Is BFA as bad as people say?

Well I think how BFA is a solid expansion but not among the best ones WoW had, and I will soon extend my subscription for it since I think how I still have plenty of the enjoyment in the WoW on the weekly basis for the price I pay monthly for it.

Currently the problem with it is that I feel how the game doesn’t offer enough of the interesting content for the players to do in the open world, and that it has a lack of engaging things to do in the PvE outside of the raiding and doing m+ dungeons.

Never mind then. Sounds like it all gets a bit dreary. Guess I’ll go find something else to do if its going to be that bad.

Thanks for the heads up.

That’s why I stopped levelling this warrior, my legiondary shoulders give me two extra heroic leaps, it makes running old content much better, especially after BTT nerfs.

I actually like Island Expeditions, and have been doing quite a few lately for pets (or the hope of pets!). The “randomness”, the mindlessness, the pace, those are fun to me. Something is missing to make them fully compelling, but I’m not sure exactly what it is. Perhaps it’s the lack of a real progress element of IEs.

So funny… I was back in Dustwallow with my 113 fire mage doing the pet tamer and wondered what I could get from a basic fireblast at a mob. I hit the mob just to my side with 500 000 damage. Pointless I know but given that under two weeks ago I couldn’t down this mob with Fireball, Fireblast, Fireball, Pyro and Fireblast… kinda speaks volumes.

What I found levelling is that if you can remember the original level status of mobs before scaling… if you hit as high as you can with as low as you currently are even though scaling supposedly makes you equal, you will do tons of damage. Though, as you get higher relative to the original mobs strength you do less damage. I noticed that most in dungeons. I think they tried to make it so that if you are following the most common levelling curve you should be doing the optimum damage. Does that make sense.

Dunno about BfA, but I noted I was and am doing a ton of damage … but if it follows the same pattern then it won’t be worth levelling I’ll just get carried through dungeons and let others burden the damage dealing till I get to cap. Sadly dungeons just give me rubbish reward and reduce my stats. So they are only worth the XP.

116 is when the scaling curve really comes into play, it is also when you start to feel at your weakest as all of the good secondary stats of your gear has been replaced.

From 116 to 120, it feels like an honest slog and not very fun if your class is heavily reliant on secondary stats for good damage or surviving.

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For me it’s the fact that what you have to do in them is pretty repetitive nothing to distinguish the one from the other. I might run 4-5 different ones but i can’t really tell the difference. Just another type of instanced content where exploration is punished - timer is ticking- and full of mini bosses type of mobs. Maybe it’s just me but i find them utterly boring.

No it’s not as bad as people say but yes it’s ( IMO ) a big step down from the same lvl as Legion was. Because…

Less options in character play.

  • Legendaries, even thou off to a bumpy start. Once u had all of theese u could alter your playstyle of your character massively making for a more varied, experimental and fun character environment.

  • Gear swapping in dungeons. Making healers/tanks/dps swap gear to deal with packs/bosses where less/more healing, survivability was needed. Adding extra layers of gameplay again rewarding curiosity and creative thinking. And tbh just more fun.

Forced personal loot.
Which most guilds just circumvent using addons anyway. Making gearing a mess of a raid stopper just having dead time hanging around in front of bosses or just in the end of the dungeon for loot to be dispensed. And the more furiating by being unable to trade away loot you dont need even thou its an ilvl upg.

Azerite traits being really passive compared to the Legion counterparts that added new spells and actual gameplay changing traits and events. Yes sure there was a lot of flat % dmg to X spell in Legion aswell. But there was a lot of impacting traits aswell. But as in BFA its falling really short.

Why did character gameplay options and interchangability fall so low in BFA?

It’s not great. I think 8.1.5 will fix a lot and I feel optimistic. Although I am looking forward to flying. I wish flying was in 8.1.5, oh well.

