Is it too late?

Not too late, you will probably have less dungeon opportunity than if you have started with everyone. But a lot of people reroll, and there still low level dungeon running.
Don’t listen the “never” people and enjoy the game.

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On a PvE server it’s completely fine to join now. You won’t be in the top 10 raid guilds but you can still enjoy all the aspect of the game.
However leveling as alliance on an unbalanced PvP server is simply unplayable.

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Guilds always need new players

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True, but tryhard guilds will only take new members that are BiS with high parse.

For a new player, this is months farming at 60 to get there, if he is lucky with drops. It is much harder to farm pre bis and bis nowadays.

There is way less dungeon runs and there will soon be less MC / Ony pugs to gear up and have a shot in tryhard guilds.

Pretty much truth here.

It’s going to be a lot harder farming pre bis and most guilds want people with pre bis.
Simply due to everyone pretty much having prebis/MC gear already.
Only alts really need that gear now.

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If your going for a pvp server, yes its far too late, you will never max out with all the corpse camping.

If its a pve server, you might have a chance.

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