Is Gogogo culture truly Blizzard´s fault?

I’m not sure this is true, mythic raiding has no timer and the rewards are hardly free. More people might clear a +20, but that just makes +30 the new hard content.


I honestly can’t agree. M+ rather took my fun than granting it. And the toxicity level when an M+ isn’t timed or someone doing the smallest mistake is absolutely cancerous. And now that M+ isn’t active yet, they try to pull off their solo shows in Normal dungeons causing more wipes than necessary. Some people just can’t chill…


Actually, from my PoV it is Blizzard’s fault, while pushing these “open space” dungeons, with multiple ways to get to the same point, with packs of mobs not needed to be cleared.

I am 37, more of an oldschool when it comes to CLEARING everything, or at least everything in direct way. My OCD cries when we need to do sketchy stuff to skip LOADS of packs of mobs.

While the dungeon looks more “alive” with complicated designs and multiple packs and routes, it also creates issues like the one the OP has.
Last time I’ve been engaged in mythic, with pleasure, it was in Legion, since it was fresh, but I never liked the open space design.

During BFA I’ve farmed M+, while puking, only because I was required to do so for the PvP part of the game.

In SL I’ve done only a couple of dungeons, again, being forced to farm the legendary patterns. But I haven’t done 1 M+ the whole duration of SL.


Mythic raiding has a timer, just like any other raiding. It’s called enrage and prevents you from bringing 10 tanks and 10 healers.

It doesn’t have a timer in anything like the same way. I can spend 2 hours wiping to a raid boss and just go again, without having to get the key back to the same level.

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A M+ dungeon is a 30 minute boss fight mate. Without the timer nothing prevents 2 tanks and 3 healers from reaching +20 and getting bis loot. The timer forces you to play the game “properly” as intended.

Wiping a mythic raid boss doesn’t force me to go back and clear HC again in order to pull the mythic raid boss.

If a 20 isn’t timed you have to run the 19, just to get another chance at the 20.

Not the same.

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The thing is. Everything you blame M+ for is not even doable in M+. And the toxicity is very low when you just search a tiny bit better for likeminded people knowing you are going to do challenging difficult hard content.

Nor does an average clear takes 20 mins, progression fights alone can take 3 hours and still no kill in the end. While even if you fail a key but finish it = still counts towards the vault and loot in the end.

Last time I checked, raid bosses didnt go “I see you wiped a lot and wasted already 3 hours, tell you what? I will give you some loot cause you tried to hard”. :rofl:

Dont blame it on players. If game allows content to be rushed players will do it. Its Blizzard responsibility to pace player. This is just symptom of making game more casual friendly aka easy dungeons. Just wait for new seasons then you will have tanks literaly pulling half of instance while rest of group in blues will constantly wipe as powercreep will go insane.

This just price you have to pay for sake of acessability. Like who woud have fought that normal, heroic, mythic 0, myzhic +2 - +15 and above versions will make such mess. Difficulty levels do not belong into mmo games.

You must be kidding. Caffeine is nowehere near

You can say plenty of things about these people but caffeine addiction? Sounds a bit excessive to me.

doesnt finishing content In less hours = Less Play. i mean the point of Doing Dungeons and things faster is to shorten ur day in the game, not length it :stuck_out_tongue: if anything, the people taking their time are the ones putting more hours in at a time really.

you take 15 minutes longer then the fastest group for every dungeon you’ve just put 2 hours In the game More then them. Its people that cant get their stuff done in a few hours who realistically end up putting way too many hours in.

Generally i get all my stuff done pretty quickly and my hours per day decrease.

Yo where did our faces go

Armory is currently bugged, so our character models aren’t rendering.

Younger/better players don’t want to wait for slow players. If you want slow runs you should find friends to play with or make your own groups and specify that. Nobody wants to waste their time for nothing when it can be done much faster.

And no it’s not a blizzard problem, i wouldn’t even call it a problem. People who complain about it made it a problem by not making their own groups with like minded people

Why have I seen it happen in M+ then over and over again? SL Halls of Attonement M+ 16 Tank pulls the entire platform right after start. Heal can’t keep up, dds are overchallenged with cc, group wipes. Release, tank goes on. Pulls the whole yard before first boss. Group wipes again. Tank leaves with the words to the effect of: “Horrible group, l2p.” You think that boy learned something? He’ll do the same thing next dungeon. And since he’s rare spec, he’ll be invited again and again.

But oh forbid a dd forgets to soothe once or has a cd on cc. Your entire family will get verbally dishonoured in return and wishes for your death get loud.

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Yes, so you give exactly the example why it is not doable in M+. This is NOT how you can do M+. Well described.

The problem is this is done like this forever in normal and leveling dungeons. The problem existed since forever. Then M+ got implemented and now people think they can run M+ like they can do in normal leveling dungeons. The problem is the other way around. M+ is not to blame people try to do M+ like leveling dungeons.

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It’s about their behaviour, not what is doable or not. They’re used to running dungeons under pressure. And said pressure turns a lot of M+ players into real jerks to say the least. And those jerks don’t handle disappointment and frustration very well.

I barely ever witnessed a harsh tone in Normal or HC dungeons. Like, ever. Sometimes you have a “kick that guy” cowboy, but most of the time, people are reasonable regarding their behaviour. Not so M+ pugs. And now that they’re forced to wait until the bloodhound cages open again for M+ next week, they spread their annoying attitude in Normal and HC dungeons.

I’m not talking about all M+ players. But plenty sure as hell should work on their manners.

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The behaviour is Normal/heroic and leveling dungeons behaviour. Not M+ behaviour. I have never toxicity in M+.

If a group is running M+ with gogogogo mentality, then then group is doing something and many things wrong.

M+ is not about rush run run go go, it is about not wiping.

Do you understand now why the people intentionally depleting (leaving on pug runs) the key on a wipe?