Is it true that during Pre-Patch game will be almost unplayable?

I won’t leave my garrison.

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imagine someone just starting and cant get out of the starting zone uninstalls because game is too hard…

This was my thought as well. Hopefully they learnt from the WotLK pre patch event and will do something a little different this time.

Simple solution? Make this event happen every 3 hours!

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I think that’s what they did yesterday.

After a little movement on one of my Max chars, got kicked over n over trying to get back to org (log to char, see char on flying mount, watch windows circle spin for moment, get kicked to log in, loose mouse pointer on last kick)
I swapped to my new trial dwarf mage (stuck at rescuing fellow dwarf mage in new start zone the night before)
Managed to finish the start area this time and headed out to stormwind.
No actual attacks :open_mouth:
I pottered about doing the start up (visit stable, buy training, get free mount! Whee! get to inn and so on) and was off to the docks where it wanted to send me auto to BFA.

Rather than do that, I sat for 30mins or so reading chat. Then we got the SERVER SHUTDOWN IN 15:00 which jumped 10mins to SHUTDOWN IN 5:00 after 1 second lol. Chat went spare so I gave up, forum lurked for a bit, an hour or so later tried it again but my high lvl hordie still kicks me out at org
At least its just ptr and I could just delete the char and recopy it. Can’t do that if it was going nuts like this on live.

do you need to buy Shadowlands to play the event?

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Nope. Available to everyone like all prepatch events.


No, Blizzard are an equal opportunities organization so we all have to suffer.


These events are not permanently on like on PTR, nor do they happen in every city at the same time either

PTR is scaled up to being 24 hours long so yes zombies are making it further

But the live variant won’t be like PTR. They are stress testing the event and gauging player reaction before live.


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