Is it right to make level 60 the new maximum level in Shadowlands?

If you’re gonna call someone out on their logs at least post your own tbh

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I for one welcome the level squish, so that I might enjoy leveling alts again.
Going from 1-120 or 20-120 is just… ughhhhh.

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If Blizz makes it right they squish the level to 50 in every expansion afterwards.

This would work fine with the new leveling mechanic. Make 1-10 on the new Island or the old race starting area, make 10-50 in an expansion of your choice, make 50-60 in current expansion.


I really hope they do. :wink:

Given how leveling has so many problems,its the right call.Lore wise given how much was retconed from previous expansion it also makes sense,not only that you dont have to phase/zirodomi the world now(cata like expansion) to keep the story from previous expansions.+ it will be now easier for new players and the first 10 levels will explain them all that.Its the best possible move.

The only thing that now makes no sense is the boost.But lets see how much 1-60 is /played.

How come? it will change to 50 on prepatch which is the equivalent to 120.

Yes it is, I looking forward to not seeing new players to quit at lvl 40ty

If you have the looms+potion+broken events and the leveling from 1-60 is like 12h then having a 60€ boost is pointless.Hence why i said lets see the new /played 1-60.Currently with no boost it takes with dungeon spam+questing up to 2d14h to ding to 1-120.

Not only that at what level do now the allyed races/dk/dh start?

ahh gotcha… my guess is that they will change all the experience gains and maybe even the boost to fit the changes they will do but we’ll see. :smiley:

Boost and heritage armor.

You mean it makes no sense?and when you say that you mean cause of the /played ? just so i have your angle correct.

yes maby if you play a tank or healer, but nah not as dps, it would take to long to get in to the dungeons for it to be that fast, maby if you spam quests only it can be that fast.
as dps what most new players play, not a chance, rember they do not have any looms at start eighter, for old players knowing what to do, it goes faster that is true, but that still regards you playing a tank or healer, or have extream good knowledge on where to level up, most do not have that.

having a cap at lvl 60 I think will be the best thing ever to happen to wow now. will it be buggy at times offcourse it will be, but normaly those bugs are minor and not gamebraking at all, exept when some so called beta testers find bugs and then exploit them lol.


There was a problem being level 120. You had so many levels where you got nothing.

Still might be a bunch of levels you get nothing now depending on how many things they unprune but at least there’s half as many levels total so the average thing per level will go up by a lot.

I think it’s a fantastic change:-

  • Reaching a new level will be meaningful again, it’s not just a big slog to max level, we will gain an ability or a talent or access to something etc. Dinging will be rewarding again
  • Starter areas new or old will run to level 10, then we get to choose one expansion to level through until 50, then go to Shadowlands. Those who don’t want to can still hop all over the place
  • Levelling will be speeded up by approximately 70%
  • Feedback from new players is that it’s very confusing and disjointed levelling in 120 levels so they follow the path of new starter > BfA > Shadowlands on their first character. This is a vast improvement on the current system and gives them a cohesive story to follow straight into the next expansion.

Was trying to understand what you are pointing out.

And lets hope they dont increass it again every expansion +10 levels.They should make it like they do with GW 2.

I know not everyone likes BlizzCons but most of the information we have comes from there :slight_smile:

According to the deep dive panel, leveling from 1-50 in Shadowlands will be around 60-70% faster than it currently is to level from 1-120 in BFA .

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I translate it as: “We’ve given up on fixing levelling, so we’re going to remove it and leave a stub where it used to be. All you forum-dwellers who whined that it was too long can be happy. Anyone who liked it, well, hey, Classic that way ---->”

I’m sad that levelling is gone, but AFAIAC, they killed it when they introduced scaling, so at least it’s getting a decent burial and headstone, I guess.


There are a lot of zones I would like to do again, some I haven’t even finished. I am wondering about zones that need flying and how that’s going to be handled. Not just those zones but flying as a whole thing during the levelling experience.

Also if you can level in any zone, will it be handled like 1-60 zones now, that you can only go to certain zones after you reach a certain level or will it be a real level in any zone scenario from low level.

All we know is that you would level from 10 to 50 in an expansion of your choosing and that they are still discussing about how flying is gonna work there.

My guess is that for old expansions people at 50 would have the ability to buy the ability to fly, that’s just a hunch based on what they said at Blizzcon.