Is it against the terms of use, to share account?

Family/ playing from the same house, used to be allowed, pretty sure it still is.
My little brother played on my account all the time back in the day, I know a lot of people that did the same. But if someone connects to your account outside of your own house, then it’s getting illegal. Should say so in the ToS if Im not mistaken, pretty sure someone looked this up not to long ago.

That’s preposterous. Nobody is going to get banned just because they play differently depending on the day. If I log on drunk one day nothing bad will happen other than perhaps some poor decision making.

Lets say:

I live at Home.
I Got 3x children at 18 years Old.

Living at Home.

1 pc at the office in the House
1 account, which never is logged off.
That my children swap now and then without log out or in. (They dont know my acc info)

Then i haven’t shared my information.
And they Can play.
Thats not again the tos

It is to share the information.

If you are thinking of sharing an account to reach rank 14 by playing 24h a day just dont do it.

First of all other high pvp players will notice and report you and then it is a matter of time to get banned.

Just play by the rules. I have never done anything fishy during so many years of wow and I neved felt bad for not taking advatage of various exploits and other stuff.

Enjoy the game as it is ment to be done in a fair way. That way, it is more satisfying.

I heard they have rays that can analyse your thought processes, and determine if you actually ‘think differently’.

There’s only one solution.

Yet they completely do not give a huck cause these 24/7 people during leveling phase were reported but never banned.

You can perfectly share account as many others did, its hard to prove, even harder to ban. People do not bother hiding their AH/Vendor bots.

That has never been true, the only people who can play on your account are your children.

Then they all broke the rules.

Google the dude who bought an account with the warglaives.

They determined the player was different, did they use a ray - maybe, whatever tools they have they will find out so just dont do it.

I play behind a VPN. I always use “another network”. No problems there.

You basically answered that question yourself. Nobody can farm honor 24/7 for more, tehn maybe 1 day. So if your account is active for 24/7 lets say for 2 days and more, Blizz knows its not you a knows you share your account :wink:

An account might be online 24/7 because i share it with my sla… kids so yeah.

VPNs don’t always use a single IP. So it looks like it may be another connection. I’m sure people have had accounts locked due to them.

I get it, its just one of those things blizzard can never find out then. Since I’ve never heard about anyone being banned for it. Even heard streamers talk highly about sharing accounts with family members.

Account sharing is prohibited, that’s clear.

Yet there will be players circumventing this rule and getting away with it, I don’t have any doubt about that. If you’re sharing with a friend who lives in a different house and has a different IP, well you’re going to get caught and banned. If you’re playing with your roommate and you’re both skilled players and don’t do crazy stuff like play in shifts to stay online 24/7, chances are very few will get suspicious.

It also depends on other factors. People saying “24 hours a day” probably don’t have much clue about how rank farming took place back in the day. You needed a premade, and that premade had to win. You couldn’t just get Average Joe to play your char “for moar honoar” because premade vs premade was pretty much an Olympic sport at times. Then there were intra-premade relationships and pushing one or another player a certain rank in a given week. It’s a team effort, a little bit like mafia where the rules are set and the Don pulls the strings; anyone who falls out of line gets booted.

Then you have time limits. These premades never played 24/7 – some players would bend the rules of the mafia and try solo AV farming when the premade stopped for the night. Because there weren’t usually enough BGs at night (even with cross-realm BGs) to bother with the queue (as there weren’t enough players), better sleep it off and start fresh in the morning.

Lots of factors that make “far-distance” account sharing almost impossible to be viable. DISCLAIMER: I don’t approve account sharing and I think it’s a dirty practice against those who do it solo. But I’m just saying it’s possible and will probably be used by people living together, provided they are both skilled and know how to behave in the premade mafia.

Even then it’s pretty hard to prove. You might just visit a lot.

I’m playing both from home and from work during my lunch break and never had a problem.

only close family members is ok from what i can remember

A lot of you are totally missing the mark trying to be ‘clever’.
Bliz isnt a soft parent or legal system, this is a hardcore corp. If you cheat and Bliz thinks you might give WOW a bad rep, you WILL get a permaban.

You can legally share your account with your underage children/wards.

Blizard dont have to prove you are breaking the rules. They just have to state that they have believe you did and have investigated you:

Form the TOU:
Blizzard reserves the right to reduce, liquidate, deactivate, suspend or terminate your Blizzard Balance, or other Platform features if Blizzard determines, in its sole discretion, after investigation, that you have violated this Agreement, including the license limitations set forth in Section 1.C., misused Blizzard Balance, or have otherwise used Blizzard Balance to conduct any fraudulent or illegal activity.

No, YOU have missed the point. If Blizzard make a habit of banning people “just in case” their credibility as a company will tank and there will be no coming back from that. If people start to make credible claims that the accounts they have sunk hundreds or thousands of pounds/euros/whatever local currency into are being banned unfairly, the company is finished.

There is no legal requirement for due process, but there is a strong business requirement to err on the side of caution. It hurts Blizzard far less to allow some people to get away with it than it does to start wielding the banhammer without caution.

If I get banned because I have a friend in the next town over and we enjoy LAN parties, I am going to kick up a storm.

Blizzard are never going to ban based on a suspicion. They are going to want to prove it for their own purposes, because they are going to want to know.

I said that Bliz dont have to PROVE you are guilty.
I said Bliz need to believe they have the proof.
Bliz is the judge, not you.

If Bliz allow ‘some people’ to cheat to r14, how do you think the honest players will react?