Is killing 98-110 toons doing legion assaults griefing as 120?

It’s a guilty pleasure, I try to hit them abit without killing them, then just follow them and leave, when they get that sense of security and hope I snuff it.

Real response :smiley:

There is nothing wrong with killing passerby low level players even thou it’s a bit of a lame thing to do, this is still a role play game and some ppl just like to get into the game, it’s called world of WARcraft for a reason you know!

However hunting them and camping them is abit too much, however even still some one could just be role playing the " badass " or " Evil " or " victory or death " or " Purge the savages " or whatever mood they are in, that’s why they joined warmode and being angry at them even thou understandable is not really a good reaction, just call in for some high leveled players and repel them, job’s done.

Oh noes, im dying in a video game ):

Are you seriously complaining about this? How come people have so thin skin these days? You’ve got a straight up choice: huge XP and reward boost for a chance of being ganked or playing a non-pvp breeze-through world like nothing else exists basic gameplay.
It’s literally retarded to call things like these “griefing”. GROW A THICKER SKIN.

I think you have to remember a lot of people come from PvE servers who can now WM, they aren’t used to the conditions of levelling in a PvP environment.

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When i level an alt through Legion and i get ganked by a lvl 104 and his pet 120 i like to bring my main and camp them for a few minutes.

Neither are people from ‘PvP servers’.

I started on one, I don’t think I’ll ever forget it :smiley:

I made my Alliance on Frostmane and Horde on Kazzak. It wasn’t for the world PvP, it was for the lack of World PvP!

How quickly people forget that’s how PvP servers really worked.

I started on Dunemaul which was fairly balanced at the time. Being killed while levelling, or doing dailies was common. So was being camped.

I hated it. I moved away to PvE servers and lived in bliss until WM came around dangling the 10% AP (and other resources) buff and I am right back in it again. And ofc I level all my Allies in it for that fat 30% XP boost. I still sigh every time someone at max level decides to one shot me in a levelling area, but it’s expected.

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