Is it against the terms of use, to share account?

Hello dudes!

As i recall in vanilla, you basicly HAD to account share with a friend or two. To climb from r13>r14 you last week of farming. Unless you played 24/7… which i mean… will prolly kill you.

So to the question, is it legal to let a friend farm honor for you?

Best regards

It’s against ToS, so no :slight_smile:


No it isn’t, and Blizzard detection is quite good at figuring out when people are sharing account. Not worth risking a perament ban on your account.


It’s strictly against the terms of use.


Also it is something that people have been permanently banned for. So I wouldn’t toy around with that rule. Any technical solution short of your friend living with you is unlikely to hide it as well.

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Even house sharing might not be enough, they can look at your combat styles and determine if its the same person.


Yes it’s legal but it’s against the ToS and you can get banned. The chance of getting banned for account sharing is low but my guess is that it will be pretty high if you account share to get high rank in Classic. Blizzard knows that’s a big deal.

If you use the same internet connection then you might get away with it but if you log on with one internet connection then very soon after use another you may get a suspension or locked.

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It is against tos but don’t let that stop you.

if they play from the same computer, no one is going to know unless your character is online longer than 80 hours nonstop

Blizzard don’t even care if that happens, I have logged on once every hour for a long time and the same character was botting at the AH in Retail. They weren’t banned, they are still there to this day. I reported them often just for nostalgias sake.


Dont think much has changed, but used to be allowed to share with a minor kid that you were parenting, but husband and wife was not allowed to share accounts.

It’s against the terms of service. The solution is to have children and teach them to PVP for you.


It’s also kinda obvious for players who are also farming honor and start noticing if you’re online literally 24/7.
That said I do expect a lot of people, even legitly, going HARD on this as getting R12+ is… Tough.
I say this as someone who got R13 last time around. Solo. 0 Account sharing. It was punishing tho.

Definately should adopt some children and feed them noodles to get my rank up!
Its not child labour after all, its a game… :stuck_out_tongue:


share the account no one will know unless you snitch on each other

I struggle to understand why you would ever share your account

At the end of the day a character becomes an extension of you - do you really need somebody to farm honour for you to attain a reward you didn’t earn yourself?

Nobody - ever - rides my motorcycle but me - I apply that ethos to me wow toons

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And yet people will do it anyway because its the only way.
The real culprit though is Blizzard for introducing such an unhealthy addictive mechanic to the game. Something which was immediately abandoned in the next major patch (expansion).

most people that have played this before stop caring about the character more than means to preform in raids/pvp.

Yeh some rank 14’s did account share, but I remember some who didn’t but they quit their jobs and they used to complain alot to our bg groups about how their whole social life ended and everything suffered and how rank 14 when they got it wasn’t worth it at all. And this was before they nerfed rank 14 in the second half of vanilla, they got it the hard way.

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