Is it right to make level 60 the new maximum level in Shadowlands?

I don’t think it is. I don’t think think there was a problem being level 120.


The biggest problem with having level 120 as max is when new players join the game. When they first boot up and see that “Oh i have to level 119 times before I can start endgame and join my friends”, It makes them less likely to do it.

Sure 60 will be faster but even if it took the same time it would feel less for new players making them more likely to commit

That’s my 2 cents on it




no it’s not but you can’t argue with people who can’t count past 100 so they won :slight_smile:


You always try to look smart&edgy in your post, always making 0 sense.

Nice green and grey logs on EP btw.

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Now we will get new ability every level.
Enjoyment of leveling-up will skyrocket.


Well the issue with 120 levels is that it’s proven difficult to distribute talents and abilities. A lot of players (myself included) feel very underwhelmed with obtaining a level when there are no upgrades/new abilities. As of right now, that is how the game is put together. You can go up towards +10 levels before you get something new. This is counting talents and honor talents.

60 levels, it’ll be a lot easier to manage.

Then there’s just the visual part of it. 3-digit level count is massive for new players. Personally, I think it sounds kind of silly as well.


I welcome this change and the new leveling experience that goes with it.

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I depends on the way they do the squish.

If it’s a simple divide by 2.4 then they shouldn’t do it but if they are making it quicker to level to 50 then it’s fine.

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No player is losing anything by the levelsquish. But with fewer levels Blizz could add a system that makes every level feel rewarding. Like talent tree (hopefully).

Right now we have this talents switch thingy with 7? rows where you can choose. Does that feel rewarding? At least for me not. And I think I’m not alone here with this opinion.

Also it’s way easier for new players to get into this game and for player returning after years of absence.

This is a Win for everybody.


On WoWHead it is specified that leveling in SL will be 60/70% faster compared to the current 1-120.

I think they also said during Blizzcon that doing a complete expansion storyline will get you to 50.


Is that just someone speculating or is it Blizzard confirmed?

That’s not coming (thankfully) and if it was a thing they would have announced it at Blizzcon.

It was confirmed at Blizzcon.


Blizz said so themselves.

Anyways, only fear I have is that we will keep having these stat- and ilvl-inflations even though we are squished. Making it feel like a waste.

Plus I fear a little that all the extra scaling this brings. Can’t end up well, or at least buggy for a year.


I never saw any of Blizzcon, as far as I see it Blizzcon is just Blizzard stroking their own ego.

Well, some of the panels were pretty cool but yeah for the most part you can read it all on wowhead, mmochamp like few minutes after the announcements and watch all of the important things on Twitch like the new content or MDI/AWC if that’s your thing. :wink:

Does it matter after all? Its just number… On classic u were king if u had like 600dps in MC, now u got XY K dps and its still low… Its just number, doesnt mean anything to me, if im gona do 30dps and kill boss in same time who cares…


level is just a number which can be manipulated u can make that u can get 1000 levels in 1 day and also that to get 1 level up 20 days , i feal it is more fun if u level up every few minutes and bar moving faster instead of eternity to fill 1 bar

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There are several things wrong with being level 120.

  • due to so many levels and only increasing it’s becoming harder and harder to even keep the majority of levels rewarding.

  • it puts players off entering the game because it looks like such a investment to try catch up in.

  • it looks stupid. Levelling should not be going into the 100s.

It’s silly and blizzard Need to find us a new way of progression. Levelling isn’t a solution anymore. We need something else we can build exp with.

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