Ion Hazzikostas on Mythic+'s Problems in The War Within - PC Gamer Interview

100%. RShaman got nerfed 2 weeks into S1. DPriest though… I am still waiting…

And then, some changes need to be done to healing in general. I am sick of this situation because it is simply SO PREDICTABLE ! Its a disaster !

First: Damage.

Every healer should be on par in damage. But in practice it’s impossible to balance at the moment. All classes except MW and DPriest have to choose to cast damage OR healing. Cant do both. And this creates a problem.

If RShamans (for example) are put on-par DPS wise with DPriest we will ALWAYS do less damage than a DPriest. Because we cannot be permanently casting DPS spells and not healing anything.

If they consider realistic DPS, they have to buff our DPS skills by an obsene ammount, such that 1 lava burst does the same damage as 10s of a DPriest casting smite+squid. But then what happens? We get the “battle shaman” that forgoes healing and just DPSes to produce obsene ammounts of DPS on-par with a real DD.

Solution? Give all other specs free, off GCD damage procs. For example: After 3 healing spells we get 1 instant cast off GCD chain lighning or lightning bolt.

What did blizzard do? NOTHING. Their excuse? Up the damage so much that realistically no healer can do anything but heal. And nerf healer damage so low (even DPriest) that our contribution is ridule at best.

Second: Mana…

Its absurd that some specs are mana starved and others have infinite mana. What the hell is this ? RShamans specifically we got Resurgence nerfed because of Rashoks trinket in S2 of DF. And they FORGOT to revert that change !!!

And that is the lazy option. They could implement the mana recovery mechanisms of Cata promoting DPS to recover mana. But NO.


Third: Normalize buffs FFS !

Make other classes usefull as well. Warrior’s AP buff and Mages intelect should be normalized to primary stats. Warriors give 3% primary stat and mages 3% primary stat. Monks and DHs should also be normalized to +3% flat damage. Mark of the wild and paladin aura should both be normalized to either +3% DR or +3% vers… ECT…

Fourth: Utility and Dispells

Design dungeons better. No more “curse” and “poison” and “disease” mechanics. For bosses OR trash OR affixes.

Blizzard has to decide:

  • Is this dot supposed to be dispellable? YES? Then ALL healers can do it, and it trucks if you dont dispel it. But ALWAYS a 1s to 2s delay before the first tick.
  • Is this dot supposed to be healed? YES? Then NO healer can dispell it (not even evokers with cauterize, or dwarf racials or nelf vanish). And it dosent truck and will not scale with key level beyond a certain point.

There should be nothing else.

Fifth: Delete performance buffs like PI. ALL of them.

This is simply too toxic. The moment 1 priest spec is marginally competitive it is instantly meta because of PI. Im sick of seeing a meta priest since this was in-game. And the only rare times priest was not meta was when all 3 priest pecs were F-tier trash.

Sixth: ALL healers should have 1 external.

This buff is way to valuable to give it to some specs (Priests have 2 of them) and not to others. Every healer should have atleast 1.

That is on the top of my head for healers. And that is not considering the question: WHY does damage and HP of M+ dungeons need to scale equally? Why not make HP scale faster than Damage? And why does it need to follow some exponential curve? What is the problem with rating inflation? That would give healers a small break.

This is true, rsham could do dmg aswell but its impossible when have to spam heal on ppl face tanking dmg and every CD in general in the game. I find disc more boring than holy also so cant enjoy just spamming shields and penance for too long either. The melee mw felt unfair when they didnt have to cast anything nor ever run out mana and were like second dps, made really unfair playfield for any other healers that have to cast, to face them.

Theres 2-3 melee training the rsham for example all game with their combined interrupts and cc if there were melee mw, just awful designing in general. No wonder theres short supply of heals when even in this season just few are good in general and hpri, rsham, rdruid are just bad so all my prefered 3 healers are just bad for whole season. Idk how that is let happen but no wonder ppl dont play.

Same continues for next season aswell for Blitz example. If one does not play mw for that then its bad… Just one healer is basically severally better than others there. Idk how its possible that from so many healer specs they let only one be so good.

M+ purpose was to keep up the subs by providing to even the casuals mythic quality gear …
Wasn’t Df that a +8 was giving mythic track gear ?? and the 6 was giving aspect crests ???
I still remember doing +15 with 5+ alts since Legion and obtaining mythic gear while aoeing everything at that range …and everyone was happy …

This is the purpose of Mythic+(provide easy gear and that’s why you see everyone run +8 and only 10 for weekly :smiley: despite they are 636-8 ilvl ) (It’s quite funny seeing someone in 637 ilvl and the highest m+ is 1 11 completed and the rest are 10)

Right now the m+ is hard and the people that were aoeing everything hit a wall … A huge nerf inc so everyone can roflstomp everything .

