Is Mage going to be any good in PvP at any point in Season of Discovery?

It’s been half a year and Mage still does zero damage compared to every other class. Hunters and Rogues do 1400 criticals every GCD, what’s the deal with the Mage class? The runes we received have been a complete JOKE compared to every other class. Look at this picture, a Hunter uses an instant ability and does 2000 damage, while a Mage casts for 3 seconds and does a pitiful 1.2K. Hell even a Hunter Autoshot does more damage than 2 Mage spells that take 3 seconds to cast total. What the hell is this balancing?

ht tps://


It would be nice to get some QOL changes, my main issue atm is survivability due to how lethal everyone else is.

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It’s karma for being so dominant in pvp for so long


This is such a BS argument. Hunters were great in Classic PVP too and they’ve been absolutely busted the entirety of SoD.

First Phase their pets could solokill people, second phase they could oneshot any melee as Raptor Strike spec, now in the third phase they can do 3K damage in a GCD.


Dude chill i was joking.

(i meant that mage have been broken in classic for ages, so them being bad for once is funny).

mage is dogwater in PvP now. Everyone else has too much utility one blink and a nova is nothing anymore.

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Seriously Fox/Korikasai/Missbehave should honestly just shut it, literal trolls with no clue what the game is based around.

WoW Classic cannot exist without PvP nor PvE. People will always complain about anything to begin with. And that is literally normal.

PvP has been a dumpster fire since P2, and it is still burning until issues have been properly addressed without any foolery on the nerfs nor buffs.
Shaman needs to be fixed, Hunters need to be nerfed in terms of aoe traps, AV needs to be fixed and Paladins need buffs.


Yes it can
If the devs removed all PvP tomorrow, 5% of the playerbase would leave, 15% would be unhappy but still stay, the rest would not care. Normies do not do PvP

Mage is aboslutely no fun, you die to collateral damage from Explosive Traps that do the same critical damage as one of my 3 second cast Frostfire Bolts. Or a Multishot followed by a autoshoot doing 70% of my hp. Reduce the pvp damage inv pvp like you did in WSG for phase 1.

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You are so clueless and your posts scream it.
Your prediction is not even remotely true, a good chunk of the player base does PvP on a regular basis, and with chunk I mean up to 60% of the player base.

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I have literally done surveys of people on Lone Wolf, asking them “How much is the % of your game time that you spend PvPing for the sake of PvPing” and 80% people say “Idk less than 1% maybe”

basically 4 out of 5 people on your survey does not reflect the entirety server nor does it reflect the region.

join a discord and count that.

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I surveyed ~40, that’s a decent sample
Note that those were all on a PvP realm, meaning they were more PvP-leaning on average, so the real numbers are even worse

You surveyed 40… out of 5k characters/players on LW.
That’s 0.8% of the entire server, even less if more players. This isn’t representable at all.

That’s not how statistics work
You take a random sample of the population and extrapolate the results onto the entirety

You absolutely do not that with statistics. That survey is specific for those people who you asked, it does not reflect onto the entirety of LW, other servers or regions. It reflects onto the people who you asked. Plain and simple.

If I were to take my 36 AV games and check the WR, it looks like this:
14 Wins = 39%
22 Losses = 61%
36 Total games = 100%
Does my 39% WR even come close to comparision to other players? No. There are factors like at what time you queue as/team comps etc.
Other players might have a better or worse WR than I do, this is my own WR which is not comparable at all with others.

  • If we assume that the sample was random then it does reflect the entirety of LW, that’s exactly the point
  • LW does indeed not reflect other servers. It’s more PvP - leaning, so the results for an average server would be even more PvE - dominant
  • We are also making the assumption that people’s taste does not differ too much from region to region, because there is no apparent reason for it

If people didn’t enjoy pvp they wouldn’t be on pvp servers

There are ~10 reasons why people roll on PvP servers, it’s a complicated matter, most players who rolled on a PvP realm did so not with the intention to do WPvP

Also PvP servers are dying right now, everyone is crying for free or even paid transfer to escape

you know that orb and finger of frost is a nice combo to play instant casts? and its so broken taht it procs non stop.
And u just spam ice lances for 1k+ and instant the frostfire spell dont remember the name.
Also having block blinks roots heal unlimited resets with 30sec poly etc.
Trust me its a strong class.

Yea ppl enjoy wpvp its true i do too, but what is happening in living flame atm is griefing :stuck_out_tongue: raids or groups outside dungeons or raids killing ppl who just want to pve atm , do a dungeon or a raid peacefully or even a quest.
Dont forget what was happening also previous phase with incursions gankfest of lowbies who were just trying to lvl up for HOURS this community is full of psychos haha