Is anyone else bored of 8.3?

i got bored after HoO, haven’t played since.

yea its pretty boring tbh, but its just a precursor to raiding so I wasn’t expecting much anyway.

No, not really. I’m glad the Assaults don’t require a lot of time per day (hunting for rares aside) and are quickly done. For me, the real 8.3. content are the new raid and the new M+ season, both of which aren’t available yet.

If i become your friend, will you buy me a longboi aswell?

The real content is the bgs, arenas, m+ and raids and they haven’t started yet. The new dailies are just that, quests to fill some spare time.

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Were you maybe bored already before 8.3?
It would be better to say that 8.3 didn’t fix the boredom if so
I had this issue before 8.3, played a different game for two months and back now, things feel fresh again

I did have a community of players to return too tho, that definitely helps

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I wish some more new things were released. Like the new character costumisations or the new lvling system. I don’t care much for raids or mythic +. So getting the cloak upgraded doesn’t have much value for me either :stuck_out_tongue:

If you make me a fursuit like she did, then yes

I will make you doggy biscuits for longboi

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Ill be your best friend if you get one for me aswell.

I mean the only interesting feature of this patch are the corruption affixes so my enjoyment of the game basically fully dependent on RNG, there are some exciting affixes such as the ones that deal % dmg but there is also void ritual which appears on 90% of my corrupted pieces, its a shame.

I personally liked the patch, Horrific Visions are good for players like me. My computer doesn’t allow me to Mythic Raid but in visions I don’t have FPS problems. An alternate gearing way is good, if only PvP vendors were back I would be glad.

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Sadly i lack the skills, would you consider anything else?

People tell me i make drawings like a 4 year old, and we all like them.
So is that an option?

The new raid seems interesting, and the visions are pretty fun.

However, everything else seems to be a snoozefest, especially the dailies…

Lack of new talents and skills is more disturbing than the bland update we’ve gotten so far…

And as the same in every patch, no.
I still play m+, i still boost and I still do the occasional whatever else.

As long as m+ exists in the game I doubt I’m gonna get bored.

I think revamping old zones wasnt needed. Putting rares, chests, mini challenges and all kind of tricky puzzling mind delusion games that tricks your sanity inside horrific vision would be much more fun.
I even have idea, you could revamped timeless isle with all those rares, chests and other rewards but with twisted and sick nature.

I was bored five hours before it launched.

I’m lying but it’s fashionable to be bored and I just want to be in the cool gang.

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I just hope to god we won’t have THIS for 8 months again, cause blizzard you gonna lose MONEHHHH if you allow 8.3 until shadowlands, thanks for making new zones btw…oh wait you gave us Uldum always hated that zone in Cata never touched it after, and Pandaria? just bad memories of Siege of Orgrimmar which lasted TOO long which I pray for your company you won’t do that mistake again.


You are enjoying yourself coz you are mvp. Nothing bad comes out of you. You are like opposite to grinch. Everything is perfect for you. Happy thoughts, happy, happy. You are like zoolander beign brain washed. Your exsistance is made to contradict devs when they try to hotfix something, and you will state “dont fix it its good”. Sometimes when i read your posts i feel and imagine you as android. You sre a flower that never falls. You are a spark that shine, you are inspiration. You are best and every part of wow is best. I love you.