Is Gogogo culture truly Blizzard´s fault?

So, yesterday evening me and wife were running a dungeon for the first time and we were subjects to some very bizarre behavior: the tank was this twitchy monk who kept zipping around the place having the whole group running after him, as is common nowadays.
Even after the party wiped twice and asked him to please let us get our bearings since it was the first time we got into the place, he wouldn´t just stop climbing the hills to skip the last 3 pulls before the boss, he broke into an incredible power trip and decided that if we couldn’t manage to get there ourselves we would have to watch him solo the boss.
After the group finally disbanded he actually whispered to me to “go touch grass kid” and blocked me instantly afterwards.

Now I don’t like to throw around tublrina terminology like toxicity ands such, but in 18 years we´ve been playing I have never seen such insanity.
I think the situation got unnaturally bad, and this attitude seems to be specific to WoW.

Lots of people are complaining on the forums about the state of dungeon running, and everyone seems to have a different opinion as for the why. After reading someone complaining about the inclination of Blizzard to turn dungeons into an esportable activity, a thought dawned on me.

I realized that I had been very familiar with this kind of behavior, when I was young and full of drugs. This is how very heavy users of coke and m*th act.

Then I started thinking about how nowadays energy drinks have been popularized in esports and are specifically marketed to gamers, and how in every shop, there’s fridges and fridges of energy drinks being positioned right next to gaming equipment.

My point is: how much of this twitchy, manic, antisocial behavior could be fueled by an unsuspected caffeine addiction, rather than people being naturally sh*tty all of a sudden only in WoW?

TL;DR: is gogogog attitude mostly due to underlying caffeine abuse?


it is Blizzard’s fault for WoW specifically. I like M+ and dungeons in general I hate the timer in M+. Now the Grand hunt event is with similar rush mentality even though there isn’t a hard timer


I believe it’s just another generation of gamers. The good old “today’s youngsters” problem.
While the old games were kinda too slow, we are currently in a time where everything needs to be fast and flashy.

I prefer the mix of both, so yeah I’m kinda inbetween both camps.


Why would caffeine addiction make you a worse person than you already are? :thinking:

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I’m not sure about gogogo culture, sounds more like a gogogo douche.
And it most definitely doesn’t only happen in WoW.
People are people, and these games are played by millions. I’m not sure it’s got much to do with caffeine in particular. You might run into the guy who’s had a drink too many, but gaming by itself can make some people more anxious or cause hypertension. Probably the most important factor is the fact that at the start of the expansion all kinds of players from all play styles are all running roughly the same content. And some of them are douches.
Let’s put it this way, the spread of “gaming fuels” probably isn’t healthy, but I doubt it is a prevalent cause of bad attitude in WoW dungeons.
This doesn’t mean it’s Blizzard’s fault instead. Game design is not mind control, no game dev can (thank the gods) control the culture of a game to that extent. In fact, players often behave in completely unpredictable ways, despite the devs’ best efforts to encourage or discourage those behaviours.


I dont understand this gogogo. Ive run dungeons in this fashion since long prior m+ arrival.

Its never changed. Pulling as much as csn handle is the norm.


It may have started as a way that players engaged with dungeon content, roughly around Wrath era. But Bliz have definitely fostered this approach to dungeoneering and built upon it.
Adding Timers. making all dungeons a similar size and having an expectation that they all should take roughly the smae amount of (not much) time, having a layout with skips and optional mobs / bosses, spammable rewards (such as tokens or Vault options) all congeal into GOGOGO.

Bliz could design a dungeon without skips and similar features that encourage the GOGOGO mentality but they don’t. These wouldn’t even need to be instead of M+ but could co-exist with M+ but as it is M+ is the only show in town.


It seems OP dealt with an incredible selfish, narcissistic Tank dumb as hell.

Skips are useless if the party is wiping.

There’s many good traits a Tank should have one of them is evaluating his party skills. A good Tank will know when to slow down or when to speed up by the damage/healing his party is giving to him.

A idiotic Tank will just rush forward and to hell with others.



“go go go” culture started in Wrath of the Lich King when they made dungeons far more accessible for PuG groups. When Blizzard tried to correct that in Cataclysm with making harder dungeons, it was met with massive community backlash and also millions of unsubs. Now we have simply embraced it with the way M+ is designed (timer).

So really it is Blizzard’s fault, but we are to blame for perpetuating the issue.


So I’ve started tanking for the first time and doing routes a bit quick in preperation to mythics but also because it is -really- hard for me to die and personally i want a challenge. However always in the start I ask if everyone knows the strat and usually the chatbox is completely empty even as I explain something.

I think communication is the biggest issue nowadays in wow. Talk to me and I will slow down or explain. Keep silent and I’ll condifently pull what I know I can survive.

Edit: I forgot to mention what the most obnoxious thing is. It is when other people beside the tank pulls. I wrote earlier that I wanted a challenge but I don’t need an additional challenge from someone who doesn’t know how much I can survive.


Pretty ironic he tells you to touch grass. These type of players who rush through dungeons because they care about getting gear immediately are the biggest virgin nerds who never touched grass haha. You can feel happy inside, because i can guarantee you that guy is a loser in real life :smiley:


It’s not. You see it in most mainstream MMORPGs.

And nah. It’s not related to caffeine. I see it in people I know that don’t consume energy drinks or coffee, and I myself enjoy energy drinks, moderately, yet despise the constant running.

I blame M+ (specifically the timer ) and MDI for this gogogo attitude.


Wouldn’t say its their fault but they didn’t help either.

have you ever heard of drugs mate? that’s how they work for you.

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Getting my tinfoil hat for this one
I think this behavior is not caused by caffeine addiction, I’d rather say that’s due to a couple of reasons:

  • People playing too many hours.
  • People not sleeping a healthy amount of hours, too much sleep or too little.
  • People not having a variety of different activities during their day/week.
  • Different types of conscious or unconscious frustrations caused by their life or the game itself.
    Some players assume that others know what they know and when members of the group don’t have a similar pace that could develop into frustration because of their expectations are not fulfilled.

Personally I think it’s not something that happens in WoW only, you probably notice this behavior more in games because people with different realities and different approaches are in a group together trying to complete the same content.


It is Blizzard’s fault because they’ve made timed M+ runs a requirement for high end pve gear and with it cultivated a sub-community that is speed-driven. To observe this attitude in a normal dungeon that has barely been out a week tells you how those people are conditioned and it’s pathetic.


It has always been like this, even before M+ got in the game. As far as M+ concerend, they actually slowed dungeoning down since it scales up and there are a lot of mechanics you can not cheese by just pulling big and AOE down. You need to have CC and interrupt coordination. Also in normal/heroic dungeons got so much skipped that blizz had to add count to M+ so not that much can be skipped in M+.

You need to praise M+ for making dungeoning fun, instead of this normal/heroic snoozefest. Everything done in those dungeons is not possible in M+.

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people dont like to wait. not blizzard fault.

always been like this:

this video is staged, but still based on reality.


Removing the timer from M+ is like removing enrage timer from raid bosses. You’d end up with silly comps stacking healers or tanks and the rewards would be essentially free.