Is it wrong to not be competitive?


I started recently playing Classic Wow and I intend to play protection paladin exclusively in pvp. (I do not enjoy dungeons so much). All of my friends jumped and said Are you crazy, you must play retri or better another class, you will be dead weight to your team, etc. The next hot topic was that the engineer profession is a must have for pvp, but I am feeling like mining + blacksmithing. Is it true that my team will hate for having me in BG or there is a glitter of hope for the idea of protection paladin with blacksmithing. I just love everything about the class, the spec and the profession, but everyone tell me that it is very bad idea, so I thought I will like to hear your opinion. Sorry for the stupid question and thanks beforehand for the answers!

My opinion is that you should have fun playing and doing what you want. If your aim is not to be competitive, but to have fun.

Why care about other people’s opinions at that point? I like to freeze people in popsicles as mage that is why I play Frost Mage since Day 1. Even when they get nerfed, even when they get buffed. I weather the storm, literally.


No do your thing, the best thing about classic is it allows for experimentation with specs and builds.

Are you going to be optimal? Probably not

Are you going to be viable? More than likely

Are you going to have more fun playing the spec and build you enjoy the most instead of the cookie cutter guide version? Hell yes

You go and be the best PvP prot pala out there, if anyone’s hating on it who cares


The old joke, back in Vanilla, about Prot Paladins in BGs used to be: “Nobody will be able to kill you, but you won’t be able to kill anyone else in return.”

Probably not as true today, given people are generally more skilled, but you will definitely be expected to buff, and you may find that friendly players use you as a kind of meat shield to hide behind.


Prot paladin is great in PVP if you know your class and how to play. Get a beefy 2H weapon like MoM or Dark Edge and spec into reckoning and 1 shot people with rek bombs. Make sure to heal your team, dispel team and give them blessing of freedom and your team will love you. If you want to just run in and no support your team reroll warrior.

You should probably go engineering for grenades though. Blacksmithing is a pretty useless profession. Just level an alt to level 35 if you want to go blacksmithing and you can learn everything you need on a level 35 alt with maxed blacksmithing anyways and then send the items to your other characters via in game mail.

Also if youre leveling 100% go gnomish engineering as you can hammer of justice and gnomish death ray players to 1 shot them

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