Ion take my levels!

Because Blizzard isn’t like a cold.

They don’t just screw it up. They totally screw up.
Then leave the issues persistent for months.

As I said I’m game if they actually listen to community feedback which might I add is a point you made but they don’t, with more than enough proof to back it up.

i have no use for 120 levels, if 95% of them give me absolutely no variation in my class progression, gameplay and customization, particularly with the scaling system we have now, most of the levels mean nothing.
I’d prefer to have 50 levels, with a talent choice/new ability every 5 lvls, with some cosmetic “glyph like customizations” here and there every few level, specific for the class or race ( new spell colours, new racial customizations, animations, etc)


Well what’s the point of having levels, then? The whole point of levels is that some players become stronger than others and aren’t interested in the same part of the progression curve anymore. The whole purpose is to give structure to an otherwise entirely open-ended ended. If this is your argument for scaling, then just remove levels entirely and be done with it.

Well you’re certainly right they didn’t speak about those things, but if they want to give us something cool for every level for 60 levels, then the talent system would be a bloody good place to start.

We have far, far from established that.

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I stated my opinion there, I opened the paragraph with “I don’t think” and ended it with “at least for me” so I know that not everyone feels like that but it is my opinion.

We already get rewards from quests, and sometimes the gear rewards from levelling quests get upgraded as you accept them so they are better than the original reward. That’s a perk right there. What other perks did you have in mind?

We get rewards from quests that most people sell or disenchant and a chance for an upgrade to rare/epic quality isn’t exactly what I had mind at all and I explicitly wrote “it can be an active/ passive ability on gear where each quest reward would give you a different kind of perk depends on the item, maybe even depending on the quest, class and/or spec” I’m pretty sure it’s clear enough so you can use your imagination to come up with some cool perks.

What you are describing is the Talent tree for out much beloved artefact weapons, or are you saying you disliked those too in legion?

That is indeed what i will tell you and many others, you cant stop me.

Wow thats so new and different and totally unlike anything i have ever seen before, wait thats how artefact talents worked.

So you did. I see so many posts from people generalising that quests are levelling or boring which really annoys me that, although I did read all your post, that bit leapt out at me and I mistakenly thought you were doing the same rather than stating your own opinion.

For some reason, I don’t remember seeing this part of your post (I do have genuine memory problems) and I did read it!

I do apologise if I came across as attacking or offensive, that honestly wasn’t my intention.

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No worries, all good. :wink:

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Very much against a character level squish here. It’s more than a number to me. And for those who would say it’s just a number - what does it matter to you if it’s 60 or 120 or 5? Let me keep my 120s please, it’s the pace that really matters for levelling.

Reducing the number of levels will improve the pacing of rewards and reduce the time to level. Going several levels without any significant rewards, like spells, talents or riding skills isn’t satisfying. I would rather have less levels with better pacing.


I would say to keep the levels as they are but as suggested above the leveling process could do with some fine tuning. If a level squish would just be cosmetic ie taking the same amount of time to max level it is just going to split the player base.

For me, I would rather give players the choice in regards to leveling by boosting heirlooms xp or adding more. Getting a level every 20-30 mins to get to 120 instead of every hour or two to get to 60 is again down to personal choice I would suggest.

There could be incentives for not using heirlooms (achievements, mogs, mounts etc) if people wanted a more old school feel and recognition for the grind to max.

The one thing I would like to see is zone scaling to a larger degree where possible.

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I dont even know why we need more levels when it comes to expansions anymore. New zones = new content. New reps to grind. New profession patterns, new crafting mats to farm, new items with better stats. Make the progression through new zones linear so dropped items/quest rewards/upgrades are relevant . Make story content and story chapter completion nessecary to unlock further progression through zones (attunments if you like). The need to relentlessly grind more levels after we have already done 120 of them at this stage is tiresome to say the least.


They could really just cap it at 60 and then just go for progression requirements in terms of story.


Might be a crazy idea, but what if each piece of armour from a continent was attuned to that continent and gave you more power there? This would allow you to stay at a static 60, but say going from Legion to BfA, a green you get thru questing there is just as powerful as a mythic Antorus piece of gear because of this, then add soft gates, like completing x quests, x dungeons and getting to x with faction reputation before you can properly start progressing in an expansion’s endgame? It would remove levelling completely in the end game, we could still have levelling from 1-60, but it would reincentivise people to experience older content to get appropriate gear for that continent… it’s a rough concept of an idea, but something like this could work. Could prevent future stat squishes too…

Posting here same i posted in other thread about this subject. What Ion was asking in live stream (starting 56:08 if someone wants to check) is this:

Really curious to hear general thought there, cause one of our big concerns with that is, even if time invested is not changing meaningfully and power level is not changing, like you log in and suddenly you are lvl 60 instead of lvl 120, but you have the same health, same item level, same damage, you’re in the same content than you did, does that still feel something really jarring that we taken something precious away from you if that number next to your character name has changed.

He does talk earlier about “condenced content” and about leveling “maybe speeding it up a bit” but that is what he asks on the end. Everything would be same but the number, would we feel something is taken from us?

I also want to go back to do old content overpowered and solo time to time. I don’t care number next to my character and i would love to get little bit faster leveling (it is not yet even in same level it was before 7.3.5 even they nerfed it already a bit), but i am just worried that while attempting to just change the number they would break something, expecially going back to overpower things part.

I recently saw the Q&A and I have to day I like the idea. Its absurd thinking we’re 120 now while 60 used to be max. And yes, talents and everything feel pretty bland right now. How awesome would it be to get talents and abilities back per level or 2.

I also don’t mind if I’m 120 and max level or 99 or another random level.

The only thing I can see is people maybe get confused on YouTube. Imagine 60 is going to be the new max level but we’re in a new patch. People might think, “huh… he’s low level but look maxed level, but this is a new patch?” :thinking:

Anyway: I vote yes

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Pls make it so#lvl60

i still have a suspition that those who say “its just a number” would prefer if wow was lobby based dungeon/raid symulator without any leveling.

becuase they dont give any f…s about leveling they just want endgame without any involvement

I agree.

Some fine tuning here or there but being level 60/70 again would be great. As long as the levelling isn’t significantly reduced in time to max. I’d expect a fair amount as it’s lower levels.

I also think level scaling in all zones would be great, but instead of it scaling to your exact level have some mobs lower, elites higher and so on. That way you still get that sense of ‘power’ progression.

E.g starting zones and the likes could only scale to a max of lets say for arguments sake 20. Where as Northrend etc can scale upto max level so you always have places to level even if you dislike the new zones.

Whilst that may seem weird at first I think it’d be an excellent opportunity for people to complete zones they’ve never experienced, or finish zones they have yet to.

Rep would obviously take a hit but at least the world would feel more alive and you never feel hindered in Leveling progress.

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Well, i do think it is just a number and i don’t really do dungeons/raids unless i really have to, i am mostly open world adventurer type and leveling alts is one of my main things of fun. But you have to understand that when people say “it’s just the number” they really are just talking about level number, not your power, your journey, your content, your leveling time and so on.

Just to clarify, i don’t support level squish but that is because i think it would definately change more than just the number. Number they can change, with other things they have to have separate talks with us. I am worried that they will sell this as “just number will be different” but on the end we log in and notice they have changed/broke/removed other things too on the same go.


Removing levels is a bandaid, not a proper fix. The problem will return.