Is Mage going to be any good in PvP at any point in Season of Discovery?

What instant casts? The Ice Lance that does 500 damage while a hunter does 2500?

Mage doesn’t do even HALF the instant damage other classes do.

Also having block blinks roots heal unlimited resets with 30sec poly etc.

Unlimited resets don’t exist in world pvp or battlegrounds where anyone can walk in on you. Blink was good in Classic but close to useless in SoD where Warrior has 3 gap closers, Rogue has 2 vanishes and shadowstep and Hunter just oneshots you.

And u just spam ice lances for 1k

Show me a picture of ice lance doing 1k damage. And even if it did that’s less than a hunter Auto.

You need to read some guides or smth if you cant figure it out yourself.
Finger of frost + orb + frostfire bolt + Brain freeze.
You hard cast nothing. you just spam instants and crit for 1.5k and 2ks.
You can also take living flame also instant.

looks like you havent heared of displacement :stuck_out_tongue:

You need to stop making bs up.


FFB isn’t instant. Brain Freeze means you have no heal. And even if those 2 things procced a Hunter still does more damage with an auto.

You’re not critting 2k with anything in PvP lmao. You’re not a Hunter. You don’t do 2K damage with anything except Arcane Surge.

Displacement and Blink are on the GCD. Shadowstep isn’t. And you can’t displacement while stunned.

ok i get it u are a troll :stuck_out_tongue: nvm i am out of here LOL

You’re the one dreaming 2k instants my dude. I showed you a picture in the OP of Fire Blast critting for 700 but that’s what Trolls do, they deny reality.


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If u had a brain taht could think i meant with brain freeze proc which is procing non stop on frozen orb.
But nvm kind sir sorry for bothering you.

yea you are 100% :smiley:

The irony.

The frozen orb that any class can just move out of, which has a 1 minute cooldown?

And even if Frozen orb procced Brain Freeze constantly a Hunter would still do twice your damage with instants.

It’s funny how you talk about classes you don’t play, get told how it works by players actually playing the classes you talk about, and then deny everything you’re being told because it somehow doesn’t fit your superficial understanding.


You still here man child crying? time to grow up dont you think?
no skill classic andies who just crying, the most toxic and brain dead community ever.
there is no salvation for you lol.

Guess that hit a nerve lol.

hehe you wish

OK cool but Mages still need love

Bump in 10char, Blizzard where you at

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If you think mage has no damage you are trolling.

What mage lacks is mana regain and survivability. Physical damage mitigation is too low.
They do need some love in these two areas.

I agree with that, although their damage are tied to fairly long casts (ffb, balefire bolt) or RNG (proc pyro), overheat does help a lot in setting up a instant pyro. But mana and survivability are certainly the main issue of the class atm.

True, problem I feel is that they take way too much damage before they are able to get anything setup (if its not an RNG proc). If they had more mitigation they´d be able to cast - right now you kind of get 2-3 shot within your cast.

And Hunters being strong this phase is suicidal for mages, they have very little physical mitigation/health. Hunter damage is quite high - and its extremly fast.

I linked you a picture in the OP showing how a Hunter auto does more damage than a 3 second mage cast. Come here with proof not some opinions you pulled out of your :poop:

You linked a picture with out showing any gear, and you are comparing fireblast with chimera - troll detected. Im out.

-edit why autoshots or melee swings hit mages extremly hard is due to them not having much of any mitigation towards that.

I’ve recently been playing a spec that is Brain Freeze / Fingers of Frost / Ice lance / Frozen orb / Displacement / Deep freeze / living flame and have had success with it now. It has a lot of utility, survival and control and the burst with frozen orb up is big.

It’s 2 in arcane for lower resistance, 10 into fire for impact / ignite then deep frost, missing out winters chill & reduce cast time on frostbolt. I’d recommend!

Rank 10 this week, it’s been a journey.

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