Is it worth buying dragonflight?

Salutations everyone, i have been playing for a bit again after my long time away seen a lot of new things. But i am wondering is it worth buying dragonflight?

Because i do not see any new things that truly excite me anymore… or should i just wait for my game time to expire and stay gone again…


Then you don’t pre-purchase.
It is still in Alpha and barely anything got shown except Stone dudes, evoker and talent trees.

I am waiting myself untill more information is known.


I have not pre purchased it yet i am also still waiting for more information and hoping to get some here😁


No, it’s in Beta and it’s also on the PTR.


Oops, you are correct.
But still not quite alot known :person_shrugging:

But I already expected a prety empty Xpack since they announced no Legendaries, Borrowed powers etc…

Reputation farm is the new end-game… Yey…

It looks promising, its removed alot of the things people have had issues with, DF pvp gearing looks to be improving, proffessions returning as a meaningful way of progression with long term goals.

Borrowed power has gone, a promise to develope content for the players and not WF race after SLs raid shinanigians.

Talent trees look to be improving and player feedback acted on (even if abit slow, although we know class devs did resign so it was bound to be slower in development)


Looking to be promising isnt always the indication a pre purchase is worthwhile, if your adament your going to play the game then sure no harm done.

If ur on the boarder of quitting the game or looking to move games, dont prepurchase.


Get it mid-end expansion. Otherwise it’s waste of time. All your grind will become pointless after each big patch. Especially if you play casually.


If you’re not excited by anything you see then I’d hold off buying it.

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Let’s be honest here we already have had a lot of content and lore around dragons through the years… now we suddenly go to their home island… to do what level through zones again with the same kill x of this and gather y of that quests in a scripted way we have had over the last few years… to then go back to doing m+, raids or pvp… sorry that just does not sound appealing unless they give it some new spark some new innovative drive that makes it interesting again


what you expect anyways?

df has the same more or less aa other expacs.
dungeons raids some revamps of whatever and major unbalnced classes

if you dont like that, guess you never liked wow or have grown out of it.

whatevsr you do, dont pre purchase. now it is so to just buy online for instant access that there is absolutely 0 value for prepurchase.

but lets guess that they will sell you prepurchase evoker for prepatch anyways if they need to boost sales.

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That is pretty much WoW yes. Level, gear, rinse repeat through tiers. With some new elements relevant to the expansion.


That means you might aswell never play any MMORPG ever.
What a pointless comment to make…


And so far behind in everything else ur going to spend ages trying to cstch up just to participate.

:person_shrugging::person_shrugging: not to mention the things u lose season to season these days.

no, pirate it


Maybe wait until the game is actually out to make that decision?

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From my beta adventures
Yes it is worth to buy it
you will be surprised how much they wanted people to come back
because they put in lot of best of from older expansions
you can feel it in the world
and dragonriding is awesome too

But do not buy it right now let them suffer :smiley:


Yeah right as if my 45 or 50€ is going to make any difference of hurting their wallet… thats like a little pee to them

:smiley: ok bruh

But if everyone does, then it does hurt their wallets. Divided, you will not win

Not that I’m particularly advocating that in this case. I have beta access and so far I like what I see, but still haven’t pre-purchased yet after Shadowlands - will wait until pre-patch is close before doing it, but so far I have every intention of doing so

Well for me i am still undecided maybe i will just play until my game time is up and leave again…but maybe if it sounds interesting enough i might buy it when its already released but 1 thing is 100% sure for me i am not going to pre purchase it…