Thats not the issue at all. The ratio disparity is solved by pressing “respec”, the problem is people don’t want to because tanking is not a desirable role.
Why not?
Thats not the issue at all. The ratio disparity is solved by pressing “respec”, the problem is people don’t want to because tanking is not a desirable role.
Why not?
Ahhh let’s force people who wanne dps into Tanking. That solves zero problems
many people dont care about raids
It’s one or the other.
Is it the evil ratio reducing the amount tanks or the fact people don’t want to play them?
It’s not the ratio, people simply don’t want to tank. If thats the case why did you make a post waving it away as the ratio?
Dear Lord.
Same as they don’t care to tank
many would if tank buttons where more enjoyable to press.
Reduce? I never say reduce it.
Dear lord
What? Do you need rebooting chat gpt?
Show me where I write that tanks need to reduce
You can’t right?
Lets start again, you said the reason people have issues to find a tank is because of the ratio of tanks to other roles in raids.
Then I said, thats easily fixed, press “respec”
Well then, the issue isn’t the ratio in raids is it?
Yeah. If they did not systematically nerf tanks more people would play it. No reason to nerf them in delves, pvp or dps trinkets for ex.
But the bottom line is the awful systems like key depletion, overdesigning encounters etc promoting toxic behaviour just make group content in general something to be avoided for responsability roles like tanks / healers. Unless they remove this kind of penalties, overcomplicated stuff, they can’t turn back the culture to what it was in the haydays of WoW.
It might backfire and create an additional dimension where tanks need to excel, increasing the pressure and expectation on them.
Tanks are probably the most satisfying of the 3 role to press button with, the problem is the amount of knowledge required (or the idea people have of the knowledge required) to perform semi decently as a tank.
Personally i cba to deal with routes and people following content creator routes changing pack order and their brain going 404 because i pulled their third pack as second.
Maybe i am a bit hateful cause last time i played tank was prideful and i hated every second of it.
And also some thing need help from the team to be executed, so you may do your job, a dps/heal fail theirs but you still get blamed for the bad pull.
Nope, dont wanna deal with that
Only blizzard fault. Poor design choices and boring unfun gameplay is a reason people quit tanking. No reward will compensate that
i tried the tanks that dont have 80+ apm and none had satisfying buttons
So they nerf tanks so that they’re more reliable on healers to stay alive, making only Prot War and Bear viable.
Then on top of that, if you make one mistake tanking you get the “tank, what are you doing” message.
All tanks are viable and already cleared +12.
That does not mean they are on the same level of course but some people have a very strange concept of viable.
Reading you seem more like viable=broken
Doesn’t make the classes good, it makes the players playing those classes good, you put average joe smoe behind the keyboard of guardian druid and prot pally and you will have 2 vastly different results.
Im saying that as a guardian druid enjoyer.
Yea, “viable” is one of the most abused words in wow.
Prot warr and bear are probably more capable than a Pala atm but all classes can clear high keys meaning they are all “viable” choices.
The distinction is that bears and prot warr’s are also a LOT more forgiving. They have higher base armor, more health etc etc.
Prot pala needs to layer 2 active mitigations (consecration and sotr) and fill in gaps with one of 4 other buttons. Fail to do that and you’ll be licking the floor. (Think BDK without the self heals).
In other words, in really skilled hands they rock. For the other 99% they will have a disturbing tendency to go splat.
The problem is people use the word “viable”. And for the content 99,5% of the players are doing every spec is viable. Also prot paladin.