Is BFA as bad as people say?

Some of the criticism, as I said in my original post, was well founded. Other complaints have been outright wrong. As I said in my original post. Don’t see how that is sugercoating.

How does one respond to this

Well it’s not over yet.

But Azerite gear and traits is one reason for the negativity.
Islands…are well…forgettable.
The dungeons are ok, imo too much trash in some of them, front loaded at the start like Shrine of the storm then thins out and not in a fun way.

Dunno I don’t mind the expac, I’m still playing I just avoid the things I really despise.

Yeah, it’s bad. I have no real incentive to log in at all.

PvP rewards - 90% of the sets this season look like trash, season mount is a terrible recolor.

Raiding - Why bother raiding normal and hc when you can get equal quality gear from warfronts and emissary quests.

Island expeditions - Boring, no challenge and basically gambling for one of the mounts. Waste of developer time.

Warfronts - Boring, no challenge. You basically force yourself to do them for the free heroic gear. Waste of developer time.

m+ - Before you can enjoy it you have to push raiderio rating. Every season anew. I’m sick of it and don’t bother anymore.

On top of all this:

  • overall shallow class design and boring rotations (legendaries gone, artifact weapon gone and pruned abilities)
  • azerite farming to unlock traits (fixed in june/july. wow!)
  • global CD changes feel terrible for most classes
  • titanforging (sadly, Blizzard will defend this one forever)

Well Cataclysm was deemed worst before WoD but it still had some character customization and it had tol barad that was WG light and more boring that WG but it still had that and classes were not pruned to hell and back.

Then there was WoD it had extremely rough start with lag and bugs the amount only beta and alpha games should have but still it had some nice things like Ashran that for me personally was lots of fun and while it might have been boring for some it had your own little place with the garrison.

But what does BFA have? More pruning on top of pruning gone are also the artifacts that we had in legion and in exchange we got boring neck piece and mostly boring azerite armors.
We also got Isle expeditions that got old after 2-5 runs and warfronts which feel like 20 man pandaria scenarios with participation awards. Also we got recolored “new” races with stupid grind boring reputation to get one requirements.

On a bonus atleast cataclysm and wod you had options because there was vendors for getting gear unlike legion and BfA which both have this repulsive off putting RNG crap that feels more like a punishment than rewarding.

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Pointless question, people who find this addon a piece of ‘censored’ are not eligible to post on forums. Almost every self-respecting player has already left the game.

Levelling zones are great and have nice little stories. What’s lacking is basically everything else.

  • The Warfronts and Island Expeditions that Blizzard tried to sell this expansion on are dull.
  • The faction war story is incredibly dumb and doesn’t fit at all in a world where the horde and alliance just beat the Burning Legion together. Many characters have been butchered lore-wise to fit the dumb overarching faction war story.
  • 7 months into the expansion and we still can’t fly.
  • Daily quests, oh excuse me, -world quests- are the same thing we’ve been doing all of Legion.
  • Azerite is one of the stupidest ideas Blizzard has had. The gear is annoying, the necklace is boring.
  • Zandalari Trolls and Kul Tiran humans are, at the time of writing this, still not in the game while they’ve pretty much been sold as an expansion feature.
  • Content drips in too slow to keep players engaged.
  • Blizzard devs are pretty much on a never ending streak of ways to completely miss the point on what players want since they believe they know better how we can have fun. Example: Blizzard: “The world must feel big, we remove portals.” Players: “But I don’t like being afk on a flight path. It’s not fun or engaging.” Blizzard: “The world must feel big, this is how you have fun.”
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I have more time to play WoW now than i ever have since i started in 2006 and yet i log in less and less.
Raiding and m+ seem to be popular so if you like those then you may well like BFA.
Everything else seems okay in small doses and may keep you occupied for a little while but you can only polish a turd for so long before the glitter rubs off.

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You start the questchain for CoS by killing a naga during the new invasions and getting a quest item.
Chances are Horde will get just as much info on it as Alliance.

I dont think its horrible but it definitely has some serious flaws…

1.) Too much time-gated content
2.) Island expeditions are very boring and a cheap copycat of MoP scenarios
3.) Our necklace doesnt feel legendary at all
4.) Meaningless grind off the charts (probably the grindiest xpac ive played)
5.) Professions… hah, what professions?
6.) Some specs got pruned even further
7.) Non existant class balance (in terms of numbers)
8.) Boralus looks like sh!t and feels glitchy
9.) World Quests seem to be there just to fill the map
10.) Mythic + are too ‘trashy’ favouring certain specs (no class diversity)

I still enjoy the game, mostly by theorycrafting or writing my own auras but thats about it. I have no motivation left to push high keys or do mythic raiding anymore, in controversy to previous expacs. Waiting for flying to break the routine…

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BfA is Argus extended with a twist called War Mode. Most boring expansion imho.

alot of feature of this expansion are badly executed.
everything is bring toward lfr difficulty alike.
warfront, island are innovative idea i was 100% in the idea, but how its executed well.

the azerite system suck.

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Well, they’re about to remove half the portals around the world in order to make it feel more alive with people gathered at certain hubs… figure out the sub numbers.

