Is Blizzard out of their mind?

I just want to address a question to all the staff from blizzard.
How can you be so f unfair towards other classes?
You buffed retri paladins to 1 shot you basically in arenas,
You buffed rogues to 1 shot you in arenas,
You buffed dh the hunt spell !!


The fact that they buffed Final Verdict in 9.0.5 when it was already hitting me for close to 30k is absolutely insane to me, I don’t understand how they came to that decision.


Your complaining about DH which has the lowest representation of all classes in arena after so many nerfs?

Lowest representation doesn’t mean they’re not horrible to play against.
In 3v3’s the’re not the lowest, they’re right in the middle of the pack for DPS.

Also OP’s issue is about ‘The Hunt’ specifically, not DH’s as a whole.
92.2% of all Havoc DH’s are Night Fae. Even if you’re a huge DH fan surely you can agree that’s wrong and shouldn’t be so skewed? There is a serious issue with ‘The Hunt’.


2v2s DH 1.6%
3v3s 1.3%

It’s easy to shout those numbers around but they’re meaningless without context, which you’re not supplying.

First of all you’re looking at DH as a class, not Havoc. People rarely care about tank specs in the meta, and seeing how DH only has 2 (1 relevant) specs those numbers will always be low for DH unless havoc is absolutely busted.

3v3 (which is relevant, 2v2 is not), for every spec in the game Havoc is sat at 1.1%.
Again, 1.1 looks bad until you factor in that these results are heavily skewed by the few absolute S tier specs, e.g Holy Paladin having 11.5%.

Aff Lock is great right now but I could scream for buffs because Aff is only at 1.9%. And that’s the strongest spec in a class with 3 relevant (DPS) specs, so it’s not being out shined by itself, that’s simply the best Warlock can offer.

All of this is irrelevant anyways because I said The Hunt is OP, so it doesn’t matter if DH isn’t massively popular. It’s out of scope.

PvP is in its worst state ever in WoW.

Says who? You? So entire pvp balanced should be done around your experience?

Yes but no beocuse of balance but becouse of power creeep.

That’s not even close to what I said, the fact that that’s your takeaway is wild.

Cool becouse if you would actualy watch some of the very high end pvp arenas you would know that burst you talking about is not thing in those brackets.

High end balance shouldn’t dictate the state of the game.
I’m coming at it from an average players perspective.

Again, never claimed DHs were strong, but the ability The Hunt is.

I see no other explanation than that they just have no idea what they are doing. We have a director who doesn’t know what pvp is and two pvp designers who also know nothing about pvp. And we expect quality class/spec design and fair balance… Tragicomedy.

Btw, representation is not the only measure of whether a class/spec is good or bad. We have trash classes/specs that are popular, while we have great classes/specs that are not popular because they are boring to play, etc. For example, ret paladin can be incredibly good, but I will never play it because that spec (class) is complete garbage to me. SV hunter is a great spec, even op in good hands, but as you can see there are almost none at all, because 80% of hunters do not like that spec. Representation/popularity is one thing, and good/op/broken is quite another.

Yes it shoulfd otherwise skillcap will have very small curve which will make pvp boring.

Skill cap has nothing to do with end game balance.

I’m not saying Blizzard shouldn’t try and balance high CR, but you realise a tiny amount of people actually play in high CR right?

The game is being balanced and designed for the top like 5%, if that.

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Yes it have. if you reduce burst dmg it means players can deal with it much easyer without knowing anything about cds. Which means it reduce skillcap needed.

Ret paladin needs buffs.


Big debates are held here every day while two pvp designers of this game together with the director type on Google: what is pvp. Someone who has influence in this company should set up not pro/multiclass gladiators but just average players to design classes/specs and balance pvp. I guarantee they will do a much better job than these overpaid ignoramuses.

In nearly all expansions; i miss the old parts of an expansion that has some kind of Pvp balance at the end of expansion.

It has been just few months in Shadowlands, My god; i have 0 enthusiasm to do arena.It is terrible atm.And i dont even mention the gear gap and scaling issues.People literally walk like cowboys around bgs and one shots each other as if its a cowboy duel zone lol. No skill no planning , no cc usage etc… (there is barely time for it to get any kind of utilization)

The funny part is everyone scatter like wild rabbits when a high geared ret pop wings .
ıts like instant doom; as if thanos landed on wow screen. Its like guaranteed defeat.

Mages have 3x shields ; its like DR strange is there, and reverts time every time you hit him.
Even the ‘‘dispeller’’ classes says this is ridiculous and insane that mages can have 3x shields.

And dont even make me start about sub rogues. You dont even survive for a 2nd stun vs a rogue. If you get stunned without a trinket ; it is guaranteed death.It doesnt take too long.

Other classes have some kind of procs or abilities ; but really, REt burst and rog burst are really otherworldly atm. Considering that they can also get’‘teleport’’ from night fae atm ; rets and rogues are the most uncontrollable and overpowered burst specs in game now.

I have a feeling that new double trinket ‘‘versatility’’ pvp bonus contributed this class imbalance more than ever.And made the versatility primary stat for pvp. But this resulted the ‘‘direct damage classess’’ being too op for game sense.

I just checked on a pvp statistic site to see ‘‘really’’ how bad it is ; Let me tell you . It is extremely bad.

2200+ pvp Class representation ratios; lowest represented classes ; less than % 3 aprıl 4th 2021

Feral Druid% 2.3
Affli lock % 2.1
resto Druid % 2
BM Hunter % 1.6
Demon hunter % 1.2
MM hunter % 1
DK unholy % 0.7
Assas Rog % 0.7
Desto warlock % 0.7
Fury Warrior % 0.4
Monk Mweaver % 0.3
Survival hunter % 0.4.
Arcane mage % 0.2
Demonology Lock % 0.2
Outlaw % 0.1

My solution is ; Give %2 Damage resistence for each pvp set part that you are wearing ; Maxing out at % 15(including trinkets and weapon). Also remove the versatility applifying effect because it results in more burst in game .And buff the low performing specs damage and utility wise to even up numbers.

From the overall data up above ; the biggest damage dps buff requirements needed are for Outlaws ; which means they roughly need a % 9.9 damage buff. Lowest is feral druid ; which make their requirement is sllightly lower than others ; An overall % 7.7 damage increase can be enough.

I think you know the answer to your question.