Hello. Zen Horde is a new community sort of inspired by Anna’s Alliance-side idea, but something for us Reds.
For likeminded individuals that enjoy things at a slower, stress-free pace in an open and friendly environment. Aimed at and open to those with little experience or confidence that just want to learn and maybe even make some friends along the way.
If this sounds like your cup of tea (or shot of vodka, we don’t judge) then come join us.
Invitation link (updated):
Alternatively add myself or Hinata on our battletags -
Jaigo: Danny#25265
Hinata: Engineersan#2776
Hope to see you ingame soon. Thank you
The key has expired to me, I think we need to find a better way to keep the link refreshed.
Is it only valid for a finite period of time?
The Community now has 45 members! and is growing
here is to hoping for many more players that want some social aspect back in the game.
Coming along nicely, a friendly group of people forming now
Great idea. Just joined. Thank you!
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We are pleased to have you onboard, we are also near a 100 members mark!
Sounds great, i just joined 
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Almost 200 members!
It’s a cool milestone for the community, and we see people from all different interests just talking or grouping up to do activities and have fun 
Just joined cant wait to do some m+ and bgs with you guys 
Welcome guys.
There’s a lot of friendly people happy to get stuck in with you, or just have a casual natter 
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Anyone after chilled community for running M+ should Join Zen Horde. Running M+ stress free with like minded horde players. Just be chilled too
Enjoy the game!
Hello, all! if anyone wants to join the community feel free to add me via Bnet and I’ll drop you an invite when I’m online 
We have a whooping 350+ members now and a wonderful community 
The link is down due to some reasons until we resolve some stuff.
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Im interested in joining this community. I sent you a friend request - Speak to you soon 
Hello, I would like to join the community if possible.:3
I have so many drums for bloodlust , we can make an orchestra of only drums !
Thanks everybody for making such a wonderful community, we now have over 400 members! and a good news is that we’ve re-opened the invite links!
Is the new link, use it to join the community
or if you prefer a more personal interaction you can add me or jaigo on bnet
Engineersan#2776 ( me )
Danny#25265 ( Jaigo )
If you have any troubles joining you can whisper me in game too for a invite or add my bnet!
We are really becoming a big solid friendly community and it’s awesome! 
My bnet: reigasm#2210
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Hello all, this is a second invite link if the first one didn’t work for you, use this 
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