Is anyone choosing covenant based on transmogs?

Im mostly picking on mount. But little bit ofnmog too

The set shown to me when I chose the Fae does not match the set that wowhead etc show as the plate set. Not sure if thatā€™s a bug.

Iā€™ve looked at the transmogs, and while those certainly helped steer my decision about which covenant to choose, that was only a part of the puzzle. In the end, I will go with the one my character would find most appropriate - for each char, main and alts alike.

As it happens, the one my main would like best, also has the second best looking transmog, and the coolest ability animation to boot. Hello, Night Fae, here I come!

Not quite sure yet where my alts will go, though. I care enough about my main to dive into the parts of available information that affect her, but on alts, Iā€™ll just play through the game and see which fits best. Worst case, Iā€™ll switch later - switching away will be easy anyway.

Absolutely. Im making my Prot Paladin apart of Kyrian whilst my Ret will be night fae and my Warrior will be revendreth. I think those 3 sets are fantastic for my respective character styles

Donā€™t really care as in my opinion there are better looking transmogs, although some are very good. But legion was just great for mogs.

Most of my favorite sets come from that expansion, if no basically all.

I don;t know man, when they go legion theme, it seems that they just make better expansions, i did not play bc personally at least not in retail as i was very young, but both legion and bc were pretty well received, if legion didnā€™t have the grind problems, it would have been a 9/10, and both expansions have awesome looking sets.

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I am.

Revendreth Cloth set, screams Blood Elf Warlock Transmog, plus -Kaelā€™thas-.
Bastion Mail set, screams High Elf (Void Elf) Hunter, with the small feathers and light blues and whites.

Iā€™ll choose Necrolord, because it has the only plate set that looks good on dwarves (no big boots that are bigger than the head, no belts with half of it dissapearing in the ground, no floating shoulders, no beard clipping through the helmet and dissapearing in the belt)

Iā€™ll probably just level all my alts first, and then level all the covenants on multiple alts at the same time to get the mogs/mounts.

I would say. Yes lol

Normally I would prefer Nightfae for armour looks but weā€™ll see, it seemed like they suck generally gameplay wise.


Canā€™t find any of the Covenant armor in the dressing room.
And yes, Iā€™ve got it set to Beta, not BfA.

Not sure if these are the final ones though.

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Thanks :arrow_up:

Well damn, Iā€™d be lying if I said this didnā€™t look as all hell.

But thatā€™s Kyrian, and I think the Venthyr look cooler and fit my rogue better :<

Iā€™m probably gonna be a Druid Kyrian :joy: I need them wingsā€¦

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