Its not just Rshaman. Its HPriest, PEvoker, HPala and RDruid that have the same problem. PEvoker gets a small pass because most of his DPS comes from 1 spell with a 30s CD that he can cast at the beginning of the pull.

Why I dont get is why they havent seen this in DF and implemented it already in TWW… Because its a problem that has been lagging for a long time.

And there are multiple cool things you can do. And you dont need to give every spec free DPS. You can do really cool things unique to each spec.

But generally the concept for any solution is this:

  • MW and DPriest damage to heal.
  • All others heal to damage.

How? A small list:

  • A lazy and basic after X conditions are met (some CD or something) X% of your healing transforms to damage to enemies.
  • PEvoker style of 1 spell every 30s that absolutely trucks. Like what Stormcaller used to be for RShaman.
  • Buff healing spell performance, but also significantly increase mana consuption but make damage a mechanism that recovers mana to compensate. Which is the RDruid mechanic.
  • Healing gives you instant cast off GCD damage. Damage gives you off GCD healing…
  • Lower down cooldown of minor CDs with damage…


Those are some things off the top of my head. And I am not a dev to be honest. What baffles me is that Blizzard devs have NOT come up with ANYTHING in almost 3 years…

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I honestly dont give a duck about my damage output as healer. Not even sure why i would care.

That is also a solution. No healer does damage at all. So nerf DPriest and MW monk.

But as long as DPriest and MW monk exist and can heal while doing obsene damage there is an imbalance that will never be solved.

But in general people like to DD while healing with those 2 specs. So the only solution is to buff the rest of the healers as well.

I mean, on my mistweaver i also am not able to hit 5% of a group damage output, even if i try. So why would i care. All the healers do abi-small amounts of the total damage of the group. Does it really matter if it is 2% or 4% ?

It does:

Let me change “PPally is the best tank” for “MW is the best healer” and you get the jist.

I am not following.

By they way; it is very possible brew is better on +10 than pala since pala dies to every tankbuster from +7 without any defensive. Brew is just joloing first boss Dawnbreaker on +10 without anything up. It is just staggered.

People are alllowed to read on raiderio what they want. Usually it is nonsense.

The answer to your question is here:

That is the “meta perception”. It IS nonenesense as you say. But that is not what people beleive.

And seccond the power of the meta itself :

Same applies to your monk and healer DPS in general.

And finally, back to healer DPS:

This high damage meta exists because in SL all healers were complaining that “we need to DD and its not healing”. So blizzard said: Oh… so you wanna heal? Here! Heal THIS !

So if we want healing to be less stressfull, by defenition we need to nerf the damage down a bit. But if we do that… what else would you give to the party ?

So if I had to trade healing a bit less for focusing a bit more DD… I would consider that a good trade-off.

But to do that, all healers need to be balanced DPS wise.

Well, all the aquatic animals aside it just is by design that healers are doing more than just stand back and heal in general. They are suppose to cc, kick, heal, dmg and use utility correctly in this game I guess both pve and pvp. Healer is arguably the most tasking and multitask heavy role in the game, when they are in general tuned and designed well its also the reason why I like playing them.

Why do people go into such extremes as

Like where did i say anything close to this?

I can do this too you know. You want to be top DPS as healer because it is fun. That is why you play healer. To top the dps charts.


He is agreeing with you.

I dont think so. But in that case my apologies. But i do not get the message then.
Everyone needs to do all of that. No matter the role.

You said that you dont care about healers dmg output. I think healers dmg output is what makes game fun as healer and part of wow modern class design in general. They just need to balance it better that all healers bring either equal amount of dmg and heal or their healing have to be so massive that the lack of dmg doesnt matter if they are designed as passive type of healer.

I agree with this statement.

Low keys you focus on passing the HPS checks. And in higher keys when you got the HPS checks ironed out optimizing DPS is an optional, and fun, way to add extra complexity.

But it simply cannot be done with some specs. Only with MW and DPriest.

Damage to me is literally the last thing as healer that makes my healer life fun :grin:

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Even those aren’t doing significant damage.

Oh, wouldnt the traditional caster mw or rdruid be better then? Rsham were always this hybrid type that bring dmg and heal and alot utility :open_mouth:

But anyway Im not trying tell you what you should play, I like hpri, rdruid and rsham myself and rdruid is this passive type healer which I used to play that mostly just cc and heal. In current season I cant play anything else than disc. Its bit meh the state of game.

I am perfectly fine having tons of fun on most healers except resto druid :slight_smile:

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