Well my 2 cents here:
Its not too bad however if you do it as soon as they’re released you might forget the details by the time they let you progress further.
I frequently find myself thinking hard just like what exactly I did last time in the war campaign it was just that long ago. The result of this is I’m not too hyped up about the story anymore. Imagine watching one Breaking Bad episode a month.

Honestly, I’m not even watching it. Farming the points is a chore and not even worth the time. Devs are speeding it up time to time so you will never get too far anyway.

Azerite Gear:
Any chest, shoulder, helmet is a potential chance to get your so aimed traits only to give you frustration 90% of the time. I’m not stressed over any new piece anymore. I expect poo, I receive poo - auto scrap.

No complaints here. I love every zone and their story were alright. Drustvar was especially refreshing with it’s witchcraft and I have to praise Zandalar Isle.
I’m getting along well without flying despite the harsh opinions of it’s urgency.

World quests:
Once you have put enough effort to the reputations and farmed quite a few 10k rep chests you can just skip them and enjoy your sweet time doing something else. Nothing too exciting here.
Someone’s mining azerite…:face_vomiting:

Island expeditions:
Wish they were possible to complete without all the mindless rush pulls. I enjoy looking around, finding the small secrets etc. but most of the time i feel forced to tunnel dps. So I’m not really doing them. Maybe 3 to 4runs every 3-4 weeks, yeah that’s my average.

Mythic pluses certainly give longevity to them but its getting harder to form groups each passing week due to people leaving the game. Dudes will be surely burnt out doing these until the end of xpac whether we get seasons or not…

Still give the most reason to stick around with your buddies to clear them albeit a guy got me thinking about stuff on the US forums when he mentioned we paid AAA price for the xpac and 15$ each month just to raid.

Wish i had more motivation :sweat:


I have a level 112 mage doing BfA for the first time and I have to say I am finding it quite fun. The story is engaging and I am feeling remarkably powerful as I fight and enjoying that. I’ve played em all but its too early to make a judgement. Though at the moment the signs are positive.

Wait until 116 when your legiondaries stop working and the scaling really kicks in, then you’ll be thinking differently.

The zone stories are great, I will agree there. The war campaign and faction war stories are anything but.

I got 5 days left of my subscription and then im gonna stop paying. BFA is just not the expansion for me i guess, there is just not enough content. I find the dungeons and raids boring. I really love Wow and i really want to like this expansion but i just don’t.

I just found out there is a private server with Legion content that im gonna join. Hopefully i join this community again next expansion :slight_smile:

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It’s the most frustrating type of failure for game/expansion - just like WoD, BfA has so much potential, but all you can see is half-baked ideas. Warfronts, expeditions, war mode, they could be so much better, if blizz simply put a bit more work/thought into it.

What always frustrates me is how blizzard takes fun idea, mismanages it, and then when players are frustrated/dissatisfied, labels it as failed project and never comes back to it. E.g. Garrisons could be fun in WoD, it could be player housing that people begged for years. Then blizz simply puts it into game, makes every garrison for millions of players the same (minus monuments of course!), and says - “you see guys, we put into the game housing, but you simply didn’t like it, so forget about us doing anything remotely similar in future.”. And that’s how warfronts, islands, and many things in the future will end up.
Similar thing is about story, although not bad (for an mmo), if they put a bit more thought and effort into it, perhaps people would not cringe as much as they do.

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BfA really feels like its full of great ideas but in the time of development the people have been constantly harassed to do something else and they have left those ideas half done and when they got back they had forgotten what they were doing and started to do something else until the next interrupt.

Are there aspects of the game I don’t enjoy? Yes, of course.

Is there enough to keep me interested in the game and playing every day? Also yes :slight_smile:

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To explain his reluctance towards BFA, many people mention the gameplay of the classes, the balance and the mechanics or the so called “new systems”. I think we must seriously relativize these statements: the three ill-loved expansions (Cata, WoD, and BFA so far) are essentially so because of a serious lack of content.
Cata: almost no content for casus or average players at the start and only 14 bosses added over the entire expansion… not to mention the nine months with DS.
WoD : same story, HFC for a full year.

As for BFA, we had to wait almost 6 months to get a new raid.
Separating the leveling between alliance and horde reduce the leveling to only 3 zones : the leveling, as good as it is, doesnt immerse for long ; we quickly find ourselves with new world quests, which give a strange feeling of déjà vu. This feeling have made many people wonder, including me : is BFA a mere Legion patch that follows Argus?

WotLK, MoP and Legion had benefited from significantly more additions of various content : raids, islands in MoP, entire areas, new 5 man. Make the list yourself if you want, you will see there is no match.
In the end, this lack of content highlights the flaws in the different systems (for example, the garrison for WoD, the necklace/island expedition for BFA). This lack of content also highlights the conceptual vacuum of a game, which is inevitably based on repeatable activities. In that context, only a very limited sense of what is called “gameplay” provides fun, that is the mechanics of your class or the bosses.

Hard achievement (like killing the last boss in mythic, being gladiator …) is what gives most of the value to mounts, titles etc you can obtain from. You cant add mounts forever and consider farming these as a reliable content for long. Same goes with all that can be considered as collecting stuff.
The successfull content have in the end always been raiding, 5 man, things wich makes the world feels alive (for example with pvp, like they did in mop) and immersive and long storylines.