100%. RShaman got nerfed 2 weeks into S1. DPriest though… I am still waiting…
And then, some changes need to be done to healing in general. I am sick of this situation because it is simply SO PREDICTABLE ! Its a disaster !
First: Damage.
Every healer should be on par in damage. But in practice it’s impossible to balance at the moment. All classes except MW and DPriest have to choose to cast damage OR healing. Cant do both. And this creates a problem.
If RShamans (for example) are put on-par DPS wise with DPriest we will ALWAYS do less damage than a DPriest. Because we cannot be permanently casting DPS spells and not healing anything.
If they consider realistic DPS, they have to buff our DPS skills by an obsene ammount, such that 1 lava burst does the same damage as 10s of a DPriest casting smite+squid. But then what happens? We get the “battle shaman” that forgoes healing and just DPSes to produce obsene ammounts of DPS on-par with a real DD.
Solution? Give all other specs free, off GCD damage procs. For example: After 3 healing spells we get 1 instant cast off GCD chain lighning or lightning bolt.
What did blizzard do? NOTHING. Their excuse? Up the damage so much that realistically no healer can do anything but heal. And nerf healer damage so low (even DPriest) that our contribution is ridule at best.
Second: Mana…
Its absurd that some specs are mana starved and others have infinite mana. What the hell is this ? RShamans specifically we got Resurgence nerfed because of Rashoks trinket in S2 of DF. And they FORGOT to revert that change !!!
And that is the lazy option. They could implement the mana recovery mechanisms of Cata promoting DPS to recover mana. But NO.
Third: Normalize buffs FFS !
Make other classes usefull as well. Warrior’s AP buff and Mages intelect should be normalized to primary stats. Warriors give 3% primary stat and mages 3% primary stat. Monks and DHs should also be normalized to +3% flat damage. Mark of the wild and paladin aura should both be normalized to either +3% DR or +3% vers… ECT…
Fourth: Utility and Dispells
Design dungeons better. No more “curse” and “poison” and “disease” mechanics. For bosses OR trash OR affixes.
Blizzard has to decide:
- Is this dot supposed to be dispellable? YES? Then ALL healers can do it, and it trucks if you dont dispel it. But ALWAYS a 1s to 2s delay before the first tick.
- Is this dot supposed to be healed? YES? Then NO healer can dispell it (not even evokers with cauterize, or dwarf racials or nelf vanish). And it dosent truck and will not scale with key level beyond a certain point.
There should be nothing else.
Fifth: Delete performance buffs like PI. ALL of them.
This is simply too toxic. The moment 1 priest spec is marginally competitive it is instantly meta because of PI. Im sick of seeing a meta priest since this was in-game. And the only rare times priest was not meta was when all 3 priest pecs were F-tier trash.
Sixth: ALL healers should have 1 external.
This buff is way to valuable to give it to some specs (Priests have 2 of them) and not to others. Every healer should have atleast 1.
That is on the top of my head for healers. And that is not considering the question: WHY does damage and HP of M+ dungeons need to scale equally? Why not make HP scale faster than Damage? And why does it need to follow some exponential curve? What is the problem with rating inflation? That would give healers a small break.