is then to go with the most fault-proof specs. And here Enhance does not belong, neither does Disc, or Aug for that matter. Those are all terrible choices for a pug group. Even Prot Paladin can be disputable…
In a pug you are better off with a Retri, Resto Shaman / Pres Evoker, Guardian/Brewmaster and perhaps a Fury Warrior.
Well the issue is that while experienced group leaders will make the setup using his own criteria and needs of the group+key they are doing. Your average Joe will just google → “Best classes to invite for m+” and will obviously get a meta thrown in their face. They don’t even know why disc or protadin is Meta. They will invite simply because random website X told them that they are good.
I wrote nice gear here and there not BIS mythic from boars. Dont make elephant out of mice. Elite players like mythic raiders and M+ pushers will always have higher gear and status. Its about making people happy cuz happy people equals more people playing and more people playing equals better game. They could do this by lowering mythic track gear vault from M10 to M9. Small step that would make alot of people happy. Its not just about you, you know?
You are probably too young hence that stiff way of thinking.
oh and why stop at M9? Perhaps go down to M7? Even more people happeh then? But wait…how about lets drop it down to M4 that would make even a tonne more people happy?
Who is going to draw the line? Make M9 the threshold and people who want to lower it to M8 will scream that its still “unfair”.
Not about you either. I also dislike many things in WoW yet I am fully aware that WoW is not personally tailored for me. As long as the pros outweights the cons , I continue to play it.
Ah yes. The average forum insults. Well at least yours a bit better than your crude “me smurt u sux hahaha Blizzard white knight loooolz”.
So points for at least trying to refine it.