Is Chaos Bolt EU dead?

My brother seems to think the server is dead in the water, curious. I mean I don’t play a lot during peak hours but, he says lower leveling no one doing it, no one doing dungeons, other than certain 50 level things. Thoughts?

Same in Lava Lash. Can even barely get any Princess runs or any Feralas incursion runs at all. Dying more every day and Blizz doesn’t give a damn.

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Maybe from lvl 25… thats when ppl start doing incursions mostly

confirmed. the last few evenings, the lfg chat was hardly happening at all. and ever so often, i had to leave that chat cause it was pushing away my guild chat.

I miss talking without echoes in lfg

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The raiding population is about what was normal for most servers during the latter half of classic vanilla. The WoW community just has an obsession with things being dead or dying.

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Bro, speak for yourself you are on the overpopulated side (alliance)

Cannot even find Fish Oil on this dead server as horde

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Horde had more logged raiders last reset.

Just checked, there’s fish oil on the AH.

I do think the server should be merged with one of the bigger servers, because the outlook isn’t great. But that doesn’t change the fact that the WoW community is obsessed with the concept of something being “dead” or “dying”.

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Bruh, Chaos Bolt is closed for creation of alliance characters as we speak

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Seems like all these alliance player are dumb and/or delusional …

  1. CHAOS BOLT locked for alliance?
    Confirmed by Blizzard too much alliance on Chaosbolt
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I mean I still SEE people it isn’t dead per se , but I wouldn’t mind a merge with another server to balance things out keep things pumping. Obviously phase 4 will bring people in at 60.

Trying to find people for our group for a dungeon and giving up after 30 minutes. Doing the Stranglethorn event with 40 horde players in the zone…

To be honest, I will probably log on less as well, if I have to spend too much time waiting compared to actually doing stuff.

it’s small realm but for sure not dead. or maybe from 3am to 8am

I’m hoping for a servermerge ASAP… P2 was very deadly for Chaos Bolt unfortunately…

Started a hordling on Lava lash recently, it’s pretty quiet leveling up sadly, rare to get a dungeon group for somewhere. I think it’s stopping a lot of new players from trying to level up. Who wants to level solo and do no dungeons.