Is classic now played less than retail?

Retail’s always going to be more popular, simply due to the fact it’s getting new content all the time.

The vast majority of the population on retail just play normal/LFR (Which usually aren’t logged)

Aside from my guild, I’ve made like 200+ friends on retail during my time XD.

But then again, I’ve only really made friends with my guild… unless I’m playing M+ with somebody who’s talkative as well xD.

blizzard dont care about Classic :F

I doubt it, but who knows.

Citation needed.

Retail use xrealm to make it look populated so no.



retail still dead

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It’s still populated, doesn’t matter about xrealm lol.

So dead that it has more full realms than classic.

Nice try goat :goat:

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HAHA so true :smiley:

but even still, the proof is how you experience the game. im always
a) seeing people,
b) seeing the SAME people every few levels
c) have an active guild chat
d) have an active general/trade chat.

i dont see ANY of this in retail. it doesn’t matter if classic has 100,000 players, and retail has 10M, if you constantly interact with the players in classic, but never interact in retail, the “experience” will ALWAYS be better in classic.


I’ve been playing retail and only jumped onto Classic at launch for a “Look”

After getting fed up of the ongoing issues with retail, I logged in and created a toon on classic. The game feedback and enjoyment in the first couple of hours was just what I’ve been looking for. Not just from wow but from MMOs in general.

Little things like seeing people of all different levels in capital cities and not just maxed level boosted chars. Professions being useful and grinding them as you level. An economy that isn’t broken. The tough combat and nostalgia are all reasons why i’ll be playing classic for the foreseeable future.

For anyone who is thinking about making the transition to classic WoW remember this. Forget about being max level. Just log in. Quest, explore and enjoy. Pick up some professions, make some gold. Don’t see the game as a grind/slog to level 60. The journey is the game.

In response to the original question, the answer is probably yes. I think we as a player base have become accustomed to the ease of playing the game and blizzard in order to compete with other MMO developers have watered down content to appeal to a wider audience. I don’t think this can ever change back to what was once a powerhouse platform, but i’d love to be proven wrong.


Join a serious guild then, the so called “social” ones are the less with interaction between people.

we can also see this with the ‘general discussion’ forums of both. the classic one has 21 threads being discussed in the last 2 hours, while classic has 7

Well the people that plays it with a rush are either back to other games or back to retail

This kind of people in Classic simply don’t do raids so it’s the same

As far as I remember last time retail had queues in WoD…

Classic was always less played than retail, anyone who believes otherwise is deluded. The quality of the game doesn’t even matter. Retail simply has more players due to it’s accessibility and buttload of casual content such as pet battles, mount farming and other carebear things.

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Don’t know, don’t care. Retail sucks, either way.


Retail has plenty more realms compared to classic as well.
Trying to compare them without numbers however… is dumb XD.

Retail however, will always have more players.

i Think Classic has less players, all pro players already done ranking only meme players left now


It’s full with characters not active players.

Retail is a soulless shell. The big guilds on retail don’t even talk to eachother in g chat anymore. And no one interacts in the world, hell you don’t even know who people are in retail, everyone else you meet is from another server and they disappear like ghosts.


Sad by the pvp failed that never did past 2k, and not even able to partecipate on a normal raid.

Maybe the reason that people don’t talk in your guild is becouse they are bad as you so you just queue for content with the LFG, or they dont want to have anything to do with you.