Is Mage going to be any good in PvP at any point in Season of Discovery?

paladins outside in the rain

C’mon Blizz buff mage

my mage buddy said they mega buffed arcane.

he is pulling decent numbers when we go dungeoneering.

Mage is fine in PvE, in PvP it’s a sad joke

can’t speak to that.
haven’t done any pvp since phase 3.

been busy doing the pve stuff.

Mages is the only class that makes a no match for my hunter. Only way for a fire mage to win is to sheep , combustion , make a crit + fire shot crit + pyroblast. It can kill anyone in 2 GCD. But a lot of people will get fire resistance gear now so it will be harder.

Then frost mage is too breakable and lacks something. Maybe some speed boost after a blink.

Mages have always for sure been easy to kill especially for a hunter if the hunter is engaging. But it is supposed to beat a war or a sham

tbf if mage with frost shield, ice block, sheep, double blink, heals, and counterspell does any more damage than they do they would be worse than shamans. you are able to do enough damage under your utility if you use it properly.

Anyone can list a bunch of abilities and make it look like a class has a lot of tools. The fact is Mage has trash instant damage while classes like Hunter do 3-4 times more damage with theirs. And Double Blink is useless against a caster ( it’s not a real double blink anyway ).

Shadow Priests and Warlocks can also kill you just using instants, too. There’s no counterplay when someone does more dps with instants than you do hardcasting.

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Hunter i can understand you moaning about as a mage, but most other classes you have the tool kit to freeze in place run or blink away and frostfire bolt them to death, the amount of mages that i have come up against and you Litterally cannot catch them, yes it does not much instant damage, and it may take you longer to kill people but you are able to kill people easily by kiting

What are you on about, Warlocks can just run down any mage in demon form spamming instants, Priest can literally faceroll and win.

The only class Mage does well against in SOD are Warrior Paladin and maybe Rogue. And even Warrior has 3 gap closers now.

according to big brain hunter in other thread, mage hard counters warlock kekw.

apparently “ziqo said so” so it must be true.

he didn’t provide link or proof btw.

Oh so he’s a troll good to know

he is indeed literally a troll hunter.

I’m still waiting to get proper gear on my mage but so far as a paladin I have no issue against mage. If there’s no one around to dispell me they can’t do much unless they open on me from 30+ yards and I’m targeting someone else. Mages have a good toolkit but they are too squishy to use it.
Even warriors 2 tap me on an intercept stun. Same for rogues, even if I nova them right after they shadowstep by the time I duckwalk away from their melee range I can loose 2/3 of my hp bar.
Mage used to be squishy and it should remain so but with the multiple damage buffs every class has received, your only way to perform is in group combat where you can hide between your healers and the melee. And even then you gotta hope a hunter hasn’t spotted you or all you’ll be able to do is run behind a wall.

I tried a build with less burst but more support, like the advanced remove curse to dispell magic and the chronostatic preservation. It’s a big help when weaving in and out of fights without having to rely too much on Ice Block but the mana cost is impossible. I was duelling a shaman elem and through dispelling flame shock and interrupting his lava burst the fight lasted around a minute. After a minute I was completely oom, while the sham was over 50% mana though he kept on spamming as many instant and casts as I was.

And for that I’m not asking to nerf shamans but to make it so mages may be allowed to keep playing the game even after a minute of fight. It’s so frustrating to extract yourself from a tricky spot and as you feel that you can turn the tide, realise you’re actually oom and can simply wait to die. To top it water is so underperforming when it comes to refilling our mana bars. It takes more than 30 sec to fill it entirely. I keep leveling my mage through every phase in the hope that he’s going to be more fun to play with - and there is a huge potential in the runes we’ve got atm - but the mana/survivability issue is really painful.

Mage is the only class in SoD with a mana bar. It’s insane how bad it is.

I’ve had duels where I used mana gem and evocation and still went OOM before the opponent did.

Paladin suffers from mana starvation too but at least they have a rune that gives mana if you sacrifice half of your healing power. It’s not great in PvP as you need as smuch sustain as possible but at least in teamfight with healers you can choose it to keep fighting with your whole arsenal.

Mage goes OOM before other classes lose their HP, it’s so bad.

Yeah wtf buff mages

Mages need buffs

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Mages need buffs