I just wish I could log on the first day of an expansion and see that they haven’t changed loads of stuff… I have never seen a game make so much new stuff to remove it, then put it back again… this game needs consistency… I can only imagine the nightmare new players have dealing with it all.


as a 11 years wow player i can tell you that BFA is tragedy, i feel you, when i started bfa it was very fun, i got some gear got my challenger but the game became terribly boring to play, WoW was always my only game to play but now i just don’t want to log in, i see that there are many better games, also as i fan of PVP, i don’t want to do battlegrounds and stuff because its just simply unrewarding, i currently only resubed because i have gold in game, but im not going to pay any money for this game if i run out of gold, its just aint worth it, i dont know what to do in the game, i used to farm bg’s and do pvp all day in cata and wotlk also some raids, now queues are getting longer players are leaving the game and pvp is totally unrewarding, it just sucks, my honest oppinion, pve is playable but i just don’t have time to wait until people will come to raid and leave after every boss and wait for new players, also pvp doesn’t seem balanced, also not enough ways to customize your gear no gems no enchants nothing. Legion was bad but BFA is worse. Everything i do in the game seems pointless, im currently sitting on 392 ilvl and all world quests, weekend quests just don’t give feel interesting because they don’t give me anything normal, im not interested in mounts and pets, i got some crappy items after winning 200 arenas , i don’t know, back in the day there was some kind of system in game everything was clear, now its just a mess,i get some crappy potions for bg’s and some dead gear from pvp when guilds that go M 10+ get 425ilvl items from chest, and blizz wants to me to grind to gladiator so i could get a worse item then them. Just look at best wow pvp streamers, they play some wow and go to play apex legends or something now. Sad.

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It has a great deal of flaws and missteps but I personally wouldn’t say it is the worst and it surely isn’t the end of World of Warcraft as some people like to claim.

Then again I do believe every expansion has had its short comings, WoD for example, even though I honestly didn’t super hate it since the content that I did do was enjoyable, had much less to do outside of raiding than BFA does so even if I enjoyed the content that I partook in during WoD it still is a much worse expansion for me than BFA is.

It’s never as bad as people say. But there is also no smoke without fire.


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It’s not the worst expansion I’ve ever played but it’s far from being the best. To give you a quick run down of why I don’t think BFA’s great.

- Warfronts
They’re boring and unenjoyable after the first few times, that aside, they’re heavily gated and control switches every few weeks, it doesn’t feel engaging.

- Island Expeditions
Like warfronts, they lose their luster very quickly especially since you can spam them. If it wasn’t for the azerite weekly reward I’d probably skip them entirely.

- Raiding -
I primarily raid on my alliance character now, raiding for me has taken a big hit with the removal of tier sets and M+ being spammable which gives you 400 ilvl gear from completing +10. The spammable nature of M+ can put raiding to shame as you’ll usually find better trinkets in M+

- Azerite
I can’t shake the feeling this was supposed to be something grander, as it stands it’s a watered down version of legion artefacts, it is being worked on for 8.2 though so I’ll keep my fingers crossed but I’m not expecting miracles.

Cries about the people getting the loot from +10 mythic but has never done in this season the mythic dungeon higher than +5 and even failed to do on time Atal’Dazar +2, pathetic :rofl:. Also is wearing 2 heroic BOD azerite pieces with having just 2 kills in heroic raid, one 390 warforged piece from the only mythic + 4 and another one from mythic + 5, and has also one from the weekly timewalking :rofl:

my items doesn’t have to do anything with game being boring and me not wanting to play it so much first time ever, also i told im not a fan of pve, you sound like fanboy, trying to defend the game when its aint worth 15 euro a month. From pure pve perspective i don’t know, game might not be that bad, i just hate to do mythics and don’t a fan of raids

There is nothing fanboying in my post, just clear facts. When you start comparing the other people and the rewards they get from the content they do you can expect the same in the return, nothing more and nothing less than that. And btw if you are interested only in the PvP content than you should ask from Blizzard to fix the gearing in it instead of talking about the content and the difficulty of it in the relation to gearing about which you don’t have any clue about….

my point was that its not fair that pve players have better gear for pvp then hardcore pvp players. Also what can i ask blizzard? if they cared they would have put pvp vendors in game while ago

BFA is not bad but not that good.

Problem is Wotlk a 10 years old expansion puts the current expansion into shame.


The problem with BfA is Legion to be honest, the previous expansion. When Legion was released, they seemed to be on a good roll and track again, trying to make the game alive. Sure it wasn’t perfect, but there was a glimmer of that old WoW feeling again. A new hope so to speak. Though when we were through with Nighthold, thinks started to come undone.

BfA continues with the joke content we got in the last couple of content patches of Legion, without adding that much new to the table, and what they have of new things are time gated galore. Along with a story line that just doesn’t make any sense. It’s jokingly said that the only 2 that got something new in this expansion, is Sylvanas and Jaina, but I think that just describes the issue with this expansion. Nothing new to play around with, nothing engaging. It’s like you’ve been promised something awesome and end up getting a cardboard cut-out of someone you never heard of.

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