Is it late?

I haven’t played for a while, while about 3-4 months. Obviously, I have missed so much.

I was trying to main my tank as its ilvl was somewhat high (ahm 455) but people keep judging and trash-talking that I take wrong routes and etc in the dungeons or that I die fast.

My friend has suggested switching to DPS, as now people expect you to be God Tank.
I like the fantasy of DH and its only DPS class I have atm (ungeared though)

So I was thinking whether it is too late to switch to fresh 120 or keep with my tank and try to be better?

Thank you in advance.

Just download MDT and do some routes and it’s not even a problem.

It is late. You will have to farm cloak for a lot of weeks before you can get ready; and also farm corruptions; and also farm gear. It might take you upwards of 12 weeks to gear an alt properly. But that’s my opinion. It’s hard to get things done right now.

I would, however, if you already have gametime, recommend roleplaying. It might be a whole world of fun, since it’s something with infinite replayability and far different to anything else in WoW.

Never too late, plenty of new Alts doing M+


its never too late imo.

download mdt and plan out routes, practice on some low m+ dungeons first until you got a hang of it.

of course it helps to play a couple of dungeons as dps so you can watch the routes and quirks of more experienced tanks.
alternatively it could also help watching some videos.

you arent the only new person there are plenty of new guys or returner out there.

edit: if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask right away. there are plenty of great tanks here on the forums who, i am sure, are more than willing to help you out with information or otherwise.


Honestly, I do not plan to be world first with all those corruptions and etc. Just casual runs for 10+ keys.

Oh. Then you should be fine. I don’t think that you will have that much difficulty then :slight_smile: just catching up to speed (With where fully geared characters are) is difficult is you miss out for a month or two.

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It’s not to late. With wqs, horrific visions, weekend events you can get geared up quickly.

If you want to keep trying tank i’d recommend you play with someone, who has some more experience, if that’s possible (that’s how I learned the routes pretty fast).

What content where you trying to tank? For mythic+ lower than +10 or hc you could also just queue up in the dungeon finder as dps and then watch what the tank does.

EDIT: Just saw you want to do +10 keys. In that case check out the raider .io websites weekly route and the addons mythic dungeon tools ( it let’s you plan the route and what trash to kill) and mtd guide (an extension for the other tool that allows you to have a small preview window that shows your next pull).

Other then that it’s just practice. It’s intimidating at first, but gets pretty fun once you figured it out.


Dieing fast I could see being bad. Are you maybe overpulling or missing something important?

As for routes I think you are just getting bad groups. Ive saidnits my first time several times and have seen other tanks say the same, everytime my group was helpful in showing where to go. Just make sure you say at the start you are unsure of routes. Some dungeons are fairly obvious but freehold has a bizzare route

Its definitely not too late tho. I came back after being gone since battle for dazar alor. And have this character healing at 463 12+ and heroic. and few 445 -450 alts


What is the tank your are playing?

Oh, thank you


Join a community… don’t subject yourself to the pain of pugging.


At OP try joining

and get the addon

And ask plenty of questions on the forum people are here to help .

Welcome back to the game .Also ignore players who say its “Ez” and “git gud” they are just no use to anyone .

Best idea ^^



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Warrior I will leave the link below

Oh yes, join a community and don’t run any keys at all because they’d rather disband than get a pug healer/tank if none are available in the community. Great communities, I tell you.

And we wonder why there’s a shortage of tanks :confused:

You’re currently missing the legendary cloak and essences on this DH, and that’s a big ol’ grind. If your tank character is in a similar spot, then it makes no real difference, but if it’s got both then personally I’d probably stick with it. You could of course spec it for dps, but then you’ll encounter the savage queues that dps players have to deal with :slight_smile:

Either way, I echo the advice above and suggest joining a community. I’m told Zen Horde is a good place for learning roles without getting leaned on to immediately be amazing :slight_smile:


I mean, sorry you had a bad experience, but there are many communities out there. Some do indeed prefer to not running to including pug players, others will happily use the group finder. It’s just a case of finding the right community for you :slight_smile:


yeah… you need to download some freakin addon to “know the routes” because god forbid you just do a dungeon the normal way

but even if you ignore that, blizzard have made sure you have to grind out that freakin cloak AND essences AND corruption… and even if you do that the worst thing you’ll face are 99% of the toxic dbags you’ll get to meet in pugs

Well sporepod is not that big trinket, the nzoth one would prob be better.

You could use Aegis of the deep minor for more extra versa on aoe packs.

Btw Warrior is a matter of mitigation, so if you are dropping too fast, it makes me think you are maybe not efficient with mitigations/rotating CDs.

As a DK you can ignore people missing kicks, by pooling resources and just shrug it off healing back up yourself.
If people miss kicks on a warrior, you can reflect one, but you will be In an harder spot compared to a dk.

It could be ton of things that makes you drop fast

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