Is it true that during Pre-Patch game will be almost unplayable?

I’ve heard rumours that if you manage to kill a zombie, it drops a very small violin for you to play whilst you’re on the forums complaining about temporary content. :thinking:

yep and they turned it off very fast

same will be now. after people will bi…thc that game is unplayable they will likely end the event

personally speaking I’m loving it on the PTR. I can finally get back to my true faction and crush any living insect in my sight and force them to join us.




Easy way to reduce the difficulty while keeping the ‘overwhelming odds’ feeling…

  1. have the argent healers give out special kits ‘Argent Dawn Triage Kit’ which have unlimited usage on players while event lasts. players can use this as a daily quest perhaps… Cure 20 players of infection to get a reward. It would allow non maxed characters a way to feel like they took part in the event.
    It would also allow the player base a way to make more of the event content by themselves.

2) scale the zombies down to the players.

Personally I would prefer both, but I really would like a way for players to cure.
As a healer, it burns my bacon that I can’t purify players who want me to. I can’t perform my function as a priest!
If my spells can’t, for goram sake, at least let me use a special kit from the Argents!

I want to feel/be USEFULL, NOT ZOMBIE FODDER lol.


This prepatch will be awesome :rofl::rofl:

Someone on PTR last night was saying that they had fixed the scaling for NPC zombies, but not player zombies. I don’t know myself; l wasn’t wasting time hanging around.

You have hit on the main problem, though. You can’t be USEFUL during the event. You can’t repel zombies, build barricades, decurse, nothing. No way to fight back.

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Death to the Scourge! And Death to the living!

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Its OK ill let you off

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You are minoriry so nothing lost. Anyone quiting game over event have some serious issues.


From what I understand, if you stay in BfA content then it won’t even affect you.


people were saying Boralus was infected yesterday or day befor tho.

I loved wrath pre event and to this day i cant understand that whining that it produced considering the event lasted few weeks and it was over decade ago.

I wish we would have more events like this that would break the routines and stir the pot a little bit from time to time.

Sadly that’s true i truly hated whiners that ruined the event back in the day because their precious AH afk time was interrupted or they could not level their 47th alt because some zombies.


I’ve been testing the event since last night until now.
From what I can tell there are a few issues that might be changed or fixed. Some already seem to be fixed.

As mentioned the npc scaling was crazy last night. This was changed.
going through portals whilst infectedalso doesn’t work anymore, it removes the infection.
One other big problem, I’d say probably biggest problem are the instantly respawning mobs. They cause use lag creating zergs in small areas. Most notably the stormwind harbour.
Throughtout the day people have been fighting each other. One side ghouls one side the living. It’s been fairly balanced actually.

Most complainers don’t seem to realize that there are target dummies in boralus, which is safe from the invasions as travelling there in any way removes the debuff and ghoul effect.
The same for outland and WoD.
The dalaran hearthstone still worked whilst infected, I haven’t tried it since. If it’s changed it would mean that the broken isles are safe aswell.

So basically the only dangerous place is stormwind really since their harbour is inside of the city and has instant respawns.
The quests can be done without much interruption.
All in all I believe it is currently pretty balanced. Just a bit laggy.

Side note: The harbour was added in the wotlk pre-patch. And now it’s the section of the city that’s been hit the hardest.
Coincidence? I think not!


How does the plague even reach the broken isles? Is there a spawn point there? How about pandaria?

Also outland and draenor should be safe.

Huh, neat.

You could hearthstone to dalaran with the legion hearthstone whilst keeping the infection. Then use the ghouls speed boost and jump of towards aszuna. After a short swim you could go on a rampage.
I massacred the entirety of suramar.
Especially the city was easy. everyone was so close together, many nice tasty brains


Based on the PTR, it will get bad.
I am not looking forward to it.

They reigned it back after it destroyed everything and everyone. It is possible to actually test some stuff, but you can expect pockets of places where you can’t be left in peace. The dummies on Stormwind, for example.

If you don’t need the catch up gear on your alts, it will probably save you headaches if you just skip it.

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I’ve already got my list of targets.

Quest givers.
Flight masters.

Not necessarily in order of priority.

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Baddawg :angry: