Is BFA as bad as people say?

I levelled a fire mage to 120 in BfA for the first time, not this character, and had really no great problems till I hit 120. Then tonight after dinging 120 I couldn’t kill a thing without a real struggle. The shield was down in seconds and I couldn’t get fireball up to hots so I could crit without being hammered. It was painful just to kill one mob. yet previously I was feeling OK and enjoying the game.

I then stood and reflected on matters… And then I deleted all my quests and walked away from the game. I got better things to do than waste my time dealing with this nonsense. Aint hard … its BORING. Is that all they got… same old mobs and now with just a massive health pool. Tedious, mind numbing rubbish. Sorry. I was having fun… and then the fun stopped. No wonder players are walking away from this game in their thousands every day.

the games reward you for no reason.
the gear means nothing because in 5 minute you can find better.
the game don’t creat a journey, it creat only a end road again and again.

the games is now so much accessible its degusting.trying to eliminated the player skill gap won’t resolve any problems.

you can have the best intention in the world it does not means is the best one.

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Its worse, but here if you say so ur a doomsayer LoL, my advice for those people is: Stop it! Get some help!

why call someone a doomsayer.
who are you to have the right to judge other people thinking.

It depends how you look at it, leveling the 1st couple of levels it’s amazing.
The story, the immersive artwork, the feel of some new, all amazing.

Then confusion set in, you get a legendary necklace that does nothing, it’s a handy bag for some strange stuff called azerite.

You start getting gear that makes you weaker? and azerite traits that sometimes are great but sometimes are not?

Then you want to play with friends but immense phasing makes it almost impossible to play with others unless your 99% on the same level, quest etc.

Then finally your 120 and you want to continue your quest, but oh wait that hasn’t been released yet, you need to wait 3 weeks before you can continue.
But you can join these small groups and kill stuff on an island, thats fun…once.

Well if I were only 370 item level while the average is 390 I wouldn’t wonder about getting upgrades…

But wait why are you 370 if you get a upgrade every 5 minutes ?

drashicho-hyjal your answer man.

So you have a character around average gear, who still wears heroic from the current raid + mythic + items.

How again did the stuff just lay around and you get a upgrade every 5 minutes?

he took me 12 hour from getting 120 then chaining m0 followed by m+ then running bod to reach that ilvl.

How did you do some raids multiply times , one heroic boss even 6 times, in 12h?

you can do them once a week…
first you chain m0 then m+ and finaly you are doing raid. 280ilvl to 385 take me 12hour.

You know we can see how often you did a boss/ the exact date you did the boss? If we look at your shamen you have more than a week in between the first part of the raid on normal and the end boss.

And that’s ignoring lfr and heroic and mythic +.

I don’t know how you would have done that in 12h playtime.

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maybe you are only focused on the raid parts.

Well you claimed first you get a upgrade every 5 minutes.

Than that you went from 280-380 in 12h. While doing mythic + and raids in multiply difficulties for atleast 6 weeks.

But you could always show us your /played :slight_smile:

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No but it’s not brilliant either. Naturally the content is slow to release so easy to get bored after a while but I certainly enjoyed it for most of the half year it’s been out.

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