So basically the fate of the group should be in your hands?
It’s a team effort, it seems like its working as intended. Or are you expecting 300 amarth casts to go off and you miraculously save the day because healer?
So basically the fate of the group should be in your hands?
It’s a team effort, it seems like its working as intended. Or are you expecting 300 amarth casts to go off and you miraculously save the day because healer?
Except you just wipe when the others don’t do their part, which just plain sucks as a healer.
Previously, before this design became the mainstream design, unless you had pulled a massive amount of mobs, the healer could attempt to remedy the situation if people screwed up - until they went oom.
Now you get wipes where you don’t even get to spend your mana trying to remedy it because everyone just dies before you can do anything.
We have next to no agency any more. It doesn’t matter how good you are at playing a healer, you just wipe if other people screw up.
The healer role has become something akin to a passenger role due to this. You’re there for the ride but you have next to no agency over what happens.
If people screw up, the healer should have time to remedy the situation instead of instant wipe unless it’s like a massive pull. Mana should be the limiter, not that people die from full hp before you can even heal them. It should never happen that someone can die from full hp in under a global unless it’s something like a massive pull.
The defensive creep is one the causes of all of this. So when they don’t press them you have no response as a healer, which is just dumb.
You have to keep in mind that Mythic+ is an infinitely scaling system. At low levels, you can easily remedy players’ mistakes but the higher you go, the more difficult it will become.
It is impossible to have infinitely upwards scaling dmg that doesn’t start one-shotting people from a certain point.
“One-shots should never happen” is not something that can be designed for high levels of M+.
They don’t need to have scaling damage to the highest of the keys. They could make it about having to beat the timer, just increasing the mobs/bosses hp instead of scaling the damage further at a certain point.
Oh, I should also add my reasons for not really playing a tank any more, as someone that used to raid as a tank and played m+ as a tank:
Guardian druid: I used to raid as a druid tank in TBC, up to MH/BT. I raided naxx & parts of ulduar as a druid tank in wotlk. I played some druid tank in BWD & Firelands.
Now I can’t even play guardian druid due to ironfur. It’s ridiculous. This ability seriously needs to go on a longer CD, not be spammable and be stronger on a single use. It’s destroying my fingers no matter what keybind I put it on in its current version. Way too spammy spec.
Prot paladin: Holy power being a thing. Playing a prot paladin was more fun when they didn’t have holy power. If I wanted combo points, I’d play a rogue or feral druid.
Self-healing with WoG costing mana. Just no. Get rid of this abomination.
Blood DK: Making death strike only heal once from damage events. After trying it, I just couldn’t be bothered to continue playing it. It just sucks to play compared to what we had before, a lot less forgiving.