Is it right to make level 60 the new maximum level in Shadowlands?

Here’s a thought. Maybe there’s something in the software/game engine/hardware/whatever that can’t handle a character level above 120 (maybe 128) and would require a major rewrite or upgrade and squishing he levels is a far more economic way of handling it.

Then again, I’m no IT expert and could be talking a load of Kodo poo.

It’s 160-170% of the normal leveling speed?
So it will take ~2 days instead of ~3?

Short answer: it is right.

Read what Blizz says about that change, and truth is, they are right about it!

The thing is.

Thats not what blizzard did. It just looks that way. Let me explain.

First they raise the level cap for Shadowlands to 160.
Then they make sure all new chars start at lvl 100,
100-110 is the new level zone
110-150 is an old expansion worth of awsome leveling content
and then 150-160 is shadowlands.

Then for cosmetic reasons they removed the 1 from 160 and voilla lvl 60 was born.

As a gift to all existing players, all chars of lvl 120 are boosted to 150 with the 1 removed so you look 50.

There you go, no levels are gone it just looks that way

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It has nothing to do with a technical limitation but gameplay.

If the game can handle a number up to 99,999,990,000 which is the maximum gold you can have in coppers and that’s how it stores it too then handling a number so small shouldn’t be a problem at all but just to emphasize the point even more one of the most common data types in software, especially in C++ is signed int and it has the range of at least -2^-31 to 2^31-1 (depends on CPU target) but even an unsigned byte is greater than 130 which can get up to 255.

The problem with having level cap 120 is mostly pertained to new players.

You either make every level take long enough to be impactful and then let the leveling go on for too long, or you make every level short enough for the journey to be a good length, but then every level will be so short that you will barely feel it.

I do not understand your maths so I’m just gonna say, levelling times vary from player to player. Everyone will feel a reduction in how long it takes them. This is a bonus.

It will be approximately 70% faster to level up from 10-50 compared to 1-120 now.


I have to say that increase levelling speed to 170% and making it 170% faster are different. Some people can’t get their head around it.

I don’t understand how ppl are confused. The panel said it will be 70% quicker (ie it will be set to 170 % of what we have now).

This is a great change. Alts are meaningful again and no longer a chore. Each alt can have a different experience to keep things spicy. Alt 1? Cata/vanilla. Alt 2? TbC, 3? Wrath. 4? Cata new. 5? Mop 6? Wod 7? Legion and 8 bfa.
That’s the ability to get 8 chars to new content via 8 totally different paths. That will feel so much less grundy than having 8 chars do exactly the same route, and levelling won’t be a chore, you can enjoy the narrative as you ding as you’ll need the entire expo to hit you’re questing for the story again and not just “what fills my bar quickest”.

As someone who does level different alts I am very pleased with this direction. As well as the squish to make each level meaningful. At current once you hit 80 most of the levels are pointless sans 90 and 100 for talents. The 20 levels post 100 may as well not exist.

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This would hold water … had it not been for that convenient 110 boost you get when buying the game. New players get boosted to current content on their first character, so really they only have to level 10 levels to join the end-game.

Blizzard will squish it to 60 max level, and increase levelling speed by 60-70%, meaning that you can level from 1 to 50 in roughly 20 hours of /played. With heirlooms, levelling is idiotically fast now.

This holds water… hadn’t it been for the fact every player is different. If I’m new to a game I’m not jumping straight into level 110 not knowing anything about the game. I’ll level my first toon to see what the world is like

What you choose to do is up to you. I doubt that new players when given the choice, levels to 110. And when boosting to level 110 you get an introduction to the game and mechanics, and what you don’t learn then you learn between 110 and 120. WoW isn’t exactly a complicated game any more.

Just saying that your “lvl 110 boost” doesn’t fit everyone that is new to the game for their first toon. If you believe that 100% of new players always boost without even trying to level a toon and see the world first I’m not gonna try and change your mind

Doesn’t have to fit everyone, the point being that there is a 110 boost in place, so that the whole argument about discouraging new players doesn’t hold. It’s right there on the shop page that you get a boost to 110 when buying the game.

Ofcourse it still holds if they don’t use it cause they want to see the world.

Boosting a toon to realise oh sh*t i don’t like this class and then have to lvl another one from scratch anyway.

If you’re to blind to see that I’m sorry nobody can save you

Are you incapable of arguing without attacking person? Try it for once.

If they want to see the world they still have that 110 boost lying around, so if they get to any part of the levelling and they find it’s too long to level further, they can use it.

Honestly, you have a 110 boost. Whether you want to spend it when joining or you want to level a few chars first is up to the player. Doesn’t invalidate the fact that there aren’t any discouragement in joining the game because of a daunting level cap, you still have that 110 boost lying around when you want to use it.

That confirms my assumption

Well you seem incapable of seeing another viewpoint than your own when it comes to using a boost to invalidate lvling for new players.
You should try it

Finally when I manage make a friend try WoW , he can go to Legion and level in thoose nice zones, not thoose ugly vanilla zones that burn his eyes out.

Which zones?