I’m joining Classic again after a break and have a few characters in the 20-30 range, am I too late? Will the game be dead for me now?
No, why would it be, everything is still fresh and there are new players coming in.
Yes, better wait for next fresh… oh wait. See how flawed that logic is, not even second raid tier is out, how it possibly would be too late.
What are you talking about how could Classic be dead, why would you ask that? There’s plenty of time to enjoy Classic, even after Naxx comes out some players will only start playing then cuz of “who knows what reasons” … maybe some people only started Vanilla at Naxx so to them that is nostalgic to start again then.
Classic has at least another 2yrs minimum but even then, people getting older some who are too young to play now will want to play “the cool game” big bro was playing but didn’t let him play cuz he was too little!
Good games never die.
Never heard of SNES classic or mini or whatever?
No. You are good. BWL will drop soon.
Too late, no.
However, you are most likely condemned to level up with questing and solo grinding, because dungeon groups are almost nonexistent.
Same goes for gearing up once you hit 60.
The phase of dungeons passed long time ago, and you missed it.
But if you are supercasual, and don’t rush to level and raid, it’s more than ok.
Unless you play a meme class like Druid or Hunter or healer, yes it’s to late.
You’ll never find a PvE spot as Mage in a guild (or you’ll never loot any single item for like 6 month because nobody will give you anything since you are new and there’s to much competition for theses spot).
Ranking ? If you play Alliance, it’s dead. You’ll never find a premade to rank since they all want geared players, you are to far away from them. Horde, you can rank, since it’s mostly solo.
It’s not to late if you have no high ambition. In this case, you can enjoy the game, even if you are not high rank and doing PvE raids.
Maybe you should try Retail 8.3, it come next week, there’s better mechanic catchup ?
Found out that 2/3 of these “Never never never” statements are false.
As long as you are not the competitive type for pvp or pve, no you are fine.
It is too late to build your server rep and join tryhard guilds though. But you are better avoiding them, trust me I know
well that’s entirely up to you and what you want from this game.
in the LFG channel whilst the majority is for end game dungeons; I see all level ranges spamming for dungeon groups still. all zones have players in questing and what not. yes the massive tide of players from the start, like when any server opens has gone but that was naturally a one time thing.
I’m not one for alts as I enjoy having a single main toon conquer everything but I have recently started an alt and the low lvl world still feels good to me regarding the quantity of other players. (Razorgore)
It’s never too late! As for the people saying people running low dungeons are dead, whenever I log into my druid (36) or pally (20) I get people whispering Ifni wanna tank or heal their dungeons and when I’ve formed dungeons it’s taken maybe 15 min and that’s a medium pop server (judgement) but that will depend on what class you choose. I do see people struggling for mid 40s - mid 50’s dungeons but get yourself into a friendly guild and it’ll be fine
It’s never too late to join a good guild.
If you have what it takes and you stand out there’s always a spot.
The higher you climb on the ladder, the more competitive a raid spot is.
On topic: get grinding mate, it’s never too late.
Wondering how a new player would be able to equip himself pre bis for MC
Yes, unless you dont care about gearing up. You will probably have to pay for drops. Classic WoW is that sort of cancer.
There will always be people who join the fun later seeing that Classic is a big hit, and a huge success, so just form a Guild with these players and you are set, just like those who did at the start of Classic, this is an MMORPG so join a Guild or Create one for new starters and have fun! ^.^
Basic notification. Let’s fight against the under employed crew managing the incorrect Warden.
And you still keep spamming your nonsense about getting silenced, ohh the irony!
Literally one of the main problems with classic is that…
You can’t catch up without doing these dungeons, but you can’t do these dungeons as nobody wants to do them as there’s no point in doing them once you’ve got MC/pre bis gear already.
I really look forward when it got deleted with rest of Thread.