Is bfa really this bad (VIDEO)

The GCD before Blood of the Enemy is Dark Slash (we see Sark Slash debuff on the Priest in the clip). That is THE indication he plays the one shot build. It works only with this.
When playing vs DH you have to look out for Dark Slash just in case.

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Look mom, I’m on TV!

good for you.
You still die regardless of this 40% of a joke they call def cd.

You don’t only get dmg from 2 big annihilations, you know that right?
Because there is another dps that is smashing your face at the same time and also the dh is still pumping other dmg in that 5 second window where you are cced and ideally your team is also cced or cannot help much anyways.

still stands, how can anyone defend this game design lol

yea you can do this or that or this or that.
Guess what, they also could do this or that to prevent you to do this or that.

Game is also still a lot of luck based.

You don’t. And this is why it is considered a “meme spec”. Higher rated Demon Hunter players don’t really choose to roll with it for the exact same reason.

But those 2 hits are what you need to survive in order to deny the DH’s “go”. As long as they don’t score a kill during that window, your chances of winning increase by a lot…

The DH is most probably going to use a stun on you, yes. Which you can trinket. Your team can also trinket cc in order to prevent that one-shot from being used on you. You are over-simplifying things in order to prove a point which doesn’t stand, right now.

Uhm… As far as I’m concerned, no one is defending it? Not even Demon Hunters. But by objective truth, there IS counter-play to it.

What kind of argument is this even? Well then, I guess you could say you could also do this or that knowing that they’re about to do this or that in order to prevent you from doing this or that.


How can it NOT be luck based with the current gearing progression system?

if you telling people git gud, it is defending the system in a way yes.

nothing to to with gear, but doing 50% more dmg because you crit and one shot somebody is a large factor.

no you don’t. If those 2 hits take about 600k hp without mitigation from a def cd it would be 360k with my so called shield wall.
Add some auto attacks and stupid passive procs inside that window you are mostly at 400k
Now his teammate is only required to finish off 100k in the same window to still insta gib me with astral shift up.
Heck just press breath of dying and I am yea “dying”.

why do you think the dh will stop pressing buttons after his 2 big hits?
Also why do you even assume that I am at 100% hp when I get hit by his stun?

ah whatever there is no point in discussing it. If you think it is easily outplayable, fine. I still think it is stupid and often you cannot do anything about it. About as fun as stampede in mop or dk in s5. Which you probably also can outplay.

In this case, could you please show me to where I told people to “git gud”? Not agreeing with everything that other people complain about does not mean I am directly defending the issue in question. But at the same time, I am not going to instantly agree with them either if my opinion differs. I did not even imply you should “git gud”. I just tried to present my points on why, despite a dumb thing, this DH playstyle is not as huge of a deal.

Is Mastery stacking for DH a super dumb build? Yes. Agreed,
Does it lack any and all counter-play? Not really. Disagreed.

It depends on how much % Crit chance we are talking about, and which specs. For example, you cannot really call out a Sub Rogue “lucky” for his Crits during his burst. That’s how the whole spec works.

Wrong. Because:

  1. You are already forgetting to factor in the baseline Versatility damage reduction.
  2. In doing that, you are also not accounting in for stuff like Conflict & Strife (especially if we are talking about C&S as Major Essence).
  3. The moment you notice the DH casting one of these abilities on you, them being Fel Lance (Death from Above), Fel Barrage, Nemesis, Dark Slash, Blood of the Enemy, etc, you can already go into pre-Wolf both for the Pack Spirit trait and also for the Spirit Wolf talent, if you’re running that as well in order to mitigate more incoming damage.

I also think it is stupid. But I feel like this whole thing does at least have its work-arounds when you manage to read the signs. As a build, it shouldn’t exist. But then again, many things in this game should have never been a thing to begin with. Since DH Mastery build is already here and happening, the ideal course of action would be to analyze what to do versus that scenario, wouldn’t it?

There is a reason that much higher rated players choose to not base their success on that build.

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Or mlx or in my eyes spitemrx

The thing is at high rating you play against the same team multiple time and sometimes multiple time in a row so if you got deleted by that build then people will expect the next match up against them to play the same build so it doesn’t work for this reason.

But at lower rating you face 1 team and then never fight this one the entire session so people can abuse it and kill someone with the surprise effect.

Shadenox Congrats to 2.7

Get more thirsting blades traits.

TBH if that trait did reset after the gates opened the spec would be dead very soon as it requires 60 seconds to build up to max stacks.

Precisely! That was my point - that people expect that DH to play it, and since there is counter-play to that build, the DH teams choose to go for the normal ones (Versa amps or Gushing Wound).

Agreed. But once you have seen that niche build, you know what to expect next time. You are going to be ready to read the signs. And imo, they won’t be able to catch you off-guard as easily.

I mean it’s really hard to see the debuff between a ton of others and even if you wall at full life you can be deleted (I’ve seen it hit for 300k per hit).

I’m pretty sure most of people don’t look at their debuff btw (except maybe vendetta and ToD and I’m not even sure for low rated people).

On us forum someone made a post saying he got 2k4 by one shotting people so I guess it’s more than a même build when you can push that high easily.

Well while it might be true that’s the reason they die without understanding why !
Not looking at debuffs, tsktsktsk…

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Pretty sure that its very easy to get a Weakaura to track Darkslash Debuffs on oneself.

I mean when u get shotted like this its feed.

lmao @ ppl defending this.

So your solution is to get a pve addon to not get one shoted. That seems legit.

PvE Addon? There are many R1s using WeakAura for Arena, most known example was a WeakAura to track Maledicts on you.

True story

You could just look at your debuffs.

Btw “pve addon”, welcome to 2020

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