Anyone decided the way their character looks is more important than performance/abilities and therefore is intending to go for covenant with the coolest mog?
I was thinking the same after watching the videos of Bellular and the others showing off the covenants, I don’t recognize myself in any of them so I’ll probably end up picking based on the mogs.
Principally. I have 8 chars I’m planning to give a spin in SL and some I’m picking on mog and others simply to get variety on abilities. Pax here will become my main frontrunner once the inevitable “pre patch catch-up gear” hits and I’m going necro simply because it allows me to carry alchemical vials on my back. I plan to have 2 of each Cov.
My MG warrior is going Kyrian because the plate mogs there look great for MGs.
The main quandry I have is which two MGs (the 8 are all MGs) go Fae because the mog is just…not that suitable, so I may totally ignore the mog and just make those decisions base on who benefits from the class abilities more and mog them in different stuff.
That’s basically all I’m doing this expansion.
Depends on how crucial the abilities are to gameplay.
Nah. I don’t like the look of any of the armour sets provided by the covenants so I’ll choose whatever I think has the best story or offers the funnest gameplay.
i will or my alts i suppose.
I’ll use an alt for transmog.
I’m not using my main for it. No one even slightly serious about this game’s end content will.
I would like to, but no im picking the best performing one. I am also planing on doing them 16 times for the mogs and mounts tought.
But lets talk about a real issue here. Altough i said that i will be picking power over aestethic, this in the long run will be the wrong choice. The player power will be scraped at the release of 10.0, either integrated into the class to some degree or gone completly and your covenant choice will have had no meaning afterall. If you pick aestetics your choice actually matters because there is nothing stoping them to keep the apirances locked behind the choice forever.
I will be choosing based on cosmetics. Cosmetics last forever while power doesn’t. If I still did serious raiding or pvp it would be a different story though.
For a character that I take seriously in terms of pvp or pve content? Hell freaking no. I have 44 max levels chars. If I want a specific transmog I will get it on them. Anyone who raids past normal/lfr and wants to be taken seriously will choose a covenant based on what ability performs better and not what looks better. If ppl enjoy getting carried by others though, lfr is there waiting for them.
So what will you do when you pick the strongest one and it gets nerfed badly? and the worst one is all of a sudden the best? Just curious. It happens all the time on wow, Normally something is really strong and it gets the constant nerf bat.
Then all of a sudden you’re getting “carried” How do we know what the strongest is?
When they get nerfed we switch, we dont like it either but thats the nature of the beast. Thats why we want easily swapable covenants or atleast teh power thet comes from them. If you decouple the power from the choice im fully on board with making them permanent and non swapable at all.
yes, also hope they dont nerf the trait that gives free mog changes XD
Knowing what the best ability is can happen through guides, logic, sims, and following the best players of your class armories etc to see what they are playing. If one gets nerfed you go through the grind and swap to the next. I am slowly getting into mythic raiding (3/12 on my hunt) and having to carry non optimal ppl in the raid absolutely sucks.
Not having ppl with optimal stuff doesn’t make a fight impossible. It makes it a pain in the freaking @$$. And it is no surprise that people that haven’t optimally set up their stats talents etc etc are the ones who usually underperform, and also the first ones to get booted off a group. You can look as flashy as you want in-game, but the raid leader won’t give a rats @$$ if your performance isn’t good.
i wanted to go for the covenant that goes with my class, i think night fae is the one that fits shamans the most(yes in SL i decided to main shaman) but still unsure if the covenant abilities have too much of an impact i might not do that way after all raiding HC is my main quest on the game.
Think the issue with night fae for shaman is you already have ghost wolf and their main abilty is a speed increase like ghost wolf? they haven’t said if it stacks, I doubt it will.
This appeals to my warhammer self.
If you really disliked the look of ghostwolf u might give it a go for a change but ye i agree it’s a bit of a silly option for druids and shamans who already have instant cast travel forms =P
They should of given that to Venthyr and made it a bat or something.
Night Fae should have the teleport, like vanishing and re-spawning in a flower pod for the